I feel really lucky we don't see this behavior at the gym. Our floor plan is completely open, separated by a half wall. Beam is the only event parents can get fairly close, but there is no glass to sit behind. I have to say, I only see the rec parents trying to coach from the wall or correct behaviors. We have signs up that said " please do not coach your children from the wall". Not for team, but for rec. and telling rec parents they can't watch really doesn't work. The one nice thing about the "open plan", it keeps all the coaches accountable for what they say and how they act. When the staff knows everything they say or do can be potentially heard by the parents, they are always on their best behavior. ( again, I'm referring to rec)
can everybody see what this implies? i'm dumbfounded just by the implication and at how many times i have heard this before. imagine...they are on their best behavior when they can be potentially heard/seen by parents...APOCALYPSE!
is this not what parents say when indicating sexual abuse? just replace "they say and do" with just "do". and i mean no disrespect or insult to anyone here when i say most of the world has gone bat**** crazy. but i have stated before that there are programs that have coaches working for them that are some of the most disreputable people to ever walk the planet. and the PARENTS at these gyms (this also includes other sports and their venues) KNOW IT. now...how do you all explain that these parents are still willing to give their hard earned money to ANY program that they KNOW employs a s*i*t*bag as a coach (again, and not just in gymnastics...i'm referring to all sports)?? how do you explain?? is it because you think if you can observe "them" they won't harm your child? and i suppose "viewing" could be a deterrent, or that you feel that it is just by having the right to do so, but you can't possibly think that viewing is a cure all? and i get that sometimes you want to watch so that when your kid comes home and says "Tkatchev" you know what they are talking about. but today? in real gymnastics?? the kids are putting it to their phones, posting it up and chatting about it until the next day. just ask them.
and do you reconcile this fact in your mind as a parent by stating that you will not go to any program that does not have a viewing policy because having such a policy suggests that "they must have something to hide" or something that you must automatically "distrust"? do any of you have any idea how many programs there are that produce awesome gymnasts year after year, decade after decade, that have "no viewing"? and that these programs have been doing so in good standing longer than some of you have been on the planet?? and certainly longer than any of you have been married??
and then you send kids to churches and youth groups, daycare's, schools, after school activities, field trips and other organizational activities and you don't attend to observe those every time they are there?
then in contrast, a
certain percentage of parents that home school, and some that i know personally, do so believing that they will help their child in not exposing their kids to some of the evils of the public school systems and the world? as if this will "protect" their kid somehow??
and the plausible explanation you will give for gymnastics is that you must be there so that "you can see and hear what is going on" when in reality you have NO IDEA what you are listening to or what YOU'RE OBSERVING"?
and then if you do recognize "see" it and "hear" it and finally know what it is you think you have seen and heard, you come to this site to ask if what you think you have seen and heard is healthy for your kid?
in a REAL PROFESSIONAL GYMNASTICS CLUB, the coaches are professionals, whether parents watch or not. we don't care if a parent hears what we have to say because what we have to say is coaching. what we do is coaching. what we are is coaching. we are as normal as any of you think you are yourselves. but when we don't want to talk to you about "when will Suzie get her" whatever because we are tired and have had a long day just like yourselves, and want to get home to our families, well...now we are just bad apples and are "non communicative".
CB is a relatively small sample. but that small sample can reasonably be extrapolated to some of the systemic problems/issues that we have in our industry that are commonplace in any workplace. but i can assure you that our industry is still safer than most other things that kids do. i can say this because i am old, experienced and well traveled. and communication with your child can never be replaced by viewing or lack there of.
looking back, you know what night(s) i used to dread the most? PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE. i genuinely felt bad for THEM. and they taught longer days than my wife and i. and they had families of their own. and in many instances, they had to put up with crap with students and their parents...the likes of which would be thrown out of most
gyms. i couldn't help asking them every time..."are you enjoying your job?" and is teaching my child hindering your "enjoyment"? they would look at me in disbelief at having asked those 2 questions.
and you know you had to show at those PTC's. you didn't want to be "that"parent".