SPOILER ALERT!...Bela Karolyi Thinks We Made a Mistake?

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Someone needs to tell Bela that this is not the "Jordyn Show". She is a very talented gymnast but Aly and Gabby just had better showings on that day. Period. Aly and Gabby both have upgraded their routines and they HIT (except for Gabby's OOB on floor). We all know that in gymnastics ANYTHING can happen. There are no guarantees even if you are the reigning World AA champ. Aly and Gabby also seem to be peaking at the right time.

I feel bad for Jordyn but that is how the rules played out. Are the rules fair? No, not really, because you really aren't seeing "The best" gymnasts compete for AA. But rules are put in place for a reason.

I hope Jordyn can put this dissapointment past her and focus on the Team finals coming up. If she holds her head up high, has the best meet of her life for Team finals, and helps lead the team and stays upbeat and motivated, she will still be a golden girl. Sometimes attitude and perserverance are worth more than any medal or title.

Go Team USA!!!!
Everyone keeps talking about Jordyn stepping out of bounds, but she had errors on bars and beam as well that were likely larger deductions than the small step out of bounds. Ally & Gabby were just better than Jordyn yesterday. It is shocking and sad, but I keep thinking about how it would have been if Gabby and Jordyn had made it and Ally hadn't. There would be no talk of how sad it was that Ally didn't make it. That isn't exactly fair to any of the girls. Ally earned her spot, she had an awesome day.

Now the rules likely need to be changed as it is unfair to anyone who scores in the top 24, yet doesn't get to continue on. Hopefully they will rethink it. why not have 2 from every country plus those in the top 10 that weren't automatically included in the 2 per country, like Jordyn and the Russian girl who was 9th? There has to be a way to fix this.
Enough with the underscore, people should ask Geddert why he didn't fix Jordy's beam and floor issues.

Really? She's phenomenal. 4th place at the Olympic prelims on an off day.

It's a stupid system, nothing more, nothing less. Let's not start acting like she isn't better than the vast majority of the AA qualifiers. The real point here is that it's a stupid system that does nothing for our sport.

I don't buy the domination argument. If one country dominates the podium, so be it. That doesn't make the other countries better or worse to have their gymnasts "artificially" qualify. Seems like a dumb rule to up the drama of the television coverage, but it isn't very sports like. Even if the top 3 nations qualified all their AA competitors, it would still only be roughly half the field for finals. At the very least countries with more than two gymnasts in the top 10 should be able to qualify those in the top 10 or something. Or a certain score (over 60) for example. It's just a stupid system where someone can have a phenomenal result and then not advance.
Really? She's phenomenal. 4th place at the Olympic prelims on an off day.

It's a stupid system, nothing more, nothing less. Let's not start acting like she isn't better than the vast majority of the AA qualifiers. The real point here is that it's a stupid system that does nothing for our sport.

I don't buy the domination argument. If one country dominates the podium, so be it. That doesn't make the other countries better or worse to have their gymnasts "artificially" qualify. Seems like a dumb rule to up the drama of the television coverage, but it isn't very sports like. Even if the top 3 nations qualified all their AA competitors, it would still only be roughly half the field for finals. At the very least countries with more than two gymnasts in the top 10 should be able to qualify those in the top 10 or something. Or a certain score (over 60) for example. It's just a stupid system where someone can have a phenomenal result and then not advance.

Yes, she is phenomenal. sadly others were stronger on the day. Her coach was told upfront that skills needed fixing, she made mistakes. Those two things combined put her as the third US contender and so she does not get to compete AA.

Not sure what is complicated about it. You may dislike the system, but it would apply to any gymnast. We could easily be watching this unfold for Ali or Gabby. The rules were in place in 2004, this is not a big, nasty surprise to the gymnasts or coaches.
It doesn't matter where Jordyn was put in that rotation, Aly would of outscored her, regardless, on that event. She has one of the most difficult and highest scoring floor routines in the world right now.
Everyone, including the gymnasts, knew going into prelims yesterday that one of the AAs were not going to make it. In my opinion, regardless of who that one gymnast was they were probably going to ended up in that 4th/5th position. Why is everyone screaming now?? Is it because it's Jordyn? This scenario was in place before the competition even began. I don't get it, yesterday wasn't Jordyn's day. It's a shame it was at the Olympics, but one of those 3 girls were going to be in this position - it's not a shocker.
Yes, she is phenomenal. sadly others were stronger on the day. Her coach was told upfront that skills needed fixing, she made mistakes. Those two things combined put her as the third US contender and so she does not get to compete AA.

