It's just a proven fact of life, people take better care of what they own. Imagine if you were a rock climber and you had to use ropes and straps that were provided for you in a box,, all of which you had no idea how old they were. Sounds crazy when you put it that way huh? This is no different..
In the old days we kept our straps in a big box, but after years of learning that kids will just put them back in with damage. We wised up and mandated that the kids buy straps and put names on them. The office sells them at cost and since this transition we have had zero problems. I certainly wouldn't expect the kids to share grips either..... The only thing we ask is that they replace them regularly and I personally check them every few months and remind the kids to check them as well. You guys would be shocked to learn how old some of the straps are that are in those boxes! So to each his/her own, but this is a critical piece of equipment and should be replaced regularly and cared for, not thrown in a box wet or after a pop is heard, so others can use them....