Parents Some notice would have been nice!

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gym law mom

Proud Parent
Just happened to take a day off and got to see my child practice for the 1st time this summer. One mom mentioned the fall schedule and said they were in the girl's boxes. She wasn't pleased because her dd's group starts practice 30 minutes later than last year---which of course means they stay 30 minutes later. Her dd is in middle school and will now get home from practice at 8:30pm.

Got my gymmie's schedule from her box and they are keeping the girls training in the same groups they were for the summer. So, she's in a group of current 7s and 8s. I have no doubt the 7s will move to 8, but the current 8s-----I think they're all iffy on at least 1 event to go to 9. The other group will have a couple of current 7s and some girls who will probably move to 10 plus 1 or 2 that may stay at 9----a very odd mix.

Ok, so at least all the 8s will practice together and have more practice time---they went up to 20 hours/week(1 hour more than she's training in the summer---go figure) and the tuition went up...............$100/mo. Looks like all the groups had an increase in tuition and it was not just a few dollars. Some warning to parents would have been appreciated because I know some folks were hanging on by a shoestring as it was AND not exactly like we're rolling in money. Now if they are hiring one coach who has been "subbing" alot as a part time coach, I won't mind the increase so much. This gal has a very strong gymnastics background and the girls love her and mine will try almost anything for her.

This schedule and tuition go into effect in 2 weeks(August gets prorated), so very little time for families to adjust budgets, carpools and lives in general. Why gyms just can't come out and say this is what we need to do and why is beyond me and give people more than 2 weeks notice!

Ok---just had to vent!
That stinks about the short notice on changes but we went thru this last year,.... a tuition hike, changes in schedule AND an increase in our annual registration (insurance, etc) fees from $40 per child up to $250 per child, per year!!!
Woah! That's a huge increase in fees--ours went up, but only $15, so I could handle that. A $100 increase would seriously affect Beth's ability to continue. Can you lodge a complaint? Even asking why such a large increase given many people's shaky financial situation right now. (and how does that make them compare to other gyms near you?)
DH was not pleased at all when he saw the new tuition. We can do it financially, but will have to cut back on a few little pleasures here and there. We are not mentioning it to my gymmie----she has always worried about her gymnastics costing too much and hurting the family.

The only other gym in the area to compare to is our previous gym. I'm comparing gyms that offer pre-team and USAG from L5-10. I haven't seen their tuition in awhile, but would say from what I did know, our L6s are probably paying more than theirs and the L8s-10 are about the same. Now, that gym has 3 locations and the gym where the teams train is much newer than ours(built specifically for gymnastics) and much bigger, so you know in a situation like that part of the tuition is helping to pay the mortgage/leases.

Thing is at our current gym, the rec program has grown----they have had ads up for more rec coaches for several months and we have more girls on team(over 50) than they have had for the last 5 yrs. The pre-team program is also quite busy.

I guess what is the most irritating is they knew they would be increasing tuition(probably several months ago). Just put out a notice in the girls boxes or email as a FYI and general reason----need new equipment, hiring new coach, roof falling in(just kidding on the roof!) and give people some time to be prepared.
Oh I totally agree. YOu would think at the end of the season they would tell you the new pricing so you can prepare after summer. The move from 4-5 with an increase of 2 hours a week was a 50.00 increase when last year it was virtually the same price. I so feel your pain. I am just waiting to hear what the assesment increase is going to be for the year. If our tuition has gone up you know the coaches fee for the meets will too. So much for DD privates this year. I will be cutting them back now we are closer to the 200 mark. Mind you I was one of those parents that scheduled 1 private a month or multiple extra practices. Now that just isn't in the budget as it was with old tuition
Wow that is a large increase. I am grateful that our tutition only increased by $15.00. What are you supposed to do make your daughter give up the sport or change gyms it is like your stuck.
That is crazy! The first gym ladybuwas at use to do stuff like that. Out of the blue you would see a note on the door and papers tuffed in boxes. One of the straws for us was durning owner change and gym relocating, The girls teams cump. and opt. HC announced they were both moving out of state and it seemed like the new owner just randomly picked someone to become HC and increased rates - again. It is annoying and you are right, they should have given way more notice and a couple of explanations for such a huge increase. I pray everything works out for you. :)
I am noticing more and more that the entire gymnastics community at large is not very good at communication. Except for maybe the parents. lol! That is a tough adjustment. We have last minutes expenses thrown at us all the time, but I would really love at least two weeks notice when I have to shell out that kind of dough. *sigh*

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