Parents Sharp's home raided last night

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That is just sickening. This story went wrong in so many places. I cannot fathom how this went on for two years without the parents suspecting something. Who lets a gymnastics coach photograph their daughter? There should never ever be any opportunity for him to be alone with her behind a closed door.

there you go! has nothing to do with no watching policies. moreover, PARENTS are the first line of defense in all this.
Dunno...does it really matter who he coached? No. This man stepped on the trust of innocent children. These babies have to live with what happened to them. A five yo? A five yo?! That is Beyond disgusting!
I pray the families, children, employees are able to find a way to move on. Even those that weren't touched at that gym have to be exposed to this sickness. The aftermath of something like this is explosive.
What troubles me is that stories like this seem to be a dime a dozen. I read something yesterday that was troubling to me. It stated something about how our society breeds this behavior. You know what those are Excuses! I live in this society as well. I have stopped watching TV and well so have my children. They know why we have. We only go to watch wholesome, Christian movies or children's movies. Etc. There is such a thing as shutting it off, not watching.
I will agree that this world is in trouble. The more we feed into the mess , the more it continues. Parents protect your children. Do not think that anyone is above hurting your child. Don't live in fear. But be ever vigilant. We were granted God given instincts. Use them! I am
sorry, but this hits a nerve. Period. Our children are precious gifts. I look at my beautiful, eleven yo, and I see a world of possibilities. I see the good that this world can be. She is hope. I intend to keep that hope alive.
That story really creeps me out because there was a gymnastics photographer in my state who tried to get me to try on different leos for a photo shoot (when I was about 13). He was never a coach, but was a regular fixture at meets. He took action shots during competitions with a portrait set-up for parents who wanted posed pictures between sessions or to buy the action shots from previous meets (since nothing was digital back then). I had finished competing at one meet and was watching a later session when he struck up a conversation with me. He told me that he had been photographing me for years and wanted to show me all of his pictures. I was very creeped out by how large his collection was. He said he was attracted to certain gymnasts more than others and I was one of them. He then offered to do a photo shoot with me. I told him no thanks, but then found out a bunch of my teammates were doing them too so I later agreed. We all watched each other's 5 minute photo shoots (some moms were there too). When it was my turn, everything was different. I was last of course, and my mom was volunteering elsewhere at the meet. He shut the door and showed me the leotards he had chosen for me and showed me where I could change. I told him that I liked my team leo, so he said we could start with that one. After about 20 minutes of a very uncomfortable photo shoot (trying to make me look very sensual), he told me it was time to change leotards. I made up an excuse to leave and did not come back. I spent the rest of my competition days avoiding any close contact with him, but could always see him out of the corner of my eye photographing me when I competed. He would often try to approach me at meets, but I always dodged him when I saw him coming and always had a teammate come with me to the restroom. I never told my parents or coaches, because I felt stupid about allowing myself to be alone in a room with him. I completely forgot about him until I read this. I'm sure he was a predator, but I have no idea if he ever got busted. I wish I'd had the confidence to share what had happened with an adult at the time.
I never told my parents or coaches, because I felt stupid about allowing myself to be alone in a room with him. I completely forgot about him until I read this. I'm sure he was a predator, but I have no idea if he ever got busted. I wish I'd had the confidence to share what had happened with an adult at the time.

You were not stupid, you listened to your gut instincts and left. Bravo

And now as an older wiser person, with the benefit of hindsight, you know the second most important thing besides listening to you inner ick meter. TELL.
Gymjunkie's post brings up something that I have recently stumbled in. Tgere is a guy on eBay who sells old "vintage" photos and negatives. He always has some of high school gymnasts up that he lustsas "sexy". It creeps me out to think who he is marketing these photos too and dies make me nervous to think if who is taking pictures if my kids at meets and what their intentions are. (I go in and report this guy's stuff to ebay from time to time; but I wish that the police would check into the guy himself and his customers.)
I know we've been over this ground before, but who needs meets if Instagram is available? :(
Gymjunkie's post brings up something that I have recently stumbled in. Tgere is a guy on eBay who sells old "vintage" photos and negatives. He always has some of high school gymnasts up that he lustsas "sexy". It creeps me out to think who he is marketing these photos too and dies make me nervous to think if who is taking pictures if my kids at meets and what their intentions are. (I go in and report this guy's stuff to ebay from time to time; but I wish that the police would check into the guy himself and his customers.)

While this story and stories like it cause us all to feel sick, to feel anger and fear, to cry for the innocent victims and question how such evil can exist in this world... I believe that it does renew our vigilance, and threads like this can hopefully be used as a positive discussion point as to how we can all learn the most to prevent these horrible things from happening.

Some great points have been made already, and Gymjunkie, even though you didn't tell anyone, you were able to get out of the situation and keep yourself safe. Truly that is exactly what you needed to do. It is the trusted adults around you who are responsible for creating an environment where it would have been easier for you to tell someone. Never feel guilty about that. You stayed safe.

There have been a few situations in Ontario where people have been removed from competitions for taking what was deemed to be inappropriate pictures. Men with no affiliation to the gymnastics world taking closeup "crotch shots" on different events. The only way i learned of this was when our club hosted a meet the pictures of the men were posted at admissions and we were to watch for them and contact security. I also worked security inside the gym and that was one thing we were to be vigilant for, was the people taking pictures.

