Other Coaches what would you do?

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Jan 5, 2011
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I would really like to get other opinions on this and especially from other coaches point of view. My DD's state meet is this weekend and she just came back fully to practice on Monday. She has never stopped going to practice but has had a couple of injuries. The last time she flipped her vault was 2 1/2 weeks ago in a private lesson. She had some stress to her cartlidge in her wrist which the MRI showed wasn't anything of substance (but was extremyl painful for awhile)and then had a broken toe. Her toe is now healed and is back to full work outs.

My question is would you allow her to vault during this week's practices or not allow her the opportunity to give it a try? Her coach orginally would not allow her to vault until Friday (State meet is Sunday). He says not one coach out there would allow her to do this. Her vault is a Yurchenko tuck..the owner of the gym says she needs 50 vaults to be able to compete it safely. Honestly,she has scared me on this vault all together. Telling me she could break her neck. She will compete a lower start value vault if the coach feels like allowing her to do this. He now threatens her at every practice and in my opinion playing "mind games" with her.
If it was one of my gymnasts I would have her compete a lower tariff vault for this meet. Yurchenkos are really tough on wrists so I hear (never done one or coached one myself yet!) So if her wrists are still painful I'd wait it out and ease back into it when the pressure is off.
However I would give her the option this week - (unless she has been told no by a dr) If she feels ready to flip her vault onto a soft mat or into the pit, I'd let her try, but if it hurt, I'd say no and make the decision not to compete it there and then!

Who is threatening your DD and with what?

As a coach I never put pressure on my gymnasts, but I know other coaches do and for some gymnasts it works - for others it has the opposite effect.
She is not experiencing in more pain in her wrists. Coach is threatening her that he will not allow her to compete vault at all. He will say she can and then he will say she can't. I'm not sure why he does this? But I just don't want to make it tougher on her at this point. If you try and talk to the Coach and he doesn't like what you have to say,takes it out on the gymnast.
It could be that you are imaging the sinister motives of the coach. To me it sounds like he is making the smart choice and not rushing your daughter into performing a vault she has hardly practiced after coming back from an injury. It could potentially be dangerouse for her to perform an unpracticed vault especially a Yurchenko. As for the threatening business immediately speak with the coach and politely ask him to make a decision about the vault on the weekend as it is causing your dd anxiety. If he refuses to make a decision and start 'staking it out on your daughter' than talk to the owner.
If he won't let her vault until Friday and the state meet is sunday - then will she vault both friday and saturday - probably overdueing it and possibly risk more injury. seems smart to just do a simpler vault... a tsuk if she can is the same value and most kids who do yurchenkos can probably do a tsuk already anyway
If you are worried that the coach will take it out on your DD then I'd go straight to the owner and ask them to make the decision there and then. I'd imagine the Owner will say "simplify" because if they have already said 50 vaults before competition that isn't going to happen in 2 days. The owner will also want to know about the situation.

There will be plenty more opportunities to compete the yurchenko! Safety is paramount in the gym!
and why would the coach take anything out on the kid.... he is the one not allowing her to do the vault - it isn't like she is refusing to do it.... seems like a bad situation all around - how do the other kids handle this style of coaching
and why would the coach take anything out on the kid.... he is the one not allowing her to do the vault - it isn't like she is refusing to do it.... seems like a bad situation all around - how do the other kids handle this style of coaching

This is something I was trying to say too but couldn't word it!

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