WAG Platinum v. L6

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So, DD's gym is changing up their program. They have decided to forego compulsories for Xcel as their route to Optionals. The current plan for my DD is XP to L7. She competed L4 with fair success last season. (Placed at every meet, podiumed at most). The gym will continue (at least for now) to have an L6 team (all are repeaters). My DD and the other XPs will be training with the repeating L6 girls, same coaches, same hours, etc.

In terms of skills, she has her BHS on beam with the bandaid, flyaway, a sad looking clear hip, kip/cast just above horizontal, working 1/2 on 1/2 off and floor is coming along. Competition season doesnt start until December, so a lot of time to get and refine skills.

I don't know much about Xcel. Anyone have experience with this route? Can anyone tell me pros, cons, etc. I know that cast requirements aren't as stiff, but that some areas are more difficult.

Before the level changes in 2013, many gyms used platinum (or similar name) between Old 5 (your 4) and L7. This will be no different. I believe the only significant changes from old platinum to the new one are the beam series or acro with flight and the change in VT values. If she did well in L4, and she is coming along in her skills for Platinum, she should be fine. Has the coach mentioned what the time frame is for deciding and what will happen if she is not ready?

Keep an eye out for anxiety. She will be "working from behind" instead of feeling like she already has all her skills comp ready. DD struggled with this when she skipped to platinum (prior to 2013). But by mid season, she found her groove, improved so much in her skills, and felt ready for L7.
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By looking at this, i think she still needs to score out of gold before entering platinum.

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That document Has all of the information about Xcel i think you Will need. Good luck to your DD!
This is the old chart... But based on this one, she would not have to score out of Gold because there was direct entry to Platinum from L4.
The new chart is much narrower. A L4 would have to score out of Gold... BUT if they are scoring out of L5 before the season starts, then they can directly enter Platinum.
Differences between Platinum and L6 (Platinum requires 6 A and 1B skill compared to 5A and 1 B.):
Vault - Platinum downgraded FHS and 1/2On-Repulsion off to 9.80. L6 they are still worth 10.00.

Bars - There is such a thing as an A cast in Xcel. Platinum needs a cast ABOVE horizontal, but no deduction for not hitting HS. L6 needs a cast AT horizontal or above, but there is a deduction for not hitting HS.

Beam - Platinum requires a connected acro series or a flight acro and a connected "dance series" while L6 requires NO connections. Platinum split requirement is only 120º while L6 requires 180º. In Platinum, C dance skills are allowed but are not allowed in L6.

Floor - In Platinum, Acro Series only needs 2 connected flight skills (one being an A or B salto) and 2nd pass only needs 2 connected flight acro (with or without any salto) OR an isolated B salto. In L6, the acro series needs 3 elements (with or without flight) and 2nd pass needs a salto or aerial acro skill either isolated or in a 2nd series. Platinum split requirement is 150º while L6 split requirement is 180º. In Platinum, C dance skills are allowed but are not allowed in L6.

In transitioning to L7, other than cast angle deductions and split angle deductions, IMHO, Platinum to L7 actually seems like a better transition (series / flight on beam… L7 has both, allowable C dance on beam and floor).
this is the most updated mobility chart Link Removed

Thanks for the updated chart. I figured DD's coach would know the requirements, but it never hurts to have an idea yourself.
We have some experience with this. Dd was supposed to compete gold this past season but she did a score out meet for 5 and with the new rules had to compete L6 or platinum. We found out later she could have petitioned to gold but it was too late she had optional routines and leotard ordered by that time.
We chose for her to compete L6. Even though bars was harder for L6, on platinum the beam and vault are harder. For platinum beam you need a series or a flight skill, whereas for L6 you only need one acro skill, with or without flight. Also in platinum the FHS vault is only valued at 9.8.

Dd struggled on bars (didn't always get credit for her cast) but did reasonably well on the other events.

Our gym at that time did gold to L6 which is a big jump but dd had to do silver to L6 which was astronomical. She will probably be repeating L6 this year with her new gym to catch up a bit.

I know of one gym that does platinum to L7 and their girls usually do pretty well in optionals.

Thanks for your explanation of your DD's experience. I am hopeful that XP to L7 winds up bring a good route. Just nervous for her with the new plan as well as my much more limited understanding of Xcel.
I did this. I competed Platinum at my old gym, then competed lvl 7 at my new gym after scoring out of lvl 4 and 5. I found that the hardest events were bars and a little bit of floor. Good luck to your DD!

Thank you. Hopefully she will have plenty if time to get ready for Platinum bars and then lots of time to work on K7 skills.
Mobility questions aside, I think it really comes down to training and what skills they work on and compete while at platinum as an indicator of whether they would have success at level 7 and be able to make the switch.

I agree that this is probably the most important thing. DD will be increasing from 12 hours (L4) to 16 hours (XP and L6, L7 all train 16 hours). She will have the same coaches as the L6s and will be in a small training group.

I am hopeful that she can get what she needs. I just dont have a feel for what to expect competition-wise in Xcel.

Summer trainimg schedules haven't even begun yet, so I am hopeful that we will get more info as time goes on.
Platinum is pretty varied from gym to gym as far as quality and level of skills, but if your gym is using it as a path to optionals- I would imagine they are aiming for the upper end of that spectrum. If that's the case, a year of Platinum should work well to prepare her for 7. The biggest difference is vault SV and cast deductions on bars (which raenndrops already covered). Platinum is the first Xcel level where angle deductions are given for clear hips, I don't think they are as severe as 7, but it would be a step in the right direction.

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