New grips, help!

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Jul 13, 2008
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Hello, I just got my second pair of grips, buckle grips. I haven't tried them out on the bars a lot. My problem is, one of the finger holes is too big, and the other one I got to fit right. When I jump to grab the bar the one finger slips out. I've heard of sticking pit foam in, but I'm not sure if that will work. Help?
If you take 1in tape and rip it in half so it is half inch you can wrap it around the hole.


Repeat step 3 for as many fingers as necessary.
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I swear by the pit foam method. I hate taping my fingers because my grips slide more.
We use a rubber band. What you do is you wrap it once around your fingers, then put the finger hole of your grips on, and wrap it around both your grips and fingers once. I really didn't explain that well, but if anyone else knows what I'm talking about, I'm sure they could explain it better.:o
We use a rubber band. What you do is you wrap it once around your fingers, then put the finger hole of your grips on, and wrap it around both your grips and fingers once. I really didn't explain that well, but if anyone else knows what I'm talking about, I'm sure they could explain it better.:o

i know exactly what you're talking about. I'll try to explain as well...take your fingers out of the grip holes. then put the rubber band on your fingers, not twisted or anything then twist into figure 8, put grip on and put the "top part of the 8" over you grips so you have half the rubber band in front of and behind grips.. this work so well and is so much easier to explain in person. lol!

Also for the tape we put tape in the middle of the finger holes so then it seems more even. Personal preference i guess.
Different Rubber Band Method

I have my girls use a rubber band method that doesn't have to be redone every time you put your grips on. Put the rubber band through one finger hole. Loop the other end through the other finger hole and back through itself so that the rubber band is dangling down the back of your grip. Put your fingers in the holes. Loop the dangling part of the rubber band around the wrist strap and buckle the strap. If done correctly, the rubber band should be stretched down the back of your hand. Try all the methods and use the one that feels best for you!

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