Pointed toes, pointed feet, straight toes, straight feet?

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star on the tree

My daughter likes the reference one of her coaches gave her to "not forget the star on the tree." It has now morphed for her into "remember the sparkle."
I don't know what they ever said to her or did to her, but DD eats dinner with pointed feet, reads books with pointed feet, watches TV with pointed feet, etc. Makes me smile to look across the room and see her on the couch with a book and her legs straight, feet pointed.

I totally do this! My mom gets a kick out of it when she sees elites on TV who fall and still point their toes even when they've hit the ground. In PE we were doing yoga (don't ask, I had a really weird teacher) and we had to do this thing where you do the "downward dog" and lift one leg up as high as you can behind you. Of course, my foot was pointed, because it's just a habit now that if my leg is up, I point it. I was getting a lot of weird looks and people going, "Why are you doing that thing to your toes?"
I don't know what they ever said to her or did to her, but DD eats dinner with pointed feet, reads books with pointed feet, watches TV with pointed feet, etc. Makes me smile to look across the room and see her on the couch with a book and her legs straight, feet pointed.

I love this :) If my DD is barefooted, you can bet she is walking around in releve, with straight knees and pointing in between. She does it in the house, out in the yard, at the pool, etc. It really is the cutest thing and makes me smile all the time, as well :p
did you know...that gymnasts parents are approached by strangers the most and most often ask them "are you aware that your child is a toe walker...and that could be dangerous or fixed"? i once heard a stranger ask a gymnastics parent/coach if their daughter had "conversion disorder". and that parent /coach just happened to be me...:)
Well, on a more serious note, all the foot pointing and walking in releve can shorten calf muscles, so they may need to be doing some calf stretches to counteract it.

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