My dd is working on level 5 this year and over the summer she trained 16 hours a week. It was actually an optional 12 or 16, but we chose 16 because she was not doing any other activities. Well, I was thinking the fall schedule would offer an option of 12 or 16 as well, but when we saw the fall schedule it was either 16 or 20 hours! Plus, she doesn't get out of there until 9. So late for her. School started last week and so did the fall schedule. My dd was so tired even with just a half of a school week. She ended up not going to practice on friday and she fell asleep at 7:30. She ended up sleeping through the night and woke up at 7 the next morning. I feel like this is too much for a 7 year old.
I am highly considering moving her to the GIJO program instead of the USAG program. However, I feel like she has worked so hard to get the skills that I should wait for her to compete this season and then make the move. However, I don't want to completely have her burn out at the age of 7. The GIJO program is a lot more laid back right? I really want her to be able to have more fun and be challenged at the same time. Dd said she still likes gymnastics, but doesn't like it enough to go as much as she does.