Parents New to Board...Hello Region 5

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Proud Parent
Sep 24, 2014
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By board I meant to the Message Board not the Trustee Board. However I am rather trustworthy.

This seems to be a nice little place to get some good information from parents with children in gymnastics. My daughter is just beginning her team based gymnastics competitive program. We are in Region 5 and live in Indiana.

Just kind of getting used to all this gymnastics stuff.
Hello and welcome. I am relatively new to the competitive gymnastics thing as well. Good luck to your DD!
Hello and welcome :) We are a Region 5 family too. We live in Indiana, but travel to Illinois for gymnastics.
Thanks for all the Welcomes. I am glad I stumbled upon this site. It should be a good year. Our first meet of the year is coming up in October.

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