Excellent job on the BWO MissBear!!!!! Front bounders on TT are really consistent for me now. Just need to figure out how to drive my heals on my FHS, since I can do it really well on front bounders. Working FHS into the resi pit now. Still have something missing with my bars and my pullover, I seem to be having trouble getting my shoulders past the bar allowing me to get upside down fully, therefore over, still require that little push over, but other than that, I have it. BHC for the most part is pretty good, that has gotten pretty consistent, still get a little spot with that too, again, the same spot that I seem to get stuck with on my pullover, I get stuck with on my BHC, so my coach and I are going to do lots of backwards stuff on Friday I think, when I have my private. But, I am ready to start casting into my sole circle dismount now, instead of using mats to jump off of! So at least that I am progressing really well on!!!! Beam is going well, consistently sticking my turns now, handstands at about a \95% consistency.