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Yeah, keep the posts coming! I love hearing about what other people think about my country. And especially people who visit New York.

And I have to admit, I did not know DC had a Chinatown.
Oh I feel for you re: the egyptology! I do remember going to the history museum many times and seeing the mummy exhibit. I was so disappointed when I went there last time and the whole exhibit had been removed!! I don't know if they just completely shut it down or moved it to another museum or what!! It was really fascinating, and a tad bit morbid, to look at the prreserved mummies, the skulls with the holes that had been drilled to allow the evil spirits to leave (the cure for a headache), etc.

Chinatown... small in comparison to some cities, but some good food to be had. How ironic that it's right near the HUGE Verizon Center (major concert, sports venue).

I'm glad you had fun in our nation's capital! Have a safe drive back to NJ and enjoy that aquarium! I'm sure you'll be happy to see DD at the end of the week.
I have to say it was the cleanest China Town I have ever seen, we just looked the the restaurant with no white people and no English signs (usually a sign of an authentic Chinese resto). The VErizon center is a big concrete block.

All you DC'ers would feel right at home in Canada's capital city, Ottawa has a very similar feel to DC, very clean, lots of museums and things to do, government workers and relatively new.

Off to Philly in a few, just sent some emails to girls at camp. Really hope their week went well and that the little one got to work on some of her goals.
Well Philly is truly phunky. Love this city, it reminds me of Montreal or even my home town Manchester. Lots of action and character.

Did the obligatory bus tour, saw the Liberty bell and ate a great dinner at a local Irish bar. Found out that the art collection (barnes collection) advises you to make appointments 45 days ahead of time! I wish I had known, they have a huge collection of Cezanne paintings. AH well, I will call in the morning to see if they have a small place to slide us in, you never know if you don't ask.

Went for a walk around the Hotel, it is close to Rittenhouse Square, great location and some amazing 18th century architecture close by. Lots of shops too, but I didn't come to shop to be honest.

Off to the Aquarium in Camden, NJ tomorrow, you can take the subway right under the Delaware to get there. After that maybe the Art Museum, if I cannot get into the Barnes Collection.

Nice to have you along for the ride.
I asked my friend about Chinatown in DC. He says they jokingly call it "China-block" because it is so small!

Have fun in Philly! Oh, and the subway that goes to NJ, the PATCO trains...they go over the Delaware on the Ben Franklin Bridge, not under!
Wow all those places sound amazing!! You're so lucky!!

Hope you're having a great time!
SO NY was right, thanks, we took the undergound to NJ and the Aquarium, the bit where the train goes over the bridge is the BEST bit of all. The aqurium is 100% better than the DC one, but without kids it is not the same, especially as it was full of the usual 20 summer camp field trips.

Wen to CHinatown and had Dim Sum, you must see a pattern here, Irish pubs and China town figure a lot in my trips. It was great Dim Sum. Then went to the mall to buy something my son back in QUebec had requested. Many games cannot be bought in Quebec due to our strict language laws, if it's not available in French it cannot be sold.

Walked back to the hotel down Avenue of the Arts and noticed that Grease was playing at the theatre on the corner. SO we bought tickets. Great show, Taylor HIcks was the teen angel, which was pretty funny. He also sang his "latest"single at the end of the show. The girls would've loved to have seen it as they love Grease, but they'll just have to be jealous.

Looked at the IGC photos tonight and saw oldest doing her dance, then I noticed she has both ankles and her bigh toe taped, that cannot be good. She has been injured so much the past few years I hate to think what is going on there. I guess this time tomorrow I'll know more.

Leaving bright and early to get to IGC to pick them up. Then we'll drive to Saratoga Springs for the night, take in a movie and regroup for the drive back home. We'll be celebrating my sons b'day on Sunday as he turned 17 whilst we were gone.

Fun week, back to reality.
Wow, you have had so much fun and seen so many amazing places! I hope to someday visit DC and all the museums and such there. Glad you are having a good time and I am sure the girls are! :)
I remembered the train going over the bridge when I was there visiting U-Penn. It was easier for us to park in NJ and take the train then to try to park in Philly.

That is really strange about the language laws. Is that a Quebec thing or is that all of Canada? As in, did you have to come all the way to the US or could you have gone to Ontario to get it?

Grease is awesome :) Saw it in NYC.

