I believe JO and Elite are intertwined and not really two different streams. Elite is an end and there are several means to that end. There are so many ways to get to be an elite gymnast and realize an Olympic goal. You can go the JO track and go through all the levels (you may take one level per year, skip a level or two, etc.) and test out for elite. You can go the fast track, and not go through the standard JO levels. If the latter is used, there is TOPS for 7-10 year olds that train young gymnasts for higher level skills. TOPs usually train higher level gymnastics already, Level 8 and 9 skills. Then you can go Hopes, 10-12 (pre-elite which tests slightly modified elite skills, L10 and up) and if all things fall into place, you can go elite. The difference is in the latter scenario, you go a lot faster. You want to get the elite level as young as you can so you have more time to master those crazy skills. You don't need to go JO to get to elite nor do you need to go TOPS and Hopes either to get to elite. You can use both at the same time, interchangeably, or separately. As far as the hypothetical gymnast, being an 11 YO L6, she might want to start skipping levels and/or going the fast track. Because by 11, gymnasts aspiring to go elite or Olympics, are already in L9 and L10 and/or testing at Hopes/Pre-elite.