Oy, Level 6

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Proud Parent
Apr 26, 2010
Reaction score
Well, today was DD's first level 6 meet and it was everything that it was built up to be. Generally, it was just a lot of small mistakes that add up. Worse thing was she didn't qualify for state (which I ignorantly thought wouldn't be a problem).

Vault - 8.4 -- she was always around a 9 in level 5, so this was disappointing,
Bars - 7.8 -- a heartbreaker for her since it's her favorite event, but she fell on her squat on.
Beam -- 7.8 - stuck the back walkover, full turn and dismount, but managed to put her hand down on her arabesque scale and lots of balance checks. First meet messy.
Floor -- 8.35 - big deduction was the back extension roll (I really thought she was going to fall back over -- ugliest one I've seen her do).

So, 32.35 -- just shy of qualifying. Good thing is she knows her mistakes and should be fine next meet. Practice makes perfect.
Stupid squat-on. I think these are solid scores for a first level 6 meet... About half a point from where my DD started last month. And it sounds like she has all of her skills, so it's just a matter of cleaning it all up a bit. I have yet to see DD do both her back tuck and her front tuck in the same routine. If she gets one, she misses the other. And neither of them are pretty yet. I find this surprising since tumbling has always been her best thing. So, as you say, Oy, level 6! Tell her that if she was in PA she'd only need a 32 to qualify for States.

Hang in there. Optionals are coming...
WTG to your DD. Sounds like she really had a pretty solid meet. Esp for a first L6 meet. Never been there done that..but I hear its a real booger. Looks to me like she will get that state qualifying score within the next meet or two.
That's a good start! If she lived in our state, she would have made the qualifying score (32)! I'm sure next meet will be better now that she has this experience. Good luck!
Pretty good start to L6. As you said it was the little things and some nerves. She'll be fine next time.
Yup L6 is definitely different from L5 especially bars! Next meet is sure to be better as she becomes more use to the skills. Wishing her the best next meet :)

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