Here is the young people's take on why Obama got our support. From me and my friend who is a political science major at Yale:
He said that Obama's campaign did a GREAT job reaching out to young people. They were able to connect with Obama and with other Obama supporters using facebook and myspace and other hip cool ways. Because they able to meet up with other people who shared similar beliefs and was able to attend campaign activities, the young generation felt much more connected to the campaign and much more part of the process then they had in the past. Several of my friends even gave money to the campaign and volunteered to help make phone calls and knock on doors once they saw that all they had to do was click some links on myspace and meet up with other people who want to help out too. Everyone was so touched by that experience and they felt that they would be letting their new fellow Obama supporter friends down if they didn't vote on election day. It added a new personal effect to the campaign which got people out voting and voting for Obama. McCain though, he admitted that he doesn't even use computers or e-mail. How the heck can any young person who grew up with IM's and websites and e-mail and Myspace feel like they have any connection to someone who is so out of touch with the our generation works? Not only that, but the Republican party has the image of being exclusive of anyone who is different then the steriotypical Republican, which most HS kids and college kids don't fit in to. Are they really exclusive? Of course not. But sometimes image is more important then fact. The democrats have tried to be as inclusive as possible, with getting a lot of new people involved in the political process who have never been in before, including many groups of people who were traditionally disenfranchised. I really think the Republican party needs to adapt their campaigns and their platform to the times. Because the next time we vote for a president, the 14 to 17 year old kids of today will be voting for the first time. And we expect that the political candidates are going to connect with us in ways that we understand and like, and we expect that they will include us in the political process if they want our vote. And if only 1 party seems appealing to the young people of America, it's the other party's loss, they can write us off but we won't pull their lever in the voting machine.
And PS: Thank you to my AP US History teacher for teaching us how to think critically and write our thoughts out and got us excited about this election! As you can see, I'm still writing these essays even when I don't have to! Not that you'll ever read
And PPS: Please give Obama a chance no matter what your political affiliations are. He is only trying to do what he thinks is best for America, and afterall, he was elected by the majority of the America. voters.