I was going to ask, just because many gymnasts do a skill does that make the other option skill not as desired or not scored as high even if the value is the same? Because it would seem that seeing something different is a good thing in gymnastics, not a bad thing. We have a little of that with my dd on most events. She has heard a lot of "that's what all the good gymnasts are doing." But she doesn't care, she wants to do what SHE is good at, not what everyone else is good at. She is a good gymnast, strong and powerful, and did very well last season. I just wonder why the push by a lot of coaches to do what everyone else is doing? The reason skills get named after people is because they were the first to do it. Someone has to do something different now and then to keep the sport alive!
My dd does a Tsuk. She does it well. She is working on the layout, then she will work on the twist. She was scoring 9.2-9.35 with a 9.7 SV, so I think that's pretty good. That's only .5 - .35 deductions. If she can learn the 10SV vault and still get those deductions, that is a good score.
I've been saying this for 3 years (since my dd started level 7)--its OPTIONALS!!! not compulsories. They have the OPTION of doing what they do best. They have a chart of things to choose from!! So why does everyone have to do the same things? This is so frustrating to me (and my dd). Let them be innovative! Let them have a skill named for them! Let them shine!! Thank you SO MUCH for pointing out that 1/1 Tsuks have a bonus! I am so excited! I told the HC about it today, and she didn't know it either (I'm sure she checked it out just to see if I was right). I LOVE that they added a bonus for doing that vault. Can you tell I'm happy?