Never heard the level 1 or 2 music.
As somebody with experience in composition and production of music, I find the level 3 music almost physically painful. Even if I'm willing to ignore how much I hate the composition of the track, the production is inexcusably awful. The instruments sounds like it's played on a cheap radioshack keyboard, with not even the slightest effort given to the dynamics of the instruments. A moderately-skilled producer should be able to make those instruments sound better, even without spending any money on samples or effects. As is, you can hear the piano sample looping, the violin is barely even recognizable as a violin, and I've heard better-sounding flutes in 90's Nintendo games. I strongly suspect that whoever recorded and produced that track had literally never never touched any sort of audio workstation before.
The old floor music (the music used from 2004 to 2012) is an excellent point of comparison. While it may still have been annoying after hundreds (or thousands) of listens, the production quality was significantly better. Live instruments were used for most of the parts, and even the parts I suspect of being computer-sequenced are done well enough that they sound like real instruments played by a real human. I can honestly say I kind of liked the old Level 6 music (the vaguely-spanish sounding one). It had a dynamic piano part, and a tastefully-subtle classical guitar (both of which I'm pretty sure were recorded by actual human musicians). It had humanity, even a bit of emotion.
But the current level 3 music? Completely dead. Every piano note is at the same volume, and you can blatantly hear the samples looping at some points. Zero attempt at any sort of dynamics or expression in either the violin or the flute. And some chords near the end where I honestly can't even tell if the instrument is supposed to be an accordion or a string quartet; repeated notes at exactly the same volume with not the slightest trace of humanity or dynamics of any sort. I mean, the entire reason string quartets (or accordions, for that matter) can be so compelling is that they can be spectacularly expressive, and hearing either instrument (or synthesized versions thereof) sound so dead and lifeless makes me almost-irrationally angry.
They could have made a thread on the OCRemix forums or KVR audio forums asking for a producer, and I bet somebody could have done a better job with this track in under an hour, and probably wouldn't have charged them more than $100 for the job.