For the OP: You are lucky to have found this forum so early in your daughter's gym journey.

Regarding your question, as far as I know, every gym in our area moves team practice to days in the summer...and also on spring break, and Christmas break and random school holidays. You have already noticed how this sport is not very accommodating for households with two working parents. I think it's important to note, that this is really just the beginning for your family. Last year, 5 of Kipper's meets were on a Friday and one was a Thursday. All of them required me to miss time from work. Her gym also frequently schedules parent/ team meetings at 4pm. Unfortunately, we've been to the chiropractor, sports doc or urgent care about 6 times this year, and it's only March. Granted, this isn't typical, but it's not totally unexpected. At some point there will be an injury, or a growth-related issue like severs, or just a minor, persistent complaint that needs to be evaluated since 1) it's meet season and 2) your dd is hoping to make it through this weekend's meet and 3) you want her body to last into old age. Regardless, it's more time off of work. I office from home and have a great deal of flexibility. Carpools and grandparents help round out my support "team". I don't want to scare you away from the sport. It is unique and wonderful in so many ways. Just be prepared for the inconveniences to multiply.