Parents Some good news

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No it's clear you are both nuts! I'm eating the bowl of bugs, well only if they are chocolate dipped. A BHS on a beam, you'd have to be a loony tune to try that!

Loved Fear Factor, but I could never eat any of that stuff or do those stunts. Fun to watch, though many times I cringed at what they ate. Yuck.

What sounds scary is her schedule this year? How will she fit all that in? Yikes, that is scary.

And those slugs, ewwwwww. Never, never, never.
Barf, where do you find this stuff? Who knew you could buy gift wrapped slugs.
Hi mariposa,

bottom line is, she's missing alot of gymnastics....for now. Tonight she will miss ballet and go to gymnastics because she's missed all week so far. We're trying to make it all work, for instance, i drive her to school in the morning instead of the bus so she can get an x-tra half hours sleep. I have to drive her brother to his school anyway so we just leave a few minutes earlier which is stressful only because I can never get her brother out of bed in the morning.

Tomorrow (sat.), because she has gym and ballet at the same time, I will drive her to another gym in the afternoon who has graciously allowed her to practice with their team whenever we need to. I think it's good for her as the other gym's practices are shorter, but more intense and they do alot of things that our gym doesn't do. At the end of practice, she'll do a private with their head coach who is excellent and knows how to handle her. I'm extremely grateful to this coach as I'm not sure what we would have done without him. While she's at practice, I'll drive down to the beach and take her brother fishing.

So I guess the answer is, we take it day by day and make adjustments to fit her, if she needs to just stay home and chill, then chill it is. What some people don't understand is that she is a type 'A' personality, loves the attention, loves to be on stage and is only happy when she is busy. She has always been this way even as a small child....and so is her brother.

As long as it's working, it's all good. Bottom line is, she's happy and isn't ready to choose yet so my wife and I are willing to go the extra yard to help her make it all work.
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I guess I would be in a full body cast because I would have to try for the bhs on beam.Your dd is a beautiful gymnast and dancer I am sure it is going to be a rough choice for her.But wow one busy girl my dd is in GS and horseback riding so her schedule is pretty full .In the summer when she has no school she goes crazy during the day,she is my go go girl .But I know as she gets older and more ,more school work it is going to be rough fitting all of her activities in.

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