Not sure what is complicated about it. You may dislike the system, but it would apply to any gymnast. We could easily be watching this unfold for Ali or Gabby. The rules were in place in 2004, this is not a big, nasty surprise to the gymnasts or coaches.

I thought it was stupid when it was put in place. What does this really do for anyone? It just hasn't been as dramatic a result with the reigning world champion not qualifying. Regardless, I think it is lame for people to be cutting down her and Geddert when she still did better than dozens of competitors. That's what isn't complicated about it. It's only this way because the top 4 competitors can't all qualify because three of them came from the same team. My point is that's the real issue that people like Bela should be criticizing, not the order. It most likely would have just as easily been Aly, who has often been in 3rd/4th, and I don't think that is fair either and would think it was equally stupid. All three of them deserve to qualify. Life will go on, but I won't be surprised if the rule changes the next time around.
I agree with everyone! The rule is unfair BUT they knew about it in advance, BUT I am still so sad for Jordyn, BUT I am SO happy for Aly! Obviously Aly deserved it, and won the spot fair and square. I think what made it so devastating for Jordyn was that she was *expected* to not only get in it, but medal as well. Everyone was talking as if it was a foregone conclusion. She must have known that it wasn't, but it does seem like that expectation makes the loss seem worse. It really is too bad the #4 can't get in, but I am really SO happy for Aly - I'm always a sucker for the underdog that no one expects to "come out of nowhere". I'm really hoping she or Gabby takes it on Thursday. AND I hope Jordyn can get it together for tomorrow. I'm sure confidence will be a bit shaken...
I hear you.

Bela's time would be better spent trying to change the rules and not on slamming the judges that will continue to judge the USA team for the next week.

I think it'd be more fun to have top 24 AA and then the top two from each country over a certain AA score. Then you would see the best, all countries would be able to be represented if they can meet the standard?

How would you do it?
Really? She's phenomenal. 4th place at the Olympic prelims on an off day.

It's a stupid system, nothing more, nothing less. Let's not start acting like she isn't better than the vast majority of the AA qualifiers. The real point here is that it's a stupid system that does nothing for our sport.

I agree. When a gymnast can say that she would be competiting if she was from literally any other country than her own and that people 7 points worse in this competition are getting the nod to continue while she isn't, the system is broken. This is in our consciousness because of Jordyn, but there are 3 other gymnasts in this competition who had their Olympic dream cut short because of a rule that makes no sense.

That said, Jordyn's Olympic dream has changed. She WILL show up HUGE in the team competition. She will not ruin her chance at a gold medal because she feels sorry for herself.
I feel bad for Aly since it's turned into the "poor JORDYN" Olympics. Aly brought it. Gabby brought it. I mean, Jordyn is probably ticked off & maybe a bit shocked since she's been hyped for MONTHS, but the AA will be Aly & Gabby's day.

As I recall it was a 3/country rule, then in 2000 Romania took ALL the AA medals (until the cold medicine fiasco, but Andreea Raducan is the true gold medalist) & people were decrying the unfairness. No matter what, people are going to not like the rules. There comes a point when TPTB can't keep changing it for poor sportsmanship.
Everything happens for a reason. I think that every girl at the Olympic games deserved a medal, they are all great gymnasts. However, only three will get that medal.
It's okay to cry if your dreams were crushed, even if your only 17. It's okay, but this is Aly's and Gabby's moment.
All the girls deserved the gold medal because they are all amazing at what they do.
As I recall it was a 3/country rule, then in 2000 Romania took ALL the AA medals (until the cold medicine fiasco, but Andreea Raducan is the true gold medalist) & people were decrying the unfairness. No matter what, people are going to not like the rules. There comes a point when TPTB can't keep changing it for poor sportsmanship.

If one country has the three best gymnasts, they should be able to sweep the medals. How could anyone say it was unfair when the gymnasts with the highest scores won?!? Keeping the best out on a rule that serves no purpose other than to allow inferior gymnasts to compete is what is truly unfair.
So, I agree that someone that is 0.6 away from the leader should be in the finals, no matter what country that person is from. This is especially true with the current judging system. If it was out of 10, the girl in 25th place who took Jordyn's spot would have at least a slim chance to come out near the top in the all around. But when you are currently six points away from the leader and the judging system is the way it is, there really is no way for it to happen.

I keep reading that if it was anyone else, there would be no problem. I don't agree. If Komova came in behind Grishina, there would be an uproar, from everywhere, not just Russia! The difference is that Russia would pull out Grishina in a heartbeat to put in Komova.

