Yep I’m handing her coach her PT papers and She’ll stay in the gym extra while she finishes ankles, knees and wrists excercises.
Side note: why is your daughter being kept in level 4 or 6 with level 9 skills???
Sorry for the late reply, it was a warm weekend here in SoCal-when that happens, my brain turns to mush(I'm 16yrs in with MS)-especially on weekends when the kids are in/out all day opening the door-grrr ;-)
First off, she has SOME L9 skills, solid L7 skills, ok L8 skills(she could probably be ok to compete 8 this spring...she would not be able to make podium as L8 this fall).
We actually had a strange gym journey, my kiddo had 2yrs off(fall 2018/2019/20-we moved and had no gym home when COVID struck, so no zoom workouts or anything of that nature-heck, we were stuck in temporary housing so she didnt even have anything to join them if she did!!), yet when she did go back, Nov 2020, we were accepted by our #1 choice in elite gyms(which was our reason for moving here-but we figured it would happen a few years in the future)

the caveat being that they required she restart her levels(&no skipping allowed in compulsory)-according to her HC, there are important foundational skills taught in compulsory that gymnasts carry forever. Supposedly HC can spot a gymnast with poor compulsory training a mile away-even when they become elite gymnasts-who knows, but it's her gym ;-)
It likely didn't help that 1)my kiddo is mildly autistic, she spent her first month staring at the floor, not talking. They would ask if she could do something and she would just stare at the floor. Once she felt more comfortable, she still didn't talk much, but was at least willing to show them her gymnastics(now she's a social butterfly in her gym-insofar as an autistic almost 11yr old can be, anyway-truly miles beyond my wildest dreams for her) And 2)her skills were a hot mess!! Truly, a hot mess!! She lost her side split, but retained her middle split. Who does THAT?? Yet when she didn't have her side splits, they never thought to ask about middle splits-lol-her coaches mouth literally dropped the day she did them about 5/6wks in.
However, needless to say, once the skills started coming back, they were flooding back(&pretty sure she had some they didnt know about because they didnt think to ask-ya know, cuz usually if you cant do 'A,' you surely cannot do 'D' and for sure not 'H'...but she could). Yet the HC still says no skipping, there are things she wants to make sure she has they made a deal with my kiddo, no quitting out of boredom-still give L4 your all, and they would allow her to keep advancing her skills and allow her the extended workout of the optionals-and about 6mos ago they extended the offer of "big privates"(she had privates from day one to help regain skills, but obviously not with HCs-those tend to be reserved for upper optional girls). We are at a small, boutique gym, so they are able to do this with her.
From my understanding they never expected the skills to come back so quickly, they never expected her to gain new skills so quickly, etc(i blame the autism for that too)....I've heard they may have started her back higher had they known-oh well, this is where we are now.
There are definite differences I see this time around compared to last time around. Her gymnastics are crisper, more controlled, I don't exactly know how to explain it, but I definitely see some of the foundational things they felt she was lacking coming from a "lesser" program. Yet how much of that is because she trains 28-32hrs/wk and conditions with the upper optionals and how much is solid compulsory skills with these coaches that she didnt have before? I don't know.
My oldest daughter(21) compares it to the way Konnor McClain is now vs last year(the crisp movements, the way she moves with purpose now, etc), both had good gymnastics, one is just prettier/nicer to watch. One is also more likely to make an olympic team than the other.
We ARE allowed to skip optional levels here(compete one & move on), so there is talk of doing that. One HC wants 4/6 this year, 7/8-possibly 9, next(thinks 4 to 7 in one year would be too much change for my autistic kiddo). The other HC wants 4/6/7 this year, 8/9 next. Who knows what will happen-either way keeps me on my toes(actually, while I say that, I don't care about her level, so it doesn't matter to me!! She's enjoying herself, back in her happy place, and that is all that matters!!)
My understanding is that they plan on having her do elite qualifiers in 2-3yrs(its all too fast for me!!), with hopes for being ready for 2028 Olympics(these coaches have trained elite athletes and olympians-its not just something they say to all the parents).
I joined CB when things started moving faster than I understood-lol. While this is ultimately what I wanted, because my kiddo wanted it, it also had my head spinning!!!
Good luck with your kiddo in PT!! I hope they are able to help your daughter have a magnificent comeback-even if she has a minor setback!!