Parents Scrip Question

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Proud Parent
Apr 26, 2010
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Our old gym used to have a Scrip program and it was the single biggest fundraiser in the program. Unlike other fundraising programs (sleepovers, meet concessions, etc.) which benefited the whole team, the scrip credits went to the individual families. I was thinking about suggesting it as a fundraiser for our new gym, but was always a little perplexed by how the individual could get the credit in a non-profit environment. Has anyone ever had to deal with the question of who should getting the credit (team or individual)? Even the software seems designed to manage the credits by person, so I assume it's okay. And there's definitely less incentive to buy if just benefits the team at large.

I know a number of gyms use this program and would be curious about how your programs account for Scrip. If you're familiar with it, would you recommend it as a fundraiser to a new gym? Thanks!
I was the treasurer of the booster club at our old gym. we did the scrip fundraiser as well and it only benefited the family that purchased the gift cards not the whole gym. I could see this as a problem if you were a 501 C3 but we were not so any fundraiser we did only profited those that participated.
I was the treasurer of the booster club at our old gym. we did the scrip fundraiser as well and it only benefited the family that purchased the gift cards not the whole gym. I could see this as a problem if you were a 501 C3 but we were not so any fundraiser we did only profited those that participated.

Thanks AGM - Our last parents associate was a 501(c)(3) and the one is as well. That's why it always bothered me. Trying to figure out if I am missing something.
I was the treasurer of the booster club at our old gym. we did the scrip fundraiser as well and it only benefited the family that purchased the gift cards not the whole gym. I could see this as a problem if you were a 501 C3 but we were not so any fundraiser we did only profited those that participated.
I thought you had to be a 501c to participate in scrip. Ds's swim club does it. It's a great fundraiser and we have earned a lot back from it. They have set it up as a "discount" off next year's tuition.
I am not sure about the legalities of it all. All I know is that they have done it for many years as a non profit organization but we were not tax exempt.
I asked our booster club and they said we couldn't do it...something to do with our non-profit status.
I asked our booster club and they said we couldn't do it...something to do with our non-profit status.

QQ - any idea if you're a 501(c)(3)? Like Gymgal said - it's mostly non-profits that do this - and I thought 501(c)(3)s. I'm just trying to figure out if it's being done correctly. It's a great program if it works with the legalities. I'm not sure I understand how you can be a non-profit without being a (3) unless it's under another section (i.e., c6 for associations), but then you can't accept donations.

Any input from folks is greatly appreciated.
We did Scrip at our old gym and we were 501C-3. Contact the Scrip program. I e-mailed them and they were very helpful and timely with their response. They actually sent us a document from the IRS explaining how the Scrip program can be used for individual accounts even if you are 501C-3. It has to do with the fact that you aren't actually selling anything, you are just purchasing cards and saving money off of what you purchase, so it is like using coupons, instead of actually earning an income. I was very surprised to learn that it was legal to credit individual accounts, but when they sent me the info it made sense. And, If I remember correctly, I thought it was a requirement of the script program to be a 501C-3, but I could be remembering that part wrong.
Gymtigermom - thanks so much - that explanationmakes a lot of sense. That's why I love Chalkbucket. I will call them to confirm as well.
I think we are not a 501 C 3 and that's why we can't do it...although in the FAQ on the website, I remember something about how you could write them a letter on letterhead explaining your non-profit status.
Our program is set up that each family does x fundraising, to keep costs/fees lower. So our version of Scrip credits that family's fundraising account, thus keeping their fees lower but the $ goes to the gym. Some families have multiple purchasers and raise a ton of money with grandmas, aunts, friends, buying and the % refund directly applies to them.

It's website, where you buy gift cards from hundreds of different places for full price and your BC gets a percentage back. Ranges from 3-15% cash back. Our swim club takes a certain portion for the administration costs and gives the rest to the individual families. I use it all the time for Amazon. They have a lot that are e-cards so you can use them right away. Others are sent to the BC to be passed out. To beginners, I would use it a lot more if I remembered to check the sponsors before buying.
Can someone explain PrestoPay? Is it like Paypal?
it is the draft system scrip uses for payments. It is hooked up to your checking account and drafted immediately. You can't use credit cards with scrip. Or at least you couldn't when I signed up a couple years ago

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