Should we get a beam at home?

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We have a piece of blue painter's tape across the middle of the living room. I anticipate a "you might be a redneck" great for DD though.
We have had a beam for three years. Of our 3 daughters, only one is a gymnast. All of the girls spend an equal amount of time on the beam, about o minutes a day for the last two years and eleven months. However, when friends come over, they often use the beam!
We have had a beam for three years. Of our 3 daughters, only one is a gymnast. All of the girls spend an equal amount of time on the beam, about o minutes a day for the last two years and eleven months. However, when friends come over, they often use the beam!

Too funny!!!
We have a floor beam and a cheese mat. They are great for making forts...haven't seen them used much for gymnastics.
We have a floor beam and a cheese mat. They are great for making forts...haven't seen them used much for gymnastics.

I think maybe we should start a new thread. The most creative way your piece of home gymnastics equipment has been used! That's too funny.
k - I started the new thread :) --- Jump in with the creative stories ;)

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We have a homemade beam. It only gets used when friends are over. They mostly just do leaps, turns, poses on it.
We have a piece of blue painter's tape across the middle of the living room. I anticipate a "you might be a redneck" great for DD though.

This is the best beam ever. Coaches always make the girls begin any skill on the line, it is the perfect way to practice beam skills at home. Also very portable.
Yes, we already have the blue painters tape down in our basement. They don't spend much time on it, so yeah, I doubt they would spend much time on a real beam either. Funny though, we have a set of rings in our basement too (and mats, a slide, swings, pull up bar, etc) and they spend more time on those rings than anything else. Maybe they should be male gymnasts?
I have had a beam since I was 5..... I finally gave my mom the go ahead to just get rid of it (I was attached to it, like it was a baby doll or something) then we adopted my 2 little twin sisters..... that beam is going nowhere anytime soon....

but in reality it is never used except for confidence.
We had a folding beam and we still have a regular beam--a homemade one we bought from another gymnastics family a few years back. They NEVER use it for gymnastics though (and I wouldn't let them either--we have no mats or anything for it!). They play games on it, etc. I gave away the folding beam to my sister--she uses it with her preschoolers (she runs a home daycare/preschool). Would I buy one again? Nope, not worth the money for the time/skills they might use it.
My DD has a real nice beam that is about 8 ft long, padded, with suede leather wrapped around it. She did not use it much since it is too short, but the cats loved it. They thought it was great that we got them a $150 scratching post.
My DD has a real nice beam that is about 8 ft long, padded, with suede leather wrapped around it. She did not use it much since it is too short, but the cats loved it. They thought it was great that we got them a $150 scratching post.

OH MY!!! That's one expensive cat scratch post ;o
Funny though, we have a set of rings in our basement too (and mats, a slide, swings, pull up bar, etc) and they spend more time on those rings than anything else. Maybe they should be male gymnasts?

If they were male gymnasts they'd probably want to be on the beam! When I was coaching our school gymnastics teams, all the boys wanted to go on the beam!
We do have a little beam that ZZ occasionally uses to practice her jumping. It's hit or miss. Just once in a while when she thinks about it.

When E was a gymnast we put a tape line in our basement and she practiced her level 5 and level 6 beam routines on it. She was the state beam champion those years and even later was a gymnast who could do on the beam (almost) what she could do on floor.

One day one of the other moms asked me about our beam at home. She said, her dd said that E was so good at beam because she had a beam at home. When she found out it was just a tape line on carpet, we had a good laugh. :)

Best Wishes,

I have a beam at home and have had one since I started, it has help massivley! I recommend it!
We have a beam at home and I really like it. My sister (L6) and I don't use it a ton, but its really helpful for working on problem skills that just need a lot of repetition to improve. Ours however is a homemade beam. It's 14 feet long, 5 in wide and 18 in above the ground. Its covered with a thin layer of foam and a thin vinyl sort of covering and is on steel legs. We keep it outside in the summer and in the basement in the winter. (We even taught our dog how to walk on it last winter. Hehe. ; ) It was fairly inexpensive and works just fine for us . We have rules for it though, like no using it when it's wet, making sure its on a flat piece of ground and not doing any dangerous skills. *About the wearing off after a while, yes. It does happen. We used ours all the time at first and then slowly drifted off, but I'm glad we have it for the times we do want to use it. I think this will happen with any toy/gift/new thing.
I made mine and it was really easy! I just went to my local hardware store got a 4x4 and a 2x4 when i got home i cut my 4x2 in half and sanded all three pieces. I then screwed a half of a 2x4 into each end and it was done! I saved a lot of money, you can add carpet if desired, and choose the length! If it does end up the newness wears off no need to worry you didn't spend $250 on piece of equipment that was only used a couple of times. I really like mine and made it for under $20 :D Hope this helped!

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