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MissBear, Yes I will be doing twice as many hours now on team. I am really nervous! Next week is my first team class and it will be strange coming from a class where I was the best to being towards the bottom again ;) I am sure it will make me work even harder though. Congrats on everyone who has posted about their sucesses!

You will do fine Aerial, let us know how it goes!!!!! And I doubt you'll be towards the bottom. Good luck!
I started working ROBHS today, it wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be, and started working on BWO too, couldn't do a BWO when I was younger to save my life! Took a little step back with bars today though, obviously still doing stuff with my coach spotting me, but now using one of those high square mats for my pullover, so I can use that to put one foot on, and go from there, and that I can do very well alone, but I think it's good, because it will give me the chance to understand where I am going wrong with the upside down part I hope. So it was a good step back, and maybe I will now get over that bump in the road when it comes to those.
yay! where did you work the RO bhs? Once you get over the scary part of connecting, its actually much less effort than standing bhs.

Its always good to work on 'easier' drills, like liz was explaining to us re: using the line or the low beams in addition to higher beams. It just reinforces the movements and making sure things are done with good form/good habits. Its good to do a lot at the station where you can do them alone, since you get that much stronger. Glad to hear you had a good practice.
Well I have not posted here in awhile, been very busy w/ team workouts and work. I have been able to make my handspring full vault more frequently, but am doing it into a resi pit so not sure if I would be landing them on the regular mat, since you get about an extra foot. I tried a front handspring front tuck vault on our 'tumble trak' vault into the pit and those are fun, but I am not close to being able to do that on the real vault. I have probably made the most progress on bars, my toe shoots are getting better, can kip out of it but not cast. I have been working on front giants in straps and on the single bar, not very close to that one as I find the grip awkward. The blind change is getting consistent but I have not made it over yet. I have done giants out of a free hip which is kinda scary but cool. Beam has been eh. Floor I am landing my layout half more often in the resi pit, and I did some front hdsp front pike front tucks, but that is not very consistent. Also did some double pikes off tumble trak into the pit. They don't rotate great, but I am getting them around, so hopefully that will help my tsuk and learning double back flyaways.
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Meet Report...

So last saturday I did the 'in spirit of' the empire state games. It was a good time. They had men and woman, there were people from all over including New Orleans (it was held in NY).

The age groups were by decade, and there was a 50 year old woman and a 50 year old guy. There were about 3 in most of the age groups. I hit all my routines, which was a miracle cause it just felt like an off day for me. I placed 1st on bars, 3rd on beam, 2nd on vault and floor and 2nd all around. I will probably attend this meet next year. The meet was judged basically like level 9, where you needed 1 C, 4 Bs and 6 As to start from a 9.7, and then there was 0.3 in connection bonus to get you to 10. I didn't start from 10 anywhere, but neither did most of the others so it was OK. It was a good final meet of the season for me, now I am excited to focus on uptraining and hopefully increase my difficulty for next year. I did throw more difficulty in this meet than in the other 2 I did this season, so that was encouraging.
Took a little step back with bars today though, obviously still doing stuff with my coach spotting me, but now using one of those high square mats for my pullover, so I can use that to put one foot on, and go from there, and that I can do very well alone, but I think it's good, because it will give me the chance to understand where I am going wrong with the upside down part I hope.

At my current gym, I learnt my pullover totally from the floor. The whole adult program didn't seem structured at all and the guys in the class, who could do all those ROBHSs and stuff laughed at my friend and I. Of course, us being the only two girls there, hated it. I've recently found a new gym for us. It's a little further but hopefully alot better! The coach is female and a Dutch. She's qualified apparently and teaches apparatus stuff. And there're only five people in the class currently (and all females!). Fingers crossed!!
Great to hear that you did so well in the meet Gina, and that working out with the team is going so well for you! Yeah, I was working the ROBHS into the resi pit, but with two fat mats stacked on top of eachother , AND going over the barrel, but I was able to jump up high enough every time to get over. It is def. much easier going from a RO than standing. She had me do a good amount of RO without landing into the resi piit, but jumping back into it, so I was able to get a good idea of where I would land my RO. Yeah, I really think that using the block is going to be a great drill for me for bars, because it will help reinforce the concept. the strength is there, so we shall see:D

Sorry you had so many issues at your gym Andromeda. But glad to hear you found a place that seems to be working for you. Good luck there!
nicci, we haven't started at that gym yet. Their classes are on Mondays so we'll go on Monday and check it out. It's apparently fully equipped, according to a local school newsletter who uses that gym for their school gymnastics classes. What does fully equipped mean?