Have a good trip back! The Northway between Lake George and Plattsburgh is such a pretty drive...
Wow Bog... you have had quite the adventure!!! Glad you enjoyed our wonderful United States! maybe one day we can all venture your way!

I know you'll be excited to see DDs. I hope the "wraps" prove to be no big injury!

Have a happy and safe drive back home and tell DS "happy 17th" from all of us CBers!
Here we are in Malta, NY, very close to Saratoga Springs. It actually rained tonight, a sure sign that our vaction is over.

We got to IGC about 9:15am, EMily the GPS was very stupid this morning and didn't know there were roads in places there were roads. Fortunately we have a good sense of humour and we just verbally abuse her the whole trip.

Went to pick up little BB at her cabin first, she was happy to see us, but sad to leave her many new friends and the 3 counsellors who stayed with her. Lots of hugs, kisses and speak to you soons.

Over to the Bigger BB, repeat of the same there. A long stop at the canteen to collect left over money and buy a leo for coaches DD. THe computer system had crashed and they didn't want to accept a handful of cash until I put it down and said "I have a 10 hour drive, here's the cash I'm outta here" after that they took me seriously and off I went. WHilst I stood in the line the owner came up and asked about the girls week. I told him the truth,"They had a blast"

THey really enjoyed their week, the evaluation went well and I feel they were placed in good groups both skills and age wise. The coaches dealt well with the language issues and really treated them well. My oldest translated all week for a French from France girl and that was great too. The food was amazing, and that is saying a lot as my youngest is very picky and lives on fruit and veg at home. They loved the cabins, the gym was all fun, even the conditioning rotation. The weeks dance was to Jai Ho and they thought it was very cool.

They both want to return next year even at the expense of their GymRep week!!!

Drove 4 hours up the i-87. Went to see Ice Age 3 and then had dinner at Friendly's, eek heart stopper!!! Couldn't beleive the portions for the kids meals, let alone for the adults. Quick stop at Target to buy some bandaids.

The tape was on the ankles as a precaution, they both came back in one piece and uninjured, a great thing for me. I get the feeling that we'll be back there again next year. WHat do you think of Cape May for a weeks break???

They are both very tired and are going to sleep now after I scrubbed the youngest a bit.

NY, the language laws in QUebec are very restrictive. The schools are very controlled and access to English schools is controlled heavily, most Franch people cannot send their kids there, neither can immigrants. I often buy things in Ontario as they do not struggle with the same laws. Quebec is like a different country, it is not bilingual, it is French, even when it comes to health care etc, we have no rights to access in English. BUt all that said it is a lovely place and I have to say I have always felt welcome.
I have loved reading about your road trip. Thanks for sharing. It is amazing that your children speak 2 languages. At least that has been a benefit from the strict laws. I bet your French is good too! When you said the language issues in the gym did you mean because your girls have different names for moves. Do they speak French or English at school and home. I know you mentioned before the gym is all french. It sounds like the camp was brilliant.
That is interesting. I always thought Canada was a bi-lingual country, meaning anyone anywhere in Canada could pick whichever language suited them best. Of course, most of the French people tend to be in Quebec, but I know I've seen signs and stuff in both languages outside of Quebec (Nova Scotia to be exact).

I've been to Montreal before and I find written French easy to is a lot like Spanish and Italian. Now spoken French....that is a different story! Par les vouz Englais is about all I know (sorry for butchering the spelling!)
I have loved reading about your road trip. Thanks for sharing. It is amazing that your children speak 2 languages. At least that has been a benefit from the strict laws. I bet your French is good too! When you said the language issues in the gym did you mean because your girls have different names for moves. Do they speak French or English at school and home. I know you mentioned before the gym is all french. It sounds like the camp was brilliant.

My French has hugely improved since my ggirls began gymnastics, 99% of the parents do not speak any English. The head coach/owner is bilingual and that is awesome. Oldest DD's group is very English, youngests group is all French except her, but she does great and has a lovely French accent.

Even when we speak in English at the gym we use the French terms, less confusing that way, for instance a squat on is "petite bonhomme" (little good man) kip is bascule. SO my girls have had fun doing gym the English way,

We have never had any issues, but we do joke at meets that my girls get the Anglophone score, the judges see those foreign names and deduct .5 from every routine!!!:D
That is interesting. I always thought Canada was a bi-lingual country, meaning anyone anywhere in Canada could pick whichever language suited them best. Of course, most of the French people tend to be in Quebec, but I know I've seen signs and stuff in both languages outside of Quebec (Nova Scotia to be exact).

