Parents TOPs National Testing 2013

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I understood Kim Riley to say last Monday in October.
Newtogymnastics, I think those were the factors used for the state testings. The numbers don't really seem right for the national testing. Guess I should just put it out of my mind! Easier to say than do though. Did your daughter test?
My daughter tested, but she probably did not qualify. She fell on floor and beam! I am basing the calculations on the spreadsheet we received from our coach with last year's raw and final numbers.
Last year we left Texas knowing my daughter would not get to a camp. This year we have a little hope. After hearing about the camp, I just got excited about it for my daughter. If she doesn't make it, I suppose there is always next year. Still a great experience to just go for the testing, right? :)
I just wonder what the average looked like -lots of 6's, 7,'s, 8's 9's? Oh well. Less than 14 days Til November. Best wishes to all the girls. :).
Is it a possibility to make B team with all mid to high 8's on skills, but no 9's?
DiMarie, I guess it all just depends on how the other girls scored. My 9 year old daughter's coach feels that my daughter has a chance with scores in the high 8's. I guess age would probably factor in here though. It seems like 8 year olds score higher (at least on certain events). I could be wrong about that, just my impression. Good luck to your daughter. (Did you see that averages used to be posted on, but stopped in 2010? I know skills and abilities have changed throughout the years, but still neat to look at old averages. I like the years with low averages! Haha.)
Gladtobegymmom, Thanks! My daughter is 7, turning 8 soon. Just new at all this and don't quite know how it all works. She did well on all abilities except came down too fast on first press handstand and sat on her bottom. She would love to go to one of the camps. Regardless, she had a wonderful weekend there and an awesome experience. Good luck to your 9 year old daughter! Hope she makes it!!!
From what I understand a few of the items will depend on the average and then score out from there with point value. I guess we just wait and see. I had a 9 year old test first time. :)
We tested as a 10 year old and had mostly high 8s on routines. We were told there were much lower scores than that but I'm sure there were also much higher scores than that also.

hee hee this made me laugh. WE tested as a 10 year old. I have visions of mum, dad and dd all in matching leotards and scrunchies doing press handstands together. Good luck to all of you. It is an exciting time.
Do most of your gymnasts homeschool? Just curious how it all works if they get selected for A or B team and have to miss school. Are your schools flexible and understanding with their schedules?
My daughter turned 8 on her last day at the ranch. Other than her coach's comments that she did "great on Saturday and good on Sunday," I am not sure how she did or if she will qualify for either team. I do know that she had an absolute blast hanging out with other young ladies and making what is hopefully her first of many trips to the ranch. She even made a new best friend named Savannah. Good luck to everyone and your DDs.
I heard that official lists will be out tomorrow...

How did you find that out? Will the coaches get notifications? In the parents' meeting they said it would be the last week of October, so I am surprised. But I am glad to hear it may be sooner because we are just ready to know one way or the other. Good luck to everyone!
Saw that info on a on another tops thread from the same person who told me, my DD made diamond team a day early.

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