Parents Off for xray

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Feb 26, 2007
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So I am at the pt with bigger bog. She hurt her ankle tumbling last week. The pt thinks it might be cracked,agh!!!!! Luckily the pt has friends and has managed to get us in to see an orth doc this am. ThT will be followed up by an xray.

Really too bad, still hoping that it's just a strain. She has a French exchange student coming tomorrow for a two week visit filled with activities.

Not sure how this will go. Help.....
Oh nooooo! Saying some prayers for Bigger Bog! So glad she's getting seen by an ortho so quickly!!! Keep us posted!(((hugs)))
Really hoping that it is just a sprain. Hope that she can still have fun with the Foreign Exchange student. Bigger Bog just doesn't get a break. Hugs.
Sending thoughts and prayers for Bigger Bog! I hope it is just a sprain!
Oh no Bog !!!

Saying some prayers for bigger Bog, hope it is not broken.
ugh!! Sending lots & lots of good thoughts her way. Let's hope this isn't something more serious than a tweak. This girl needs a break!! Well, not literally :p

~hugs to Bigger Bog~
Ugh!! Sending all the healing fairies I can gather!! I hope everything turns out to be a mild sprain. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys!
SO we are lucky people in very many ways. The best thing is, it's not broken!!!! Our PT, who is awsome, managed to call an orthopedic doctor who was working at the emergency clinic at the ski hill, we went over there and there wasm't one injured boarder/skier waiting to be seen!!! SO within half an hour she was examined, xrayed and out the door. Wow, that was my best mediacl experience ever.

However she has a bad tendon strain, her growth plate is a bit inflamed and there wil be no running or jumping for at least two weeks. Her next meet is, of course, in three weeks!!! I told her coach who is as gobsmacked as I am, this kid just never catches a break and here we are again.

TOmorrow BB has a French exchange student arriving for a two weeks of winter activities, but that will now be a bit of a challenge, but I will make it work somehow.

THanks for all the support and kind words, it made my day when we were waiting to be seen and you were all there being my virtual cheer sqaud.

Now I am off to read what the reat of you have been up to. THANKS!!!!!
oh sorry to hear!! I'm glad it's not broke! Fast healing vibes coming your way!!
I'm gad to hear it is not broken.Hope she heals up fast.It always happens to the worst time.
DD was just out for 2 weeks with a injury and only has 1 week to the next meet.
So glad it's not broken. Hope she has fun with the exchange student.
Thank goodness it's not broken!!! Not that ANY injury is a good thing though:(! Poor Bigger Bog! So happy your medical treatment today was such a good experience. At least there wasn't a lot of stressful waiting & wondering. You have your diagnosis & treatment in a very timely manner. Hopefully having the exchange student around will help the healing time fly by faster. Happy healing Bigger Bog! Sending the healing fairies off to Canada:D!
Yikes! Praying the x-ray comes back normal! I hope Bigger Bog has a fantastic time with the exchange student! Both of my children hope to participate in an exchange in high school it sounds like so much fun!
Glad it is not broken :) but so sorry that she has to take it easy for a couple weeks...:(. Hope you are able to have some fun with the exchange student and that the injury heals peacefully. Then, NO MORE HURTING HERSELF for at least a couple years!!!!:D
So glad that there are no fractures!!! Sad that she has to take 2 weeks off though. That really sucks. Hope some fun with the exchange student will keep her mind off missing gym a little and that she will heal fully and be back to the gym soon. HUGS.
I am glad it is not broken! I hope the 2 weeks off will heal it.. Do you think she will be able to compete in 3 weeks?

Poor kid, I bet she is just as frustrated as you are. Kuddos to her for keeping her chin up!

Have fun with the exchange student.

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