WAG Suggestions for daughters floor music

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Floor Express does have the beep at the beginning. We purchased DD's music from them. Trust me, you want it, especially if the piece you choose starts off soft.

Well that's a puzzle, just heard back from Floor Express, he doesn't do a start beep. Pretty admandant email, no how no way. :confused:

per email
it is a much much much more tasteful beginning to a routine to NOT use one

Personally I never consider the beep as part of the piece or routine. It just gives the little gymmie a quick sec to set, and then the piece and routine starts but what the heck to I know. :D
I totally agree with you it's a great piece of music and is great for floor music and it is very over used! But I also feel like people run out of options with good music. It's getting harder to find original floor music
I totally agree with you it's a great piece of music and is great for floor music and it is very over used! But I also feel like people run out of options with good music. It's getting harder to find original floor music

No way. There is a TON of good music. My DD has been an optional for two years now and has two different pieces of music. We never heard her music at any other meet and we do a minimum of 8 meets a season....plus state.

As long as OP doesn't care about the Pirate overload, then yes, it's a great piece of music. But I have to admit that I just want to leave the area when I hear it.

I actually love two different songs but both are entitled "America". One is the energym version of Neil Diamond's song. http://energymmusic.com/catalog/all/222

The other is from West Side Story but I don't know where it can be purchased. Here is the link:
As the choreographer I no longer allow Pirates . Though there are some nice versions, its used way too much (at least in our area)
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Gotta admit I hate the beep too. If the routine is choreographed well, she should be able to hear the music start, then begin routine a second later. And pirates is used a LOT. Not that I hate it, but it is used frequently.
Gotta admit I hate the beep too. If the routine is choreographed well, she should be able to hear the music start, then begin routine a second later. And pirates is used a LOT. Not that I hate it, but it is used frequently.
I don't think the beep has a thing to do with how well a routine is coreographed.

However the noise level at meets can make it very difficult to know when the music will be starting. And it is difficult if not impossible to know that someone actually pressed play.

The beep lets the gymnast know someone actually started the music.

Most performances are cued. The curtain rises the stage manager gives the signal. The lights come up or change. The conductor cues the orchestra or band.

The beep is simply a cue. It should never be thought of as the performance.
I never said the beep had to do with how the routine was choreographed. I said you could choreograph so the gymnast wouldn't need a loud beep to tell her when to start her routine. I find it annoying. I know not everyone agrees. I'm okay with that. I don't think everyone has to agree with me ;-)
DD's music does not have the beep. Actually, none of her teammates have it and their music came from three different places. DD holds her starting pose for about 2-3 beats into the music and then starts. She's never complained of not being able to hear her music on the floor, but occasionally in the stands it can be tough to hear it start.

Anyway. Pirates is used a lot in our area too, but it makes for great floor music. Another favorite (but also very popular at meets!) has been Requiem for a Dream. Other songs that you'd think would be overused (Frozen songs) have not been yet in our area. There are so many great music choices out there to fit everyone. It just takes a lot of time to listen to them and figure out what you (your DD) likes and doesn't like!
Haha...we hear pirates a lot. My dd's music's have been the Muppets and a custom remix of Elvis's bossa nova baby. Her next music will be a mix of the walking dead theme. Never heard any of them redone. I do agree the pirate music is really great, just overused. Try to go with something more original. I really do think the judges appreciate it!
We bought DD's music from Floor Express about a year ago, and both the CD and mp3 versions have the beep. I don't think it's a big deal one way or another, but if the music starts quietly, I think the beep is helpful. It's also a communication to the judges that the routine is starting.

I would not choose floor music that a judge is likely to see 3 or 4 other times during the day unless I were pretty darn sure that my DD's routine was going to be the best one the judge was going to see. And even then, I would hesitate.
I just got my kiddos floor music from floor express today...and no beep. Interesting. I hope that the choreographer allows a few beats for her to hear the music before actual movement! Ha Ha.

As for music, I am crossing fingers that what we purchased is not the new Pirates....it could be but it is a newly released song so no way to tell. Just hoping that it is unique enough of a type of music that others won't dig it like mine does. She likes a bit of time for connections. Doesn't like the super fast music. So we shall see! If it is, we deal with it and find something more unique next year. But she loved the music and that pretty much was the deciding factor.

A couple that we loved that she did not choose:

Pistolero from Floor Express (I really like this one!)
Big World from Floor Express (fun rock and sass style)
Another quick question. We only have used Gym Jamz.

Does energym and floor express have that beep marker at the beginning.

Our songs don't have the beep. HOWEVER, if you give us a call and request it, we'll be glad to add a beep to your CD order. No charge for that.
I'm surprised that none of the companies have made an arrangement of the Magic Flute. I think it would be awesome to rock that piece out. Choreographers could have some fun with that!
My DD has used Defying Gravity from Wicked (on floor express) https://floorexpressmusic.com/full-length-demos/CD1506-Defying Gravity (Wicked)-Demo.mp3 and Imaginary from Evanescense. We have only heard Defying Gravity 1 other time and never heard Imaginary. Here is a link to the evanescene song. http://candycoateddoom.tumblr.com/post/87383158066/original-floor-music-imaginary-by-evanescence Fairly dramatic but we did make a couple of changes to the ending so it didn't end so abruptly. This site also has a LOT of other music too...this is a link for her entire library of floor music http://candycoateddoom.tumblr.com/post/24748444661/my-floor-music-archive.
My DD has used Defying Gravity from Wicked (on floor express) https://floorexpressmusic.com/full-length-demos/CD1506-Defying Gravity (Wicked)-Demo.mp3 and Imaginary from Evanescense. We have only heard Defying Gravity 1 other time and never heard Imaginary. Here is a link to the evanescene song. http://candycoateddoom.tumblr.com/post/87383158066/original-floor-music-imaginary-by-evanescence Fairly dramatic but we did make a couple of changes to the ending so it didn't end so abruptly. This site also has a LOT of other music too...this is a link for her entire library of floor music http://candycoateddoom.tumblr.com/post/24748444661/my-floor-music-archive.

Actually I love both those pieces. One of our girls had an Evanescence piece.

Defying gravity didn't make her short list this go round. I'm good with that because I would rather she use it when she gets to a higher level.
Our songs don't have the beep. HOWEVER, if you give us a call and request it, we'll be glad to add a beep to your CD order. No charge for that.
I actually emailed you guys and found that out and appreciate it. Just waiting for the gymmie and then coach to decide.:)

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