Off Topic Texting!! Just pick up the phone and TALK why don't cha?

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I could see texting parents and all that as necessity. I only answer to my husband at the moment, since all our family is out of state. He better pick up the phone when I call, so no texting :p I could imagine actually using texting once my kids are bigger. I will tease them though if I see all kinds of 'ur' 'wat' or the number 2 standing in for the word all over their screen!!!! Probably their friends too.
Now Tim_Dad, you were a teenager once weren't you? ;);) Txting really isn't much different than the kind of gossiping you all did back in ancient times, its just more technologically advanced :)

Gasp!! Well I never!!
Gossip?? Sorry.. That's a girl thing. REAL men don't care about who did or who said what about whatever. i think woman used "smoke signals" back then? Not sure. :)

That's hilarious about the mosquito ringtones! GREAT GREAT idea! I took the test, and can't hear crap! Perfect! If I didnt hear the beeps and rings, I probably wouldn't be so bitter.

Oh by the's not just the young. I have a co-worker, a 38 yr old punk, that has about 100 truely annoying ringtones on his always "latest/greatest" cell phone (which is always set to LOUD!).

He's also the type that uses his bluetooth even when he doesn't need hands free. He wears the thing ALL THE TIME. He looks like a flippin Time-Life operator. But I have a rule about Bluetooth. If your using Bluetooth -- don't look at ME and ask a question. Because I'm going to assume the question was for ME, and not the person on the phone!!

No matter how advanced and easy technology becomes, it shoud never trump personal and professional etiquette.

Oh... lordy me..... I need a nap. lol
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OK - My 10 year old daughter has a cell phone, not really my plan, but circumstances made it necessary. She discovered texting - - - - - on my PAY PER TEXT plan:mad:!!! Now also keep in mind that the 10 year old mind set is a little differect that a teenager. Imagine how many texts this kid racked up with messages like: Hi (response - Hi) - How r u (response Good) etc, to her fifteen million friends:rolleyes:!!!! Last month she racked up quite a bill, and I warned her not to do it again, and I would think about getting a texting plan. Well, I checked the account activity and she has beat her last month by about ten times:eek:! So, until further notice, texting has been blocked on both kids phones. She had the nerve to say "Well, I might as well not even have a phone then", so guess what - - - - she got to see what that was like!

My son actually said he was glad we blocked the texting, because then the girls can't text him;)!

My daughter is speaking to me again (I gave her the phone back), and doesn't seem to miss texting that much after all:)! Maybe someday I will put it back on???
Gasp!! Well I never!!
Gossip?? Sorry.. That's a girl thing. REAL men don't care about who did or who said what about whatever. i think woman used "smoke signals" back then? Not sure. :)

That's hilarious about the mosquito ringtones! GREAT GREAT idea! I took the test, and can't hear crap! Perfect! If I didnt hear the beeps and rings, I probably wouldn't be so bitter.

Oh by the's not just the young. I have a co-worker, a 38 yr old punk, that has about 100 truely annoying ringtones on his always "latest/greatest" cell phone (which is always set to LOUD!).

He's also the type that uses his bluetooth even when he doesn't need hands free. He wears the thing ALL THE TIME. He looks like a flippin Time-Life operator. But I have a rule about Bluetooth. If your using Bluetooth -- don't look at ME and ask a question. Because I'm going to assume the question was for ME, and not the person on the phone!!

No matter how advanced and easy technology becomes, it shoud never trump personal and professional etiquette.

Oh... lordy me..... I need a nap. lol

Oh, we have boy gossip too. Most of it is about one subject...girls. I guess I've been doing more girly things now that I hang out with a bunch of girls all the time (at gym!!!). I love the mosquito ringtone though. But beware if you have a young computer science teacher just graduated college and she can still hear it!

Now about people who have their bluetooth glued to their ear all the time...there is a term for that: Blue-tool (look it up on I can't stand that either, and it does not make you look cool at all.

And I didn't know smoke signals were invented yet, I thought it was carvings into rocks!
OMG I can't hear it! I just keep mine in my pencil case or under my textbook or something anyway, I keep it on silent. One of my teachers has been known to conduct pocket searches if one goes off. The best thing is when it is actually a teacher's phone LOL.

Although, my ringtone is How Do You Like Your Eggs In The Morning and it went off on the bus and all these random (how shall i put this?) mature ;) people told me they thought it was great.

