WAG Punishment for doing bad at meets?

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Sounds like a great strategy if you want your gymnasts to perform poorly at the next meet.
The Monday after every meet, we had a talk and the coaches would scream at us and call certain people out. It was certainly not professional. One time I won everything except on floor and I was told I only won because everyone else sucked that day.
If I wrote what I was thinking right now I would have to ban myself. This type of coaching is unacceptably juvenile and totally smacks of bullying. Horrible.
I have to believe if an entire team is performing poorly at meets that some serious inquiry needs to be made into the quality of the coaching. Also, a look at their coaching style and the basic fact that people perform better (especially children) in a postive environment. Call me crazy, but as a high level athlete in a different sport when I was young, the best coaches are the ones that can positively motivate the kids and create an atmosphere of postive goal setting and a sense of excitement about competition.
I believe that if I had been punished for competing poorly, I would have quit.

I used to compete very poorly my first year & if I was punished for it I would have been done. I punished myself enough.

Our gym believes that competing well/winning comes second to having fun and showing off your routines.

However we condition harder the day before a meet so "we can feel ourselves squeezing" which is ridiculous & encourages cheating... it doesn't work that way!
Having two kids in college sports, including football, this is customary. It can be brutal. But my son's team is a very strong and successful team and they are also in college and can handle this kind of "punishment". In fact, it seems like they are always being punished. But for young adolescent girls, it probably is not the best way to build character.
I asked The fellows about this and she says that sometimes conditioning will be given if you continue to goof off after being warned. But she said they hardly talk about the competitions. It is just back to work. During training they may talk to someone about a specific correction for a deduction they were given. But mostly just right back to it.
My gymmie trained at a gym for L5/6 where the verbal and physical punishment occured after just about every meet. They would be scared to go to practice on Monday after a meet where the team didn't place 1st. The "punishment" was usually more intense conditioning and spending lots of time on the event the team scored the lowest on with the coaches criticizing everything. It was all about these 9-11 year olds upholding the reptation of the gym. Its no wonder the place loses many girls before L7 and we left then too.
My gymmie trained at a gym for L5/6 where the verbal and physical punishment occured after just about every meet. They would be scared to go to practice on Monday after a meet where the team didn't place 1st. The "punishment" was usually more intense conditioning and spending lots of time on the event the team scored the lowest on with the coaches criticizing everything. It was all about these 9-11 year olds upholding the reptation of the gym. Its no wonder the place loses many girls before L7 and we left then too.

Wow...that's awful :/... Sounds like it was a smart move to get out of there :(.
Wow my coach never does that. He's pretty tough on us but he told us that at meets we're just there to have fun and do the best we can. He might give us conditioning if we weren't trying hard in practice but never because bad performance at a meet.
Wow! I bet the kids are beating themselves up enough about it. Everyone has a bad day. Punishing kids for an unintentional bad performance is uncalled for.
How do your (or your DD's) coaches handle the team doing badly at a meet? Do they just brush it off or get mad? My team didn't do very well at a meet recently and my coach made us condition nonstop for the entire three hour practice as punishment. The last practice before another big meet, may I add. I'm just wondering if this is normal with other gyms. :)

I'd leave that gym immediately and never look back.
and for comparison Geoff, how many boys programs would let this happen? NONE! :)
Oh boy! Yes it is normal! My coach was John Geddert and I remembering having to do 10 stuck in a row at practice the next day of everything we fell on in a meet. If we fell on the 10th one, we would start back at 0, even if it took us 3 hours of doing the same skill over and over. But look, John has produced the World Champion and 2012 Gold Olympic Team!!!
Oh boy! Yes it is normal! My coach was John Geddert and I remembering having to do 10 stuck in a row at practice the next day of everything we fell on in a meet. If we fell on the 10th one, we would start back at 0, even if it took us 3 hours of doing the same skill over and over. But look, John has produced the World Champion and 2012 Gold Olympic Team!!!

are you nuts? 1st, Jordyn was his first. 2nd, he didn't produce an Olympic Team. 3rd, what are you doing mentioning his name in the vein of this thread? 4th, maybe it was normal for you...

and finally, you have your Mother's business name listed there. seriously, are you nuts? i would highly recommend that you undo this as fast as you put it there. geesh...& YIKES!

forgot one...i hope you're not going to post up why you left there either. at least not under the name of your mom's business.
Our boys had a decent meet this weekend, nothign spectacular, but definitely not up to their usual performance. Our coach's reponse was to come to the parents, tell us that he is changing some things about how he runs practices to focus more on each child. Nothing about the boys, etc. They might hear about some little things, such as changes that they keep forgetting to make, but beyond that, it will be business as usual today.

When ds was a pre-team, he was in an in-house "meet". One little boy on his team was having a hard time. On the way out, we overheard his parents telling him that he needed to 'up his pull-up count' at home, and start conditioning more. THe kid was 6! I could not believe it Needless to say, he no longer does gymnastics.

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