It is a frightening world, i don't know if its more so in the world of gymnastics and youth sports or not. I do think we can use this forum to help us as parents, coaches and older athletes to create a safer environment for our athletes, our children.
While this story and stories like it cause us all to feel sick, to feel anger and fear, to cry for the innocent victims and question how such evil can exist in this world... I believe that it does renew our vigilance, and threads like this can hopefully be used as a positive discussion point as to how we can all learn the most to prevent these horrible things from happening.

Some great points have been made already, and Gymjunkie, even though you didn't tell anyone, you were able to get out of the situation and keep yourself safe. Truly that is exactly what you needed to do. It is the trusted adults around you who are responsible for creating an environment where it would have been easier for you to tell someone. Never feel guilty about that. You stayed safe.

There have been a few situations in Ontario where people have been removed from competitions for taking what was deemed to be inappropriate pictures. Men with no affiliation to the gymnastics world taking closeup "crotch shots" on different events. The only way i learned of this was when our club hosted a meet the pictures of the men were posted at admissions and we were to watch for them and contact security. I also worked security inside the gym and that was one thing we were to be vigilant for, was the people taking pictures.

It is a frightening world, i don't know if its more so in the world of gymnastics and youth sports or not. I do think we can use this forum to help us as parents, coaches and older athletes to create a safer environment for our athletes, our children.

You know, Gymjunkie and Canadian_gym_mom, this is a really good point that hadn't occurred to me. I think it's probably a good idea for all of us, when hosting meets, to pay attention to anyone in the crowd who seems to be behaving inappropriately, and to make sure that we do good background checks on photographers.

Gymjunkie, you showed remarkable courage and initiative at that age. Be proud of yourself for being so smart and perceptive. While it is adults' responsibility to protect our children, one of the best things we can do is to give them the kinds of tools you had at your disposal to protect yourself. Of these tools, I think the most important one is the capacity to say no firmly and confidently to a person attempting to exercise authority over you in an inappropriate way -- and that goes for all kinds of circumstances in life.
Exuse me? Because one overly devote Christian does what he does all Christians are doomed? That's not even Remotely correct! We do not watch television because there is Nothing good on. Nearly everything on television is over sexualized. Things I do not care to watch. I discuss matters with my children. Again, there is such a thing as shutting off the negative influence. There is such a thing as saying No. This or that is not right. And that my friend, was the point I was trying to make. Read further. Read deeper.
Absolutely! Religion is not the be all and end all. For all we know, Marvin Sharp is a religious man.
You are missing the point. Talk with your children. Turn off negative influences. Tell them that their feelings matter. When they are made to feel uncomfortable, speak up. My DD recently told me that someone was 'Creeping her out'. I took action. She knows to talk with me. Yes, we live a WWJD mentality. In a world where all of this is occurring, we all need a stronghold. Otherwise we tend to look at unhealthy avenues. Religion should not be looked down upon.
The previous posters made strong statements. Be vigilant as a parent, viewer, coach. Where some of us go to meets because our DD'S or DS's are competing, yet others go to reminisce, still others may go to simply watch the girls in leotards. That is the Creepy in the world. These people will not be stopped if we continue to look the other way. They will never be stopped if they think they can strong arm an innocent child.
SPEAK UP AND LOUD when you see something of question. Teach your kids to SPEAK UP AND EVEN LOUDER. We all want to raise children who are respectful, but never at the cost of self-esteem. These are little people learning to be big people. They need to remain Intact if they are to be successful later in life. I am done on my soapbox. Be vigilantes for the innocent. That's WWJD. And no I don't hide behind d just grounds me. Get a base.
Religion/ faiths are personal private matters. Your faith, or lack of does not make you a better or worse person but as these matters are very personal and subjective debates can quickly disintegrate, that's why this is not the place to discuss religious views
Thanks iwannabemargo. I didn't intend to talk about religion in my original post, but that's what was pieced out by two others. We all need to get to the reality of this crazy. Why wouldn't someone speak up about this man having a separate photography business on the side..?especially if some of these pics are questionable. I looked yesterday. Why would I want my child's muscles photographed? S h e is a child. She has pics on team picture day, and at meets. Luckily for us most meets we've gone to a beautiful family who we know for years because DD was teammates with their DD takes them. Be vigilant.
A question for Dunno or other USAG insiders: Does USAG have on the quiet any kind of program to help a gym community that is reeling from this kind of event? While they are thankfully infrequent and I agree that USAG is quite rigorous in its efforts to prevent them, given the nature of gym coaching, it's unfortunately going to happen, and I would imagine that the fallout tends to play out in similar ways after each instance. I'm imagining a program that would connect families quickly with evaluative counselors, a system for contacting other area gyms to facilitate athlete placement (temporary or permanent), and a system for helping other coaches at the affected gym, who could find themselves in difficult circumstances going forward.
The Girl Scouts have a rule that forbids any adult volunteer to be with one or more children without a second adult present. This extends even to troop-0rganized carpools; if you are driving girls to a field trip, you must have a second adult in the car. Does USAG have such a rule? If not, why not? And if USAG doesn't have this rule, do gyms' insurance companies make it a condition of coverage? The rule wouldn't necessarily have prevented all of what reportedly went on in this particular case, but it would certainly help.

One thing I really like about our current gym is that the entire building is incredibly open. There isn't even an office, just a desk in the lobby. There is literally no separate room where an adult could theoretically take a child off alone except for the bathroom, and no one would be able to do that without being noticed by dozens of people.

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