Parents Travel meet tips

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Proud Parent
Feb 7, 2025
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First season being part of NGA (MAGA last season, we live in MN) and getting used to meet schedules. From my understanding, there are not a lot of NGA gyms in MN or even Midwest in general which is why we have a lot of out-of-state/travel meets. We’re also not used to being given a date range (ex: 4/4-4/6) for meets vs a specific day, so we try to keep the whole weekends open until we get more info 2ish weeks in advance. I know I’m not alone in struggling to plan around these “vague” meet schedules (to no fault of anyone, I understand meet schedules are complex). We have other obligations and other kids activities to work around and also don’t have money to just throw around and book several flights/hotels for multiple days every time. Again, I know I’m far from the only one dealing with this and it’s just the nature of being a gymnastics parent, but how does everyone best manage these travel meets? I’m desperate for any tips!! So far my only tactics have been to commit to only all home meets and 1-2 out of state, and try booking hotels with flexible cancel policies. Flights are a little trickier. Of course my daughter wants to go to more meets and I’d like to as well, but I’m having a hard time finding a reasonable way to accommodate so many unknowns! Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
1. Definitely book ONLY hotels with flexible cancellation policies.
2. Drive, if possible (under 10 hours if you are the only driver going ... under 14 hours if 2 or more drivers) that way you don't waste money on flights. Make sure you go the day before she competes, so she can be well rested that night.
3. Try to book flights that will allow you to change with a small or no charge once you get the schedule.
Those are great tips, thank you! I worry a bit more with flights because by the time schedules are out it’s kind of “last minute”, have you experienced issues with flights being sold out or crazy high prices if needing to make changes? Driving would def take that out of the equation but both my husband and I lease so it’s a bit of a balance!

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