Gasp!! Well I never!!
Gossip?? Sorry.. That's a girl thing. REAL men don't care about who did or who said what about whatever. i think woman used "smoke signals" back then? Not sure.
That's hilarious about the mosquito ringtones! GREAT GREAT idea! I took the test, and can't hear crap! Perfect! If I didnt hear the beeps and rings, I probably wouldn't be so bitter.
Oh by the's not just the young. I have a co-worker, a 38 yr old punk, that has about 100 truely annoying ringtones on his always "latest/greatest" cell phone (which is always set to LOUD!).
He's also the type that uses his bluetooth even when he doesn't need hands free. He wears the thing ALL THE TIME. He looks like a flippin Time-Life operator. But I have a rule about Bluetooth. If your using Bluetooth -- don't look at ME and ask a question. Because I'm going to assume the question was for ME, and not the person on the phone!!
No matter how advanced and easy technology becomes, it shoud never trump personal and professional etiquette.
Oh... lordy me..... I need a nap. lol