WAG Three passes in L6?

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For level 7, the entire forward pass has to be forward. I would read the Silver requirement as the same, but don't have experience with those requirements.
Thank you! I feel like that would be kind of an ugly pass anyway, but she suggested it to the coaches (again...this child is not shy lol) and she said they weren’t sure if it counted and I really can’t tell either. It’s probably better to keep working on the FHSFT. That’s what most of the Silvers do.
You are the Momma, you know best. I want to send you a pm with a link. Something to watch give you a giggle.
You are the Momma, you know best. I want to send you a pm with a link. Something to watch give you a giggle.
Thanks! I’m definitely letting the coaches know best though. I’m once bitten twice shy with having her compete things she’s not solid at.
Our gym level 6 does two passes and level 7 does 3. My daughters coach explained it to them that the reason for the 3rd one in Level 7 was to give them a chance to make up for a mistake (if they made one) in one of their first two passes. Example was at one meet my daughter completely balked on her first pass, did ROBH and balked on the layout. When it got to her third pass instead of just doing the ROBHBT she did her ROBHLO and ended up getting like a 9.2 or 9.3. A couple of other times over the season I saw girls use the 3rd pass like this.

Not sure 100% I agree it's needed but that time it sites saved my DD from disaster. And she even placed on floor so it definitely made a difference.
Daughter did 3 passes in IGC silver too. BHS BHS BT, BHS BHS BLO, FHS FHS (she didn't have FT at the time).

She does not do straddle jump. Not in Silver, 6 or 7

Current passes are BHS BHS BT, FHS FT, BHS BHS BLO which she did in 6 and now doing in 7. She is currently twisting, I assume that will go into 8.
Mine had 3 passes in level 7. She watched those with 2 passes kick her arse. Three passes are definitely not needed, and honestly, it would have been smarter for her to have two.
I have actually watched a meet where a girl got a 9.5 on two passes at level NINE. Yes, she won. But by then you would think the coaches would definitely want 3 passes. The child in question is now working three passes for 10. Her tumbling was fine btw....amazing, honestly.

ETA: According to my kiddo, in general was that most gyms whose girls had 3 passes at level 7 were thinking *future* with them. This is not a judgmental statement, it is just she found in terms of watching girls. Typically those with 3 passes that we saw, for the most part their coaches could probably see them moving forward with the sport. And honestly, looking at my kid's gym, this logic does make sense. Obviously though it does not make sense nationwide, but thought I would throw it out there.
One more edit that wouldn't let me edit was that while my kid wasn't a floor fabuloso, she didn't stink at it either, so it bugged her having girls with two floor passes beat her who weren't really anything special (the ones who were obviously amazing didn't bother her of course). The coaches were going to take out the third pass for regionals, but the choreographer got sick so it didn't happen (coaches aren't good at the choreo part on floor). But I thought it was interesting they were going to take it out just to get a higher score at regionals, and my kid wasn't thrilled about a last minute change. Glad it didn't happen. This is just us though.
Thank you! Good to know. Puma Jr (back to my kid for a sec lol) will need two Bs for IGC Silver. She has a decent 1&1/2 turn but I was wondering what the other would be. Her full is close so hopefully will be good soon, but you can’t twist in IGC Silver, so a straddle jump sounds like a good idea. Her switch leap is not so good...lol
Also consider a cat leap full. That is one that YG does (that way, she still has a B if her front pike fails) or a tuck jump full.
I would love to post Sundays floor routine but worry about flamers.
Thank you! I feel like that would be kind of an ugly pass anyway, but she suggested it to the coaches (again...this child is not shy lol) and she said they weren’t sure if it counted and I really can’t tell either. It’s probably better to keep working on the FHSFT. That’s what most of the Silvers do.
IT says with or without flight, so technically, she COULD do FWO-FHS or FHS-FHS (L5 pass) ... or can she do a Front tuck to a stepout? if so, she could do FT-FHS or FT-FWO.
Also consider a cat leap full. That is one that YG does (that way, she still has a B if her front pike fails) or a tuck jump full.
I think she wants to do a sheep jump? You know she loves her back flexibility! lol I’m not sure she can do it yet though.
IGC GOld Routine.

Sunday Level 7

Critiques and tips for improvement are welcome. She is 10 be kind or kindly don't reply.

Thanks for sharing her routines, she is fun to watch! She is obviously a very strong tumbler, and she has worked on her form a lot between the two videos of floor. Super impressive!

My biggest critique (parent here, not a coach so take with a bucket full of salt) is that her arm and leg extension could be stronger, as well as her toe point. To be clear, I am making a general 'carriage' critique; her skills are so good, I just wish she presented them even more beautifully and with even more confidence. And she needs to work on her switch split, the back leg is a bit low (but again a big improvement from video 1 to video 2).

Seems like you made the right choice to have your daughter train at the new gym, her improvement is dramatic. Please keep us posted, and I hope you will share more videos during the season. :)

Edited to Add: It seemed like your daughter has a huge amount of tumbling in the IGC Gold routine, is that a typical amount of tumbling? I've never seen IGC so don't know a lot about the system.
I could not agree with you more. I call what we are speaking about, arm and leg extension, USAG arms. She needs to be snappy and she should own it and be proud. She is a shy little thing, I am so proud of her, gymnastics is forcing her to blossom.
Yes IGC gold requires a large amount of tumbling. I would say the punch front tuck to cartwheel was not needed but the coach liked to show off her 10-year-old and DD as you could see was/is not a dancer.
Yes IGC gold requires a large amount of tumbling. I would say the punch front tuck to cartwheel was not needed but the coach liked to show off her 10-year-old and DD as you could see was/is not a dancer.
IGC Gold is probably closer to L8 than L7? It’s four As and four Bs, but the angles are more forgiving so it’s not an exact science. And I’m no expert either! She looked great! Big improvements too :)
John that second routine was awesome! Please tell me it scored over a 9. My dd guesses 9.375-9.425,lol.

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