Rip talk! LOL

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Proud Parent
Oct 5, 2011
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Let's talk about rips. What do you usually put on rips? Neosporin? Bag of Balm (sp?)? Chapstick? Something else?? Like I'm talking about when they go to bed at night. DD got a real nasty one....probably the worst I've seen yet. So nasty it turned my stomach just lookin' at it. It was on the underside of her wrist though (she said she got it from being on the straps). Normally we put that bag o' balm stuff on it. Love it. Then cut a sock so her fingers are free and put it over so the stuff don't come off while she's sleeping. It started scabbing up today when she woke up! Great I thought! Then today at gym, scab comes off and we're back in square one! haha Oh boy!

So just wanted to hear of what others use for rips. I've heard of sooo many different things that people put on it and wanted to know what you use and like. I also heard its not good to cover them w/ bandaids...that they need to be left open.

So tell me what you do for rips and your thoughts and what has worked for your DDs! :)
Interesting topic! Hmmmm.... I've never seen my daughter's rips scab over. Most girls on her team wear grips, but she has always had problems with grips because her hands are so tiny. According to my daughter, she can hold on to the bar better w/o grips. So the coaches taught my DD how to wrap up her rips with athletic tape, and how to make tape grips. She will also use athletic tape to cover her rips before she goes to school. It is really a non-issue and I am very proud of the fact that my 3rd grader can do this on her own. Too bad athletic tape can be quite expensive!
Interesting topic! Hmmmm.... I've never seen my daughter's rips scab over.
Yea I'm not even sure if a rip on the palm even scabs over! All the rips she's had on her PALM never scab over. HOWEVER, this one is not on her palm it's on her wrist (same side as her palm) and it's in such an ODD spot! So I think it scabbed over because of it's location. She's never had a rip there before...ever. But she did say it was from being on the straps for a while.

So yea, it sucks. Scab fell off now it's raw again. Grrrr!

And she had her first meet of the season over the weekend and they taped it up and all that right before she did bars.
DD actually got her first real rip this proud! Anyway, the only thing her gym says to put on is diaper cream. And keep it uncovered always.

I don't know if this is the right advice, but it's what her head coach says.
DD got her first rip on her wrist this summer. It was in a weird spot, she thought it was from her grips but could have been strap bar. We used Balmex on it at night and covered with a sock. She preferred the Balmex to anything else we've used in the past.

Big DD swears by warm tea bags on rips.
Beth uses the tea bags too--works well for her. She always tapes over them too.
I've used tea bags too (: I also put carmex on my rips when I go to sleep, and it keeps it from drying out (it works great fo rips on my wrists!)

I've get rips on my wrists pretty often, and I normally just tape it and it's okay. Tape on wrists stays SO much better than on a palm! LOL.
tea bags! never heard of that one? what do u do....just lay a warm tea bag on it for a certain amt. of time?

I also never heard of diaper cream.

Wow, so interesting to hear all the different "remedies"!

Keep them coming! :D
If you have a kid that uses A LOT of athletic tape, you might consider ordering it by the case (or going in with a couple teammates to do so). You can get a case of 48 rolls for around $65-$70 total with the shipping (shipping is pretty costly as a case of tape is pretty heavy, but still much cheaper than buying individual rolls). Don't want to give any sites free advertising, but just search "case coach athletic tape" and shop around.
I've always use vitamin E at night and put a sock over her hand. It has worked every time :). This summer she started using grips so less rips but a few weeks ago the grip was sliding up over the wrist band and cutting the side of her hand. Another gym mom told me I probably need to wash the bands. Lol I didn't even think of that and sure enough that fixed the problem. Ya can learn something new everyday :).
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tea bags! never heard of that one? what do u do....just lay a warm tea bag on it for a certain amt. of time?

I also never heard of diaper cream.

Wow, so interesting to hear all the different "remedies"!

Keep them coming! :D

Yes, you heat the tea bag in hot water like normal (Beth actually then drinks the tea LOL!), then put the slightly cooled tea bag on your rip. Something in it helps the rip heal. Very popular remedy around here and it works great!

And I might have to buy that tape by the case! Not only does Beth use it to tape rips, but she tapes her toes together too (she's broken two toes--both last year, so tapes them to give added stability--at this point I think it's in her head, but if it makes her feel better, why not?)
Tape works great on wrists, but what always worked better for my DD were the "extra long" wrist guards that you can buy at Sports Authority!!! They are REALLY LONG and fit nicely under trips and even better under those straps for the strap bar.

For rips on palms we always used neosporin along w/the cotton gloves. Fortunately, she never got any of the rips on her wrists!
We use vitamin E nightly to prevent rips....the coach recommended this...not sure why...keeps their hands a bit soft? That doesn't make sense as I type because I know the callous is important! Well, we use it and my daughter rarely rips.

I used to buy the Vitamin E tablets and then got smart and realized they sell it in a bottle! Much easier!!

If she sees a 'bubble' as she calls them forming, she uses Preparation H....really! Also recommended by the coach!! Reduces swelling so takes the edge off that 'bubble' overnight.

Always wears cotton gloves over this stuff at night.

As for when she gets a rip, wash it well, used Neosporin and cover it for 24 hours. This is also what her coach recommends. He said it is important for it to stay clean so it doesn't get infected (makes sense).

So, she will just cover with a bandaid and tape to go to school.

Hope this helps.
Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise - thats what my doctor friend says. DD has eczema so is perscribed both a normal emolioment (diprobase)and 50/50 cream. The diprobase comes in tubes so I have one in each bathroom, one in the living room and one in the car. She moisturises every time she washes her hands, goes to bed and to and from gym - this has stopped rips completely. The hard skin rips, the soft skin stretches. (plus my hands are nice and soft from applying it ;))

Well, we did try the tea bag thing for the first time last night. Then put a ton of that bag o' balm stuff that we usually use and gloved it. Of course she left for TOPS camp this morn with a couple rips. :( When she does see a bubble forming...she pokes a little hole in it and leaks it out and has me cut it out (that skin that is seperated from the palm). She says cuz if not it's just gonna pop anyway and will need to be cut (the skin). Thanks for all the ideas! :)

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