NOG... I DO agree w/you re: gym owners being paranoid about having parents come in and talk about their new gym.... BUT I think that the gym owners/coaches are think that they are cutting off any communication between people who have left and people who are still there arent' "living in the real world" either. The gym parents and girls become like a second family. We all talk to each other OUTSIDE of the gym as well. I think that IF the gym owners/coaches act so horribly, if REALLY starts to perpetuate the talk that they're so fearful of. I sure know that once my DD and I were treated so horribly, and at all places, at a meet they were hosting, I definitely had, and continue to have, NOTHING good to say about them at all. I will now go out of my way to never recommend them to anyone. (they have since "banned" two other families... on they are on a roll, aren't they?) On the other hand, I continue to recommend the gym where she participated in Prep Opt., as well as her current gym. Both places, we were, and are, treated with respect!!!!