Yea, I hope it goes well too! :)
I imagine fully equipped would mean they have it all, the tramp, TT, men's equipment, a proper vault, ect.
I'm still hoping they've got a foam pit there. I can't go there for at least the next two weeks. Got some gum infection. Mum told me to stay away. :(
this week my PT said i could try going to the gym again to see how my back felt. i went to a one hour adult class, and was able to do a forward roll, bridge (the PT had me try these in therapy and said to do a couple every day), and pullover off of a block without pain! this is huge progress as far as my back goes. several months ago i couldn't do a forward roll, or any rounding motion at all without pain. the progress is very slow, but i'm excited to finally see some results. nothing i did in class hurt, and i wasn't sore the next day, so i might be able to keep going every week for an hour! i hope everyone else had a good week.
I am so glad you were able to come to class, and even better that you are able to move today!!!! YAY!!!! My step back with pullovers has been a tremendous help so far, and it def. helps boost the confidence b/c I can do them by myself with the block to kick with. I did a BHC by myself yesterday too. Other than that, nothing new to report. Beam sucked last night though lol. Aw well, what can ya do
I am so glad you were able to come to class, and even better that you are able to move today!!!! YAY!!!! My step back with pullovers has been a tremendous help so far, and it def. helps boost the confidence b/c I can do them by myself with the block to kick with. I did a BHC by myself yesterday too. Other than that, nothing new to report. Beam sucked last night though lol. Aw well, what can ya do

A back hip circle?? Wow! So that is like your first official bars skill, that could go in a routine right? Thats awesome.
Great work everyone! Progress is soooooo sweet! I myself did dive cartwheels to demonstrate for the Level 5 gymnast I give private lessons to. I almost didn't put my hands down so I'm very close to getting my side aerial back! I almost did a kip today on my bar on my sun porch to show my niece what it was. After 3 months of working out every day with my niece for 1 hour I'm stronger and I'll be attending the gym next Monday with the girl I coach to try to get back into class 2 days a week. My former coach will be so surprised to see me. I feel like I'm finally getting my life back after 9 LONG years! Keep working hard everyone. All things are possible to those that believe! :)
awesome littlelady! side aerials are great :) i'm so glad you're able to go to a class!! that's great! let us know how it goes
A back hip circle?? Wow! So that is like your first official bars skill, that could go in a routine right? Thats awesome.

Yeah, it could have been a fluke, but if one leads to another...... So yeah, my bar routine is now my pullover mount, back hip circle, and sole circle dismount, which I am now working at a vertical on blocks from at the moment, so that will hopefully soon be casted into.

Glad you got back into the gym Littlelady! At long last!!!!!
i enjoy reading everyone's progress. i have been so busy that haven't had a chance to post anything.
gymnastics is going great! i'm having so much fun and have been training 2x/week. the owner of the agt flip city in warren michigan, is so wonderful. he has really opened the gym to melissa and i. we can train when ever we want and he is always giving us pointers. the coaches are great, cory always helps us for the power tumbling events, and rebecca offered for us to workout in her high school class! pinch me!
we are going to compete artistic and power tumbling this year.
i need to watch my floor routine from last year because i have done one since last july's aau jr. olympics. so i really want to work out with the high school girls to make me go to floor. i have been having so much fun on the tumble track and rod floor that i haven't done a thing on the normal floor or vault because my legs are always too tired.
keep up the good work girls :)
Hey, I've been really busy too and haven't had a chance before now to post again but I'm glad to hear about everyone's progress. Its cool that you're getting to compete Katy and glad to hear you've got a bar routine Nicci. I've been going back to gymnastics now once a week for a private lesson now for about a month and finally feel like I'm starting to get somewhere a little bit again. I'm really trying to work on my balance on my right foot. Its amazing how 7 weeks in cast and not walking can take away everything but I think all my hard work over the last month is finally paying off. I can do dive rolls on the tumble track and now I've been trying to practice some power hurdles to get ready to start doing actual tumbling. I've also been do handstands on the floor kicking off my right leg again and still doing some switch leg backwalkovers. On beam I've just been working on walking on my toes on the hotdog beam. I'm still a little too unstable for anything else. Anyway bars is what I'm trying to concentrate on improving since its the only thing not involving feet. I'm trying to get my kip cast handstand and kip cast freehip better. My main problem with both is arching in my cast instead of hollowing but I feel I have plenty of time to work on it while my ankle continues recovering. Anyway it feel great to be back in the gym. I'm hoping to be able to get back to doing backhandsprings on the tumbletrack soon. I hope I can report that next. :)
Good to see everyone progressing here! My gum infection's cleared up but I still need to finish my antibiotics and they will be by this Friday so I can FINALLY go to that new gym on Monday. I hope everything goes well.

Littlelady, I'm so glad to see you're going back to the gym!! You should! :D After all the wonderful pointers you've given to me (though I'm sure I'm not the only one!).

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