WAG Too late for TOPS?

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Proud Parent
Jun 27, 2015
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Is it too late to get involved in TOPS? My DD went to a clinic recently with coaches from several states. It was mentioned several times that she should be involved in TOPS, however our current gym does not have a TOPS program. DD has expressed a ton of interest in the program for the past year. She will be 9 next spring. Is it too late to get her involved in a TOPS program somewhere? Thanks in advance!
Show us a video of her skills. No...she is not too old.
She would still have 2 years of testing as a 9 and 10 year old, and if she got into a good gym with TOPs now, she'd have good training for next summer.
Show us a video of her skills. No...she is not too old.[/QU
She would still have 2 years of testing as a 9 and 10 year old, and if she got into a good gym with TOPs now, she'd have good training for next summer.
Thanks so much! How would it work if she waited until January or February to begin? I have read up on the program some when it was first mentioned to me, however, I admit that I don't know enough about it just yet.
I think it is very common for gyms to start their annual tops training in January, after their compulsory season is over in the fall. Of course any jump start you can get on it is helpful, since she hasn't been training it yet. Just my thoughts as another parent, obviously I'm not a coach. ☺️
I think it is very common for gyms to start their annual tops training in January, after their compulsory season is over in the fall. Of course any jump start you can get on it is helpful, since she hasn't been training it yet. Just my thoughts as another parent, obviously I'm not a coach. ☺️
Thank you so much for your insight!! This is all so new to me. Obviously, involvement in TOPS for her would require a gym change, so just trying to get as much info as I can. Thanks again!
Search this forum for tops stuff...there's a LOT of info you can scour through...scoring in previous years, getting to the ranch, age groups, etc. And of course, the USAG website has all the basics. And GOOD LUCK to your daughter!!! ☺️
Our gym trains TOPs year round. Spring is a good bday for it. It's not too late, assuming she has at LEAST L5 skills right now. The "older" they get, the more the skills portion counts and the 9 and 10yo requirements are steep. I would switch over to a gym that does TOPs ASAP if you are interested in going that route. (I'm a TOPs coach).
Show us a video of her skills. No...she is not too old.
Thank You! Would rather not post a video of her online, however, some of her skills include front and back walkovers on beam, back handsprings on beam, press handstands on floor and beam, aerials on floor and beam, front and back tucks on floor, fly aways on bars, etc. She is currently a compulsory. She is very strong and scores well in her current gym's strength testing. Was told at clinic that she had a lot of potential and should be involved in TOPS.
Our gym trains TOPs year round. Spring is a good bday for it. It's not too late, assuming she has at LEAST L5 skills right now. The "older" they get, the more the skills portion counts and the 9 and 10yo requirements are steep. I would switch over to a gym that does TOPs ASAP if you are interested in going that route. (I'm a TOPs coach).
Thank you! She works out with the level 5's several times a week and is close to having all her 5 skills, however will be competing 4 this season at current gym.
Search this forum for tops stuff...there's a LOT of info you can scour through...scoring in previous years, getting to the ranch, age groups, etc. And of course, the USAG website has all the basics. And GOOD LUCK to your daughter!!! ☺️
Thank you so very much!! I sure will! Such a big decision for her as a gymnast, and for being so young! Trying to get as much info so I can help guide her in this, but it is so foreign to me...
I will add that you do not have to compete tops to do tops. Tops is a great tool and guide.

Yep. Our team does not do Tops officially (no testing), but they do have the girls practice the physical abilities elements, keep track of their progress in them, and sometimes have them compete against each other for fun and little prizes.
DD old gym did a lot of the TOPS training/skills with the younger kids (say pre-team to about L4/5). No testing (no one in our area does it, only a few in our state). I only realized that was what DD was doing in retrospect when I learned about TOPS here. Unfortunately, the gains she made with that training early on were semi-lost as she moved up to optionals and the conditioning and skills progression was lost - long story of gym falling apart and not relevant here -

Sounds like your DD is at a solid gym with an eye on her progression, and depending upon your area and options I wouldn't change gyms JUST for an official TOPS program - its just one path to upper level gym and if your kid is training the skills being able to test them may not be worth a new gym. (esp. at the older age...). However, if her present gym doesn't have a strong progressive optional program with lots of kids "lasting" into L9-10, then I'd look about and it'd be nice if she could also do TOPS...imho
She has a lot of skills for being just a level 4. An aerial on a beam that's a hard skill! I'm not a coach but with those skills she should be in a higher level especially if she is scoring high. Either way she sounds like an amazing gymnast and would do great in tops. Good luck and I hope you find a gym that offers the tops program.
It is true that some of those skills you describe are very advanced for a level 4 - if they are being done correctly. Is there a reason she's still set for L4 this season? Perhaps she has difficulty on bars, or connecting things, or form? Its not unusual for kids to have certain strong events (tumbling sounds like for your DD) but need to get other skills caught up - but if her current gym has a "level a year" or "no move up without 37+" type attitude, that would be a reason to look around some, TOPS or no TOPS....
I would say no! My daughter did her first TOPS 8 yo testing last week after training only six 30 minute classes and did very well. Her highest skills score was a perfect score on beam and only practicing the skills the Monday before testing. She also maxed out on some of the physical abilities. If she wants it she will be very determined to do well.
Is it too late to get involved in TOPS? My DD went to a clinic recently with coaches from several states. It was mentioned several times that she should be involved in TOPS, however our current gym does not have a TOPS program. DD has expressed a ton of interest in the program for the past year. She will be 9 next spring. Is it too late to get her involved in a TOPS program somewhere? Thanks in advance!

Depending on where you were and who the coaches are, they might be telling you they think your daughter shows potential. TOPS was developed as a way to find athletes who might have potential for Elite gymnastics but otherwise would have never been noticed by national staff due to their current gym/coaching situation. Or they could have simply been telling you your daughter is very strong and would succeed in TOPS testing. Either way don't focus too much on TOPS. Evaluate your current gym and whether or not they have the ability for your daughter to find success (this is defined differently for different people) in gymnastics. If they do great, if not look around. Do not involve your gymnast in this process until you have decided the current gym is not the correct gym. That way, if you decide to stay your daughter retains her confidence in her current coaches.

Good luck.

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