Back on topic. Aly deserved to anchor both of them, floor especially. She has a floor medal from last years worlds that shows that! Jordyn's beam connections should have been fixed up or changed a long time ago!
I hear you.

Bela's time would be better spent trying to change the rules and not on slamming the judges that will continue to judge the USA team for the next week.

I think it'd be more fun to have top 24 AA and then the top two from each country over a certain AA score. Then you would see the best, all countries would be able to be represented if they can meet the standard?

How would you do it?

Sounds about right to me. I don't really care how they do it (wild card bid for any in the top 10/over 60 AA) but those who have a chance at an AA medal (which Jordyn certainly has) should be in it. All countries represented, go ahead and let every country send their top scorer on top of the top 15 or something. Again, even if you had all the AA'ers from China, Russia, and the US, it's only less than half the field. Going by the top 24, generally most of them would in fact qualify (this time around that is true - three from the US, China, and Russia each in the AA. Also three from GBR. So that brings it to half the field for those FOUR different countries). I don't see a problem with that, since excluding them doesn't somehow make the other countries better at gymnastics, nor does it change the top result which is that it's pretty much a given this year that the top 3 will be from US, Russia, China. THIS YEAR. Other years (2000) have produced different results. I don't really see how this system is changing that. I suspect it's just to drum up TV ratings at it's root though. I am not impressed and I hope there is a backlash that changes it to a more fair and sporting way.

As Geddert put it they are "not the ONLY victims of this, just the most recognizable (this time)" and "something has to be said." I agree with those sentiments and I think they can to express them without being accused of sour grapes, or ruining it for Aly etc. Perhaps in an ideal world they would graciously accept this result with nothing but praise for the system, but I don't expect him to be a saint. This is a big blow for both him and Jordyn. It would disturbing if he did not feel any sense of injustice. And I think they should criticize the system, since I think it's dumb as well, so clearly I can hardly blame them for that.
It was really the "entitlement generation" comment from Geddert that rubbed me the wrong way. I don't think any of the smaller countries feel "entitled" to go to the Olympics or be in the AA, they probably feel incredibly lucky just to be there, as really anyone should, from any country. His statement was absolutely fine up until that point, and then he had to go and throw the put-downs in there. None of those countries or athletes made those rules, they just play by them.

And I do feel that any gymnast who made the top ten should really be in the AA, and maybe some kind of change will come, but I also think right now the focus should be on building up team USA and the girls who are competing for individual medals and giving them the confidence they need to go out and win. Complaining about "entitlement" at this point just comes off as sour grapes, especially since the USA has a team with a good chance of medalling and several individuals who will also probably make it onto the podium, which is more than most countries can hope for.
The thing we want to avoid here is the AA competition turning into US Nationals except in London. I don't want to see a competition where the only question is which order the Americans will be on the podium! The rule of two makes sense to me, as it prevents monochromatic medaling. The only countries this affects adversely are those with the deepest pool of talent -e.g., those countries that will likely medal in the team competition and on event finals. Limiting the number of representatives from a single country gives smaller, less gymnastics-oriented countries a chance to succeed.

Of course it is devastating for Jordyn. Everybody knows she has everything -consistency, power, and a pocketful of international gold medals. If she were of any other nationality, she would be their top contender for an all-around medal (or Russia's second). The solution is obvious...is there enough time between now and Thursday for her and Geddert to defect to some backwater, glory-starved Central European state?
Limiting the number of representatives from a single country gives smaller, less gymnastics-oriented countries a chance to succeed.

No it doesn't. It gives them an artificial chance to compete in a competition that is going to be dominated by the US, Russia, and China this year. As it would be if there were three instead of two. In other years, Romania dominated. This year, it is possible US could go 1, 2, 3...other years, not so. I really don't see the basics of the dominant nations changing if we allow three instead of two. That's not what gives other countries "a chance to succeed". They still can't win if they don't have the scoring potential this year. We can give other countries a chance to succeed by growing infrastructure for the sport worldwide. You won't succeed just by showing up to the AA finals. Either the scoring potential is there or not this time around. In 2016 possibly the US will have no strong AA contenders and mostly specialists. Maybe China will. Maybe GBR will break into the top...it's too early to tell.
Just going to put it out there that the world champion the year prior to Olympics never seems to win the olympics - maybe its the whole, its easy to get to the top but harder to stay there kind of thing. The favourite never seems to win happened to shawn has happened to many before and will happen to many in the future.
That whole thing has turned from being happy for Aly and Gabby to POOR JORDYN!!! This is sooo unfair to Aly, who was amazing and made little mistakes.

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