recoop after cast removal - simple break?

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DD was just casted for a torus fracture of her distal radius (right by the wrist). Dr says it's a mild break but the ortho felt more comfortable casting it. 3-4 weeks in the cast.

Here's the dilemma - dd's first meet ever is Nov 15, the day after they remove the cast. We can push the removal to three days prior and the dr said once it comes off, she is good to get right back to practice. She's between level 3-4 in the prep op system. So - no backhandsprings required, just back hip circles, flatbacks on the vault. Lots of handstands and roundoffs.

What do you all think - Is it possible that she could she compete?

She doesn't have practice again until next week, which is when I'll talk to her coaches about it. Jsut looking for the parent and gymnast perspective from past experience... Just wondering if we should just scrap this first meet. Her next on isn't until January. This Nov one is just to prep them and then they have a couple months to work on the weaknesses. Still - 1st ever for her - I'd hate for her to miss it.

If I were you, which of course is not the case, I'd scrap the meet in November and focus your little one's attention on the January one. It would be easy to make the January one seem more important to her, it's all in the advertising you know.;)

I just don't feel that going into a meet unprepared and with the cast just off is in the best interests of your child. It may be her first meet, but the January meet can be her first instead.

Just my 10 cents worth of course, you're the Mom and only you can decide what is best for her.

Good luck, sorry to hear about her break.:(
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I wouldn't push it. You'll be amazed at how quickly the muscles atrophy. She'll need a little time to get back to 100%.

It seems like a big deal now, but in reality it will be just a blip in her gymnastics career.

Good luck!
Hi, sorry to hear that she has a fracture. I agree with the previous posters, I would not have her participate in that meet...and I am answering from three points of view, coach, physical therapist and mom!!;)

Let her first meet be in Jan...I'm sure that she will shine then!
I also would not push it. Trying to do her full competitive level skill level before she is 100%, would risk further injury in my opinion, and possibly reinjury to the specific site. I am surprised that no matter how mild they cleared it that easily. My experience is that they are usually pretty cautious. I had a mild break in my foot and it was too weak for full activity even though it was only 3.5 weeks of casting. The muscles were visibly atrophied. Especially with a wrist, which takes a lot of stress it is not designed for in gymnastics, I would be cautious. It is hard but there is no sense risking possible long term consequences at this point. Also, if she hasn't been training these routines, it will be an uphill battle after a few weeks and she may become discouraged if she tries to compete too fast.

I would explain it to her as clearly as possible and recognize that you know she is disappointed. Then I would plan to attend the meet to watch, and plan something special she can do for her teammates (such as make a little good luck note). Do her hair the way you would for the meet and let her wear her warm ups or whatever their outer clothes are. She can probably rotate with the team, and maybe the coach can give her a job like recording the scores. If not they could ask the meet director if she can be a "runner" and help with an event, in many meets some of the score running positions are filled relatively last minute with siblings, etc, pretty simple job but the kids feel important.
I agree with everyone else on here as well. DD just recovered from a broken Collarbone. She was able to return to full practice 2 weeks ago, but it's amazing how much strength she actually lost in 10 weeks. Her first meet is in 3 weeks and she's not really ready to compete and score well yet. I really wish she'd just skip this first meet b/c she's going to be emotionally crushed if she doesn't score well -- and I'm just talking in the 33 or 34 range!!!

Let her focus on the January meet, get lots of practice time in before then and she'll be awesome!!

I agree with the others as far as not doing the meet in Nov. Yes, she'll have missed over 3 weeks of doing any bar work, vaulting and parts of the floor/beam routines. She should still be able to do conditioning and the dance elements on floor and beam so tell her that when she does compete in Jan. those will be super strong events for her.

Reality is when a cast comes off, there is muscle atrophy which means that lower arm and hand will be weaker than the other for a few weeks. Also any joint(and I'm assuming the wrist) will be quite stiff and it might be a good idea to have the doctor refer her to a physical therapist for just a couple of sessions to work that out and show her some exercises she can do at home.

Very, very sorry to hear about the injury. Maybe make a big deal about her being the team cheerleader or mascot or something for the Nov. meet so she feels included.
I would not push it either. Since the Nov meet would have been her first, it is more important psychologically and from a self-esteem's perspective, to give her until Jan to be better physically and mentally prepared. I would wait until Jan, but that is just me! My dd is new to gymnastics this year and I would want her to be as prepared as she could be for her first meet.
I just got a cast of my foot four days ago (only had it for three weeks) and my ankle was really weak and unflexable and my calf was extra skinny.
My whole leg under the knee felt weird, and it was only a break on the side of my foot. the dock said to wait atleast two weeks to try anything cause it will break again.
Thanks everyone!

The coach called me back today - wasn't expecting to talk with her until Monday. She made the decision for us - no Meet. She said they want the gymnasts to slowly increase workload for two weeks once the dr. gives the go ahead. The gym does not want to take the chance of another, more serious injury taking place. It all makes sense. I should have thought about that - It's just that when the dr. said she should be ready to go once the cast comes off, I assumed that's true but it makes sense that the coaches would want it to go slower.

DD was *devastated*. I really didn't expect this because she was SO nervous about this first meet but I guess the coaches have been pumping it up and now she was looking forward to it. I felt so bad. But she has calmed down and I told her we'd talk to the coaches about staying with the team during the meet, helping someway. It's a home meet so that might make it easier.

So - now it's 4 wks of conditioning! oh boy - just what she loves - not! LOL She'll continue to practice routines too, just no weight bearing on her hands.

Thanks again!!!

DD was *devastated*. I really didn't expect this because she was SO nervous about this first meet but I guess the coaches have been pumping it up and now she was looking forward to it. I felt so bad. But she has calmed down and I told her we'd talk to the coaches about staying with the team during the meet, helping someway. It's a home meet so that might make it easier.

Oh, definitely! If it's a home meet I'm sure they can find a job for her or she could just rotate with the team. Since this meet is a little later in the year, is there a session with higher levels? Maybe you can also take her to another session to watch the "big girls" if so.
Everyone else gave perfect advice, and you already have a decision - soooo I just wanted to send best wishes to your dd for a speedy recovery. Think how much stronger her legs will be with all of the x-tra conditioning :D
Good job on getting to a decision. For what it is worth, my DH had a cast taken off his arm on Thursday after breaking his wrist in about the same place. It is still very sore and quite swollen today and was extremely painful when bumped. Of course, he is about 102 years older than your DD!!
im sorry to hear that she has broke it.
i would have to say it wouldn't be the smartest idea to compete.
her wrist my be fine but its most probably still pretty weak. once they are injured(depending what has happened) they sometimes take along while to regain the strength lost.

at this point in time i would have to say imho; no
you wouldn't want her risking permanent injury?

hope it heals well and its all good for the 15th/1st
good luck.

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