After reading all responses I guess I understand why we are at the Y. We have gone back and forth and all around with the decision, but for now and for her this is the best place for her. When she was young I resisted her only doing gymnastics. I wanted her to experience the other sports and team atmospheres. I told myself that as she got older she could decide. Secretly I did not want her to lose the flexibility to play a school sport in high school, but I realized if she chose that path, at that point it would be hers to choose - I just didn't want to make that decision for her at a young age. Mainly it has to do with her older brothers who played soccer through tout middle and high school (one now D1 player and other may follow same path). It was such a great high school experience for the, that I could lt imagine her not following that path. At this point it could go either way, but she played field hockey and track for middle school. Not sure what she will decide for higschool.
so I have mixed thoughts on that rule. I get it, but I don't. Not every level 8 9 or 10 is destined for elitE or college gymnastics. My daughter has friends at private gyms who are level 8s and out of the 4 or 5 only 1 seems even interested in college and making it to level 10. The others? They do dabble in school sports and activities, and in their case very wisely. Part of me thinks that the girl who really really wants to strive for collegiate or elite already knows the dedication to their sport that is needed, so chances are the greater percentage of them are not going to play soccer for school. But the others may either not be interested, not be interested in what it will take to get there, but they want to do the best they can at gymnastics too. Will they naturally Peter out at level 8? Perhaps they will and there is nothing wrong with that - but if a gymnast can progress to level 9 or 10 and play a school sport - I would encourage that girl (if she was my daughter) to fine a gym that will work with her.
I guess this is why there is a different path for everyone, and it.s good that there are gyms around to accommodate different paths.