WAG Question for judges

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Not slowing down. The acceleration only refers to if the kid gets fast "somewhere" in her run. If she then slows down near the board she's not maintaining the speed. However usually they'll get hit on both because they likely could have been faster (accelerated more) just in that case to a lesser degree on the acceleration point.

Do you still get silly coaches having kids run from the max distance because 'they are allowed that much run'? or do most coaches use common sense?
Do you still get silly coaches having kids run from the max distance because 'they are allowed that much run'? or do most coaches use common sense?

Meh , I'd say most level. 3s run from around 50, 55, which is nowhere near the max (80).
I have no idea what the actual deductions are but as a parent of a fairly strong level 3 vaulter who scores in the mid to high 9s with the exception of one meet I can see how the run affects the score. It follows through to the entire vault.

Dd lowest score was a 9.1 this year and if I watch the video of that vault versus her highest score 9.625 Even I can even see a difference.

That's just my two uneducated cents as the resident chauffeur and bank in this whole crazy team world.
Wow that's really fascinating. Here in the UK we don't judge the run-up approach to the vault!
Here is her vault run..you could also see her other events on my channel, and before anyone says anything about beam, yes, we know she accidently did a Lvl 3 dismount, and she should have got back on beam and did her Lvl 2 dismount, but I dont think she knew that she was supposed to do that....

Also, at practice she is used to the higher mats, and im not sure she knows how to compensate for the lower mat.
I was surprised how low those mats were - our novice girls flat back at 1m
To be honest, I haven't seen this "new" vault - they did the forward roll vault in this level before this year, correct? In any case, it seems to my untrained eye that the board is way too close - which could be part of the reason her hands are going past the white line.

Although, now that I watched it again, I'm not so sure her hands do go over the line...?
Yes, they did the forward roll before, now its this one. The mats really are low, but to me it looks like her hands hit directly on the white line.
I honestly have never seen this new level 2 vault competed (it's strange how low it is). Dunno (and other coaches) have said that vault judging is all over the place. As long as they are judging consistently across gymnasts, it should all wash out.

The run at the lower level often has deductions - they probably took something off. If I was looking at her vault in terms of what's important for a higher level vault there would be three observations: 1) the board looks way too close to me like Quadqueen said; 2) if you slow down the video frames she looks very piked in the first phase right off the board (look at the link below -- the entry should be more of a hollow body shape -- I think the board placement impacts this); and 3) there's no "pop" off the mat with the hands. If you see a good HS vault at L4 and above, you'll notice a clear space between the straight body and the vault table. Not sure if the judges should or do look for the last point at L2 but they might if they don't know better.

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I don't think the deduction for crossing the line is high (maybe .1?) - my DD did that a few times many years ago when she was competing old L3. And by the way, she's doing tsuk LOs now and finished in the top 3 at every competition this past year -- don't sweat the small stuff - it will all come with time and practice. :)
I don't have anything to add to the thread except to say that it is really cute when your DD runs back after she finishes her vault. I have many videos of myself running back after each vault but once I had to start competing higher level vaults I walked back!
She has a slight pike going into the handstand as well as a tiny leg separation and knee bend. It does look like her hands crossed the line on the 1st VT but maybe not the 2nd, it's hard to tell from that angle. I can also definitely see judges taking a deduction for the run. If she did get the .5 deduction for hands past the line, I can see the 8.1 score making sense with all of the other smaller deductions that can add up. It would seem a little low if she didn't get that deduction, but not totally unreasonable if judges were being tough overall (so everyone getting scores lower than usual).
Either way, I wouldn't worry too much about it. It's level 2, and vault is generally a tough event for little ones anyway. She'll figure it out, she looks like a great little gymnast (and adorable too)!
Thank You coachmolly! the scores were all over the board from 6's up to 9's, so im unsure of what they were thinking (however who knows what goes through the judges minds). I will try to let her know about the bent knees and leg spread without sounding too much like a mom-coach lol...
Overall it's a pretty good vault, the run got deductions as well as leg form and tightness in both phases (preflight and post flight), slight shoulder angle, not hitting mat at correct angle (probably because it's too low), and I guess they considered that hands over the line.

I think if you add in the .5 and look at overall results, placement wise she probably didn't do too bad. They were probably just being picky.
We were told that the hands can't even cross the line on the landing... and hers were definitely over. The coaches should raise the mat or move the board. The rules say a MINIMUM of 16" stacked mats. They don't say they can't be higher.
We were told that the hands can't even cross the line on the landing... and hers were definitely over. The coaches should raise the mat or move the board. The rules say a MINIMUM of 16" stacked mats. They don't say they can't be higher.

Huh ? You mean when they lay on their back their hands have to be on the springboard side of the line? That is not true . Any successfully performed vault will land on the other side of the line. They are looking for a quick turnover on the preflight though. I think the line is stupid personally, they should just evaluate what they see in terms of turnover and entry and deduct accordingly for the height of the gymnast etc...but that's not how they judge compulsory vault.
Also first vault hands were definitely over. Second vault was correct and not over line as far as I can see but had worse run and leg form...so I don't know which they ended up scoring as the best. It's not really that bad, but the trend seems to be toward pickiness on the flatback vaults.
It's interesting to compare to the girl right after her. Watching it might help you understand. You can see her when they flash your dd's score. This girl, though also piked in the beginning, hits before the line and is vertical and then clearly rebounds off her hands before landing on her back. That board is really close.
Here is her vault run..you could also see her other events on my channel, and before anyone says anything about beam, yes, we know she accidently did a Lvl 3 dismount, and she should have got back on beam and did her Lvl 2 dismount, but I dont think she knew that she was supposed to do that....

Those are very low mats. Here's DD's vault run. Maybe to give you an idea of what the judges seem to score high.


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