New Rules - Level 8

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No to a 1/2 pirouette for L7 on bars-that is a C and not allowed. They can clear hip to hs however- which is an allowable C for L7.
A 1/2 pirouette has been a C on bars for at least 5 years, probably more. It is still allowed in L7!!!
Yeah, I've always found it curious that's been one of the allowable Cs. It's not like anyone does it. Seriously, I don't think I've ever seen it. Well, maybe a handful of times. But anyway, I can see the obvious point of allowing the C circling skills but the 1/2 pir always seemed kind of random to me.
I think it has to do with the possibility of casting over and not wanting to punish a gymnast who thinks quickly, flips her hands around, and tries to cover it up. Same thing goes with the clear hip 1/2.

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