Parents Ranch update

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Hello All,

Sorry for the lateness of this post but we were exhausted when we got home last night.

Cait had a great day on Sunday. She had some ups and downs but overall was very excited about her day. She came out smiling and wanting more. That is really all we can ask for.

Based on her score - around 75ish.. Hard to tell exactly.. She is on the border for the B team. Last year the cutoff for the B team was 73. We are supposed to find out today or tomorrow at the latest. Gary Warren told us that the national team arrives at the ranch on Wed so he wanted to get the results out by Monday because he would have no time once the team arrived.

Cait really wants to go back in December so are anxiously awaiting the results. I will post as soon as we know if she made the B team or not. Either way, she had a great time and her confidence is sky high going into meet season..

Thanks everyone,


I will post some pics of all three girls at the walk of fame later on...

P.S. the other girls we went with did awesome as well.. they are both 10 yr olds. One made the B team for sure and is hovering around the A team score and the other is right at the cutoff for the A team for last year...
Wow! Hope she makes the cutoff. What an amazing experience and she is still so young, plenty of time for next year! :) I am glad she was all healed up and got to go and do what she has worked so hard for. :)
So glad she had fun. What an incredible opportunity for her !!

Hope she makes it. Will be waiting to hear !!
That has to be exciting. Good job on her and her efforts. You too for the support.
Wow, very exciting for Cait! It sounds like she had a terrific time at the Ranch. Crossing fingers for B team!
Sounds like she had a great experience. Hoping she gets the opportunity to back in December!
That's awesome! Nothing beats the smile and confidence that accompany accomplishment. You have many reasons to be proud of your little girl, and I suspect that in spite of the attention she garners from her gym talent, it's no where near the top of the list!

Congratulations to Cait on a very successful trip. I'm so glad she had fun, because I don't believe this one's the last!
hat is wonderful, I am so glad she enjoyed her experience. If it takes her on to the B team that would be wonderful, but if not what a wonderful thing to have participated in, I am sure she'll have great memories for a long time.
No update as of yet. We are still waiting.

As for Doc Ali stuff, Jen(thnkgd4kds) will post later on tonight. It was very insightful and I think most of you will enjoy her approach..

To piggyback on a lot of what fellow CBers have said, 95% of what Caitlyn got out of this experience was achieved before she even set foot on the ranch. She has gotten stronger, faster, more confident and more determined. She has already won. I can't wait to see how this translates into her meet season. It is/has been a wonderful experience for her.

A little late jumping in here... This has to be such an exciting trip for you guys. What a thrilling experience and congratulations to Cait for her great performance. I wouldn't know how I would feel if I were in your shoes. You guys must be so proud. Great work all the way around! :applause:
Ah look i am posting on husbands acct. It was really nice to meet you. I of course have met your wife before...nice to see her again.

Next year, I think you should let Cait stay in the CABINS. A girl can not fully have the TOPs experience without the bugs, yummy food, and lovely nature lol! Angela will soooo agree with me :)


Ah look i am posting on husbands acct. It was really nice to meet you. I of course have met your wife before...nice to see her again.

Next year, I think you should let Cait stay in the CABINS. A girl can not fully have the TOPs experience without the bugs, yummy food, and lovely nature lol! Angela will soooo agree with me :)



It was nice to see you again, too, Jen!

I thought of you as we were about to leave the ranch Sunday. Suddenly, I felt stinging all over my feet. I looked down, and they were covered with red ants! It literally happened in a second, as I had just a second before glanced down to make sure I wasn't stepping on the nasty things' nests. Isn't it nice that I thought of you when covered with red ants? :D (For those of you reading, Jen had asked my dh to tell her dh some things Saturday, among them that she was watching out for red ants!)

I'd definitely consider having Cait stay in the cabins next year. This year, I was afraid she'd feel left out because she would've been the only one who didn't know every person in the cabin. But, those Buckeye girls made her feel welcome when she was playing around with them and her teammate!:) Sleeping and that yummy food would still be a concern. Of course, we could just run up the street to get a substantial meal, ha ha.

Yes, I hate the waiting, and I'm anxious for Cait. She wants to make a team, obviously, and I think she'll be right around the cut-off. Will my stomach ever go back to normal? First the tests, now the waiting. Ugh. I think that Cait's already received the benefits of this experience, and that making the team will just be the whipped cream on top of the ice cream (I don't like cherries), but I know it's important to her.

Hey, get your own account! ;)
Hey guys! I am really glad Cait had a positive experience. You are so right...experiences like this are priceless. I hope she realizes what an incredible accomplishment it was to be among the 240 girls in Texas. Hang in there through the waiting. I have my fingers and toes crossed!
Hey guys! I am really glad Cait had a positive experience. You are so right...experiences like this are priceless. I hope she realizes what an incredible accomplishment it was to be among the 240 girls in Texas. Hang in there through the waiting. I have my fingers and toes crossed!

we are anxious to hear how Jade did as well. Keep us posted. Jen and I wish we could have met up with you. Did Jade enjoy her experience as well?

Ah look i am posting on husbands acct. It was really nice to meet you. I of course have met your wife before...nice to see her again.

Next year, I think you should let Cait stay in the CABINS. A girl can not fully have the TOPs experience without the bugs, yummy food, and lovely nature lol! Angela will soooo agree with me :)



yes, we hate the waiting. Should be anytime now.
I wish we could have met you and Jen too. Jade had fun and really would like to make a team too. She will be okay either way. She gets her new floor routine on Saturday so her attention has already turned to the next exciting experience. The waiting should be over soon. I will let you know how she does and will check back for an update on Cait.
You guys must all be on pins and needles, I doubt you got much sleep last night! GOOD LUCK to the girls, and like many have already said here, they are already winners! An incredible life experience that so few get to have. You all must be so proud!!
You all must be so very proud of your little gymmies! I'm feeling a sense of pride for them as well! What a great experience for them, and for you as parents. All their hard work is definitely paying off! :)
Can't wait to hear the results!

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