I was at work and this guy was on his blue tooth and I thought he was talking to me, so I started talking back.... I got some growler off him, he must have thought I was nuts. LOL.
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At my school cell phones are officially against the rules, but none of my teachers have ever done anything about them. Everyone texts all during class with their phone on silent.

One of the guys in my class was texting with his phone in his lap and the teacher interrupter his lecture to ask "What are you playing with down there?" The kid turned very red. :)
One of the guys in my class was texting with his phone in his lap and the teacher interrupter his lecture to ask "What are you playing with down there?" The kid turned very red. :)

Oh, poor guy - I bet he'll never live that one down:o!
At my school cell phones are officially against the rules, but none of my teachers have ever done anything about them. Everyone texts all during class with their phone on silent.

One of the guys in my class was texting with his phone in his lap and the teacher interrupter his lecture to ask "What are you playing with down there?" The kid turned very red. :)

Haha, I had a teacher in middle school who made the boys keep their hands on the desk at all times. Guess he didn't want us playing with anything down
Haha, I had a teacher in middle school who made the boys keep their hands on the desk at all times. Guess he didn't want us playing with anything down

hahah oh gosh i just LOL hahahahaha

well yeh im kinda a text maniac i guess...i didnt realize how much i texted! haha last month i had 10,000 something and so far from the first of the month til january 14th at 1 a.m. i had 7696 texts :p
Haha I'm not good at like hiding my phone when I text I would end up dropping it on the floor so I don't use it during classes.
Ok I met 2 people this weekend, at a party, that make me truly believe texting is the next great social evil. These 2 were so socially inept when they did not have a texting mechanism in their hands. No eye contact, no facial expressions. Put phone in hands, all the sudden they can respond to a written LOL. It was disturbing to watch, I'm not kidding. No thanks to texting. I always thought that was a stereotype of an extreme, not actually in existence. Scary.
I think I send about 1500 messages a months, but a lot of those are verizon to verizon, which in states, is free on my plan. and i get 1500 other carrier messages. but i agree, i'm much better at texting, especially with remembering things people said, or directions they gave me. having it written down is so much easier.
im pretty good at hiding my phone in class :p but some of my teachers dont care really since i do all my work and such.

but im one of those text addicts haha last month i kinda sorta had 14,355 or something like that :/
1000+ mgs a month?? That comes out to an average of 4.8 messages every hour, every day, for an entire month, not counting 8 hours for sleep each day. That's nuts if you ask me.

Tim_ "back in my day" _Dad

Really? How did you figure that out? When I did it, I got 1.4 messages every hour, every day, for a 31 day month, not counting 8 hours for sleep each day. When you figue in 8 hours for sleep, it came out to 2 messages every hour, every day. Oh well, that's still a lot.
i'd probably drive you NUTS lol!! i'm constantly on my sidekick. i mean for obvious reasons i have an excuse, i can't just pick up the phone and call my mom when i'm running late at practice or my sister when i want to talk. i do everything via e-mail and text, which is why sidekicks (cell phones that are more like little comps with a screen and keyboard and their own e-mail and web access) are standards in the Deaf community these days. but i also am a teenage girl and text my friends in class nonstop and when i get bored mess around on my sidekick.

although funny enough like hearing people say texting is bad for socialization so do the Deaf. Deaf people used to have clubs where they'd meet to sign and know other Deaf, now everyone is just online. there's this Deaf commedian that does a funny skit about being a lawyer for people injured by using their sidekicks in the shower, getting hit by cars because they are driving and sking and signing (guilty, don't tell my mom) that their marriage falls apart b/c they re sidekicing too much.

YouTube - Funny of Deaf lawyer Tom Neville
I have to say I'm half and half. I only text if I can't actually TALK to that person (with friends or something) or it's something really quick like "Where are you".

But my parents (this is going to kill you Tim_Dad, I know ;)) actually PREFER me to text because, when I didn't have it I was always having my phone ring, would be on it for like 2 minutes, and then be done and then have someone else call me and the process would repeat itself. So they were hoping that text messaging would save the conversation interruptions, lol. And I have to admit I have it easy because if you have Tmobile (Fav 5 buddies!) then anyone in your Fav 5 doesn't cost minutes. So I don't really jack up the bill, lol, because basically all my friends are in Fav 5. So it don't cost me a thing! :D
But if my friends want to REALLY talk (like deep, personal stuff) then I have them just call me and we'll talk. Otherwise I love texting. But no I am not one of those who uses it in class. :)

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