I've been to Montreal before and I find written French easy to is a lot like Spanish and Italian. Now spoken French....that is a different story! Par les vouz Englais is about all I know (sorry for butchering the spelling!)

All of Canada except Quebec is bilingual, Quebec is French! Funny that eh? When you cross the border into Quebec from NY there are no English signs, sink or swim seems to be the order of the day. However it is very political, most everyday folk would happily have Quebec bilingual.

There is a strong separatist movement here, who would love Quebec to be a nation in it's own right!
Made it home in one piece. Long drive today, many highway closures on our side of the border. But here I am with mountains of laundry.

Just celebrated the oldest birthday, more food. Need a run tomorrow!!!

Sadly youngest Bog is in the dog house as she left behind 8 very nice leos and a new IGC sweatshirt! I am hoping they will find them. Good job I stopped in Reading or she'd be doing naked gym this week. I can't believe how mad I am about it, so I locked myself in the office to do some neglected paperwork, and here I am talking to you lot!!!!

Back to normal tomorrow, girls have gym and I have to drive 3 hours to the city for a Doctors appointment, YAY!!!
All of Canada except Quebec is bilingual, Quebec is French! Funny that eh? When you cross the border into Quebec from NY there are no English signs, sink or swim seems to be the order of the day. However it is very political, most everyday folk would happily have Quebec bilingual.

There is a strong separatist movement here, who would love Quebec to be a nation in it's own right!

Interesting. I didn't realize that. I always thought it was bi-lingual but predominantly French. I know that in History classes in school they like to focus on our country and Europe (our country's heritage), but I kind of wish we could have learned a little more about our neighbors to the north.

I do remember from my last trip to Montreal a couple years ago that there were more bi-lingual signs in NY than north of the border, so sink or swim is right....

I hope baby Bog finds her leos!
Made it home in one piece. Long drive today, many highway closures on our side of the border. But here I am with mountains of laundry.

Just celebrated the oldest birthday, more food. Need a run tomorrow!!!

Sadly youngest Bog is in the dog house as she left behind 8 very nice leos and a new IGC sweatshirt! I am hoping they will find them. Good job I stopped in Reading or she'd be doing naked gym this week. I can't believe how mad I am about it, so I locked myself in the office to do some neglected paperwork, and here I am talking to you lot!!!!

Back to normal tomorrow, girls have gym and I have to drive 3 hours to the city for a Doctors appointment, YAY!!!

Thank you for sharing your journey. I am actually heading out in a few weeks to take my daughter (today is my first day in the forum and I am not exactly sure about the 'dd' term...) to IGC for week 9. I am glad to hear your girls had a great experience.

I am a little concerned as my daughter is going by herself - without anyone she already knows... hopefully she will meet some great girls there.

I can't believe your daughter left 8 leotards and the new sweatshirt!! I would be really mad too! I will have to give mine a checklist for her to check when packing to come home or something!!

How far was the drive to the GK outlet from IGC (not relying on Emily as it seems she gave you some bad directions) and it was worth it?
Welcoem to the Chalkbucket and congrats on surviving reading my rambling!!!

DD is dear or darling daughter! Your girl will make friends instantl at IGC. The supervisors in the cabin made sure everyone got aquainted with cabin cheers and games. They really know what they are doing.

The outlet was exactly 2 hours and about 20 minutes. The directions I got from google maps were spot on. FOr me it was worth it as we cannot buy adidas suits here. But they had the most in the cm to as sizes. If you like a bargain it was def worth it. Though the area and the town of Reading was not too impressive and could be even described as a litlle dodgly.

It was almost on the way to DC, so it didn't really add too much to the trip. PLus some of the scenery was lovely.

AS for the leotards, I can't believer she left them, but even more than that I can't believe that some other child/parent actually took them home and kept them. Imagine if your kid showed up with 9 almost new leos with the name inside, I think I'd notice. We are talking about 10 year old too. Makes me wonder about some people. We live and learn.
Sounds like everyone had a great time at camp and trip.IGC is the only camp we are aloud to attend ,I could not afford this year they tried to get enough girls so our coach could go but not enough willing to pay.We had a few girls go on there own.I sure hope someone turns in her leos.

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