Here we are in Malta, NY, very close to Saratoga Springs. It actually rained tonight, a sure sign that our vaction is over.
We got to IGC about 9:15am, EMily the GPS was very stupid this morning and didn't know there were roads in places there were roads. Fortunately we have a good sense of humour and we just verbally abuse her the whole trip.
Went to pick up little BB at her cabin first, she was happy to see us, but sad to leave her many new friends and the 3 counsellors who stayed with her. Lots of hugs, kisses and speak to you soons.
Over to the Bigger BB, repeat of the same there. A long stop at the canteen to collect left over money and buy a leo for coaches DD. THe computer system had crashed and they didn't want to accept a handful of cash until I put it down and said "I have a 10 hour drive, here's the cash I'm outta here" after that they took me seriously and off I went. WHilst I stood in the line the owner came up and asked about the girls week. I told him the truth,"They had a blast"
THey really enjoyed their week, the evaluation went well and I feel they were placed in good groups both skills and age wise. The coaches dealt well with the language issues and really treated them well. My oldest translated all week for a French from France girl and that was great too. The food was amazing, and that is saying a lot as my youngest is very picky and lives on fruit and veg at home. They loved the cabins, the gym was all fun, even the conditioning rotation. The weeks dance was to Jai Ho and they thought it was very cool.
They both want to return next year even at the expense of their GymRep week!!!
Drove 4 hours up the i-87. Went to see Ice Age 3 and then had dinner at Friendly's, eek heart stopper!!! Couldn't beleive the portions for the kids meals, let alone for the adults. Quick stop at Target to buy some bandaids.
The tape was on the ankles as a precaution, they both came back in one piece and uninjured, a great thing for me. I get the feeling that we'll be back there again next year. WHat do you think of Cape May for a weeks break???
They are both very tired and are going to sleep now after I scrubbed the youngest a bit.
NY, the language laws in QUebec are very restrictive. The schools are very controlled and access to English schools is controlled heavily, most Franch people cannot send their kids there, neither can immigrants. I often buy things in Ontario as they do not struggle with the same laws. Quebec is like a different country, it is not bilingual, it is French, even when it comes to health care etc, we have no rights to access in English. BUt all that said it is a lovely place and I have to say I have always felt welcome.