WAG Still time?

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Proud Parent
Jun 12, 2011
Reaction score
So this is just for my peace of mind (or not depending on the answer) since DD isn't particularly concerned but... we have ten weeks before our first competition. Is that enough time to get her giants/flyaway? She has her giants inconsistantly right now on the pit bar with no spot and not connected to a kip yet. Her flyaways by themselves have always been pretty good. So at her current spot, can she get the kip/cast/giant/flyaway in time?
I would think if she can kip, cast to handstand the giant will come pretty easy. My DD thinks it is easier to do a flyaway from a giant. I am sure if she can do all the skills independantly that within 10 weeks she can connect them!
Short answer is yes, but I wouldn't worry too much about having them for the first meet. It sounds like your DD is doing great. Last year only 2 girls on DDs level 7 team competed giants at the first meet. By the end of the season, 7 more competed them including one who competed them for the first time at States. It seemed like the dismount (connecting giants to a layout or tuck flyaway) seemed to take some of the girls longer to get. Scores without giants can be as good or better than those with sloppy giants (I saw a number of low 9s without giants). They seem to be fairly easy to slip into a routine, but it's really important that they do them well and feel comfortable with the dismount.
It took DD a while to get from inconsistent giants to regular good giants every single time (6 months?). They didn't try the connection piece until they were consistent. Once she tried to connect the flyaways, it only took a week for her to recontrol things (ie. she was doing her flyaway from a kip-cast handstand last year, but the addition of the giant gave her more oomph so she had to adjust).

Much to her coach's chagrin, she competed L7 without a giant the entire year last year, as that is the above noted 6 months :rolleyes:
Of course it's possible and you have plenty of time! Good luck and have fun competing this season :)
So this is just for my peace of mind (or not depending on the answer) since DD isn't particularly concerned but... we have ten weeks before our first competition. Is that enough time to get her giants/flyaway? She has her giants inconsistantly right now on the pit bar with no spot and not connected to a kip yet. Her flyaways by themselves have always been pretty good. So at her current spot, can she get the kip/cast/giant/flyaway in time?

Agree with all of the above. Best of luck!!
Thanks everyone! Her giants this last week seemed to have clicked a bit. She has done giant/giant by herself consecutive times this week. So it is coming along. That usually happens when I get worried that something isn't moving along :)
Plenty of time as long as she takes her corrections to heart and.......

There's an old joke that asks the question; How many psychologists does it take to change a lightbulb. The answer is one, but the lightbulb has to want to change.

I'm sure she wants to change in the context of getting her skills and having confidence in them, but the change she needs is to understand that she can decide to change, and in a big way, the part of the skill the coach is probably begging her to change.

If she nibbles on the coach's corrections she'll probably get these things with 2-4 weeks to spare, but she could take one big bite on the correction, chew on it for a week, and spend the next week enjoying dessert.

Gymnastics is easy, but believing and having faith in your ability as well as the coach's is the key to making it easy. Well, that and a whole bunch of strength training, stretching, and wanting to do it so badly that changing is your first thought and priority when you get on a piece of equipment.

End of sermon.
iwannacoach, you always have such good advice. I think the advice that she hears and can say back to you and coaches, tap HARD, is finally making its way to I hear what you are saying but the body isn't doing it to I hear you and I mostly can get the body to do it, to this week (at least) I hear it AND I finally got the body to do it :)

That and just the confidence that you have done it once you can do it again.
Everyone is very happy with her progress and while I haven't seen it yet I have heard from others watching that they are really coming along now.
tap HARD, tap HARD, tap HARD,

And then follow through into a a shoulder and hip pike with enough effort from her front muscles that she say's..... Golly, I can really feel that all the way from my thighs to my shoulders...... eeeew, it feels weird. And it will, because she's never done it that way, but it will be right.

Tell her to eat well, and stay hungry.
My daughter spent half of Level 7 not competing giants and did fine. (I don't know what she actually did in place of the giants!!)

I find that the less pressure they feel to do it, the better it is...for her anyway.
dd was consistently on the podium last year as a 10yo level 7 without giants....clean routines with good cast handstands and large straight free hips....this year however she can't go to level 8 because said giants are still coming....about where your dd is right now...oh, and that darn vault. anyway, I'd say 90% is mental for my dd. but rest assured, especially in our region (we are Oregon so share with you) that over 70% of the girls at level 7 last year didn't giant or gianted so badly their scores were lowered by the attempts. It was one clear example to me of how level 7 is about form, not difficulty per say (dd also did BHS BHS on beam - and scored high but was consistantly beaten by walkover walkover girls with cleaner connection....). Seems that in the higher optional levels difficulty is scored differently, making level 7 really "beginning optionals" (or should I say "second year beginning optionals" now with 6....)

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