Parents Tops National Test Score Calculation

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Proud Parent
Oct 15, 2019
Reaction score
Im trying to calculate my daughters score from the national testing worksheet sheet received from her trip to Indianapolis. She competed as a 10 year old. Does any body know/Understand the formula. Thank You!!
Someone else posted this last year. I used it to figure out my daughters score.
Those are the cutoff scores for everyone. Kim Riley said they take the top 45 kids for A and the next 60 for B regardless of age.
Any update if cutoff went higher or lower than last year??
Someone else said they heard scores seemed overall lower this year but it’s all just speculation at this point till the cutoffs come out officially. Kim got done at camp yesterday so hopefully the wait won’t be too much longer
Someone else said they heard scores seemed overall lower this year but it’s all just speculation at this point till the cutoffs come out officially. Kim got done at camp yesterday so hopefully the wait won’t be too much longer

I have a question about camps. If a kid that was selected for camp A can’t go for some reason then do they bring up the next best score to go so that 45 kids are still going? Also what about for camp B. If a kid can’t make it do they bring up the next best score so 60 kids still attend the camp? Just curious how all that works. Thanks
I have a question about camps. If a kid that was selected for camp A can’t go for some reason then do they bring up the next best score to go so that 45 kids are still going? Also what about for camp B. If a kid can’t make it do they bring up the next best score so 60 kids still attend the camp? Just curious how all that works. Thanks
Yes they do. I also know that sometimes they will move a kid from A camp straight to invite camp. When they do that spots will open up as well. Though some choose to still go to A camp since it's free while they would have to pay for invite camp.
I have a question about camps. If a kid that was selected for camp A can’t go for some reason then do they bring up the next best score to go so that 45 kids are still going? Also what about for camp B. If a kid can’t make it do they bring up the next best score so 60 kids still attend the camp? Just curious how all that works. Thanks
Last year my daughter made A camp and she said they counted 55 girls. (It was also 55 in the picture) I don’t know if they pick girls with the same score, but it was only supposed to be 45 girls going
I was at A and B with gymnasts last year, A did have more than 45. Sometimes kids have the same scores. I also know in the past if theres a team mate going to both, scores are close and coaches having a conflict its been allowed for them to attend the same camp,, Not sure if that was the case
This is from Kim's Facebook status. Lol. Wish I could help her. She does such a great job.

"Power outage yesterday and now my computer keeps crashing!!!! Please help me!!! I need to send out TOPS scores!!!!"
This is from Kim's Facebook status. Lol. Wish I could help her. She does such a great job.

"Power outage yesterday and now my computer keeps crashing!!!! Please help me!!! I need to send out TOPS scores!!!!"
Ty for that update. Have you all received any results since

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