I never implied that "trust" happen blindly or in a vacuum.
Nor did I ever say don't ask questions. In fact I did say ask.
But the first place to ask why your coach or gym does something, would be to ask the gym/coach that you are at. Is it nice to know/learn things? Yep that is why I am here.
And it is especially nice when something is validated by multiple coaches. Helps build trust
I did however make a leap, in that at L8, the parent is not new to gymnastics. JMO but my kid is only finishing up L5, starting 6 in a few weeks but uptrains a lot of higher skills. Even at this point but certainly as she heads to L8 if I didn't trust her coaches we would be somewhere where I did.
And I am sure there are reasons and plans by the coaches and gyms. But the best place to find out what the reason and plan is at your gym, is to ask your gym. I am sure there are many ways and paths to get the kids ahead but the only ones who know what that plan is at a particular gym are the coaches at the gym. Just ask.
Again, folks were referencing a bunch of parents sitting around practice wonder the why of how things were being done at the gym.
Also I think as parents we wonder why things appear to take longer then we think to happen. The coaches have BTDT, what appears to be taking long to us, is business as usual to them.
The kip comes to mind. When..... when.... when.... now its all kips all the time. Coahes know that......... so when they say don't worry it will come. We as parents want a nice tidy timeline. But there isn't one.
Back a few years when I was a new gym parent (pre L4 for our kids) we were heading into our optional IGC season. Our kids weren't going to the high bar. They were just coming off L3, they could go to the high bar but weren't. So we had the stresssing, speculating parent conversations in the waiting room. Lots of whispering, complaining. I spent a few days caught up in it. Then I asked, coach says, yep they can go to the high bar and they won't score as well as staying on the low bar. Its optional, we want them to do what they do well. This season is about them learning to pick what they do well. And you know what, they had a very successful optional IGC season. And when they started L4 they were ready and have been on the high bar ever since. So a bunch of parents were stressing in the waiting room over what amounted to 12 weeks. And didn't ask. That is what I mean by trust. There was/is a plan for the girls at our gym. There wasn't a need to stress it in the waiting room. We just needed to ask.
JMO The best place to ask why a certain gym does something is to ask that gym. Asking is others is great and yes you learn a lot. But if you want to know the whys of your gym, ask your gym.
Learned a bunch about tsuks and yurchenkos here. Our gym trains tsuks first. Don't know why but I am sure they have their reasons.