WAG Two weeks off

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We used to get given 2 weeks off in mid August but now we are at a higher level we train through the summer but get 2 weeks of at Christmas. So higher levels get 2 weeks lower levels get 4 weeks. The only problem we find is making up sessions as the higher level gymnasts have to make up any hours they miss and our summer schedule is crazy. I train 20 hours a week in the summer and 16 hours normally. I've been making up the 2 weeks over the summer I'm missing for a month now.
I'm not a huge fan of breaks but I don't mind it too much if a kid needs some time off.

Actually you don't really lose muscle within 3 days. It takes much longer and depends on activity. What you do lose is Neural Strength and CentralNervousSystem adaptation. Your CNS gets detuned. Basically you get rusty and things don't fire as quickly or as well.

You also may get tight a bit. However time off can be good for kids if they are fighting burn out or wear and tear.

For instance, in May of last year I had just hit a Front Squat of 300lbs. I didn't really lift for the rest of May and June until mid July ( and the gym didn't have a squat rack so that meant no real squat work besides something I could pick up [maybe 185lbs]). At the end of August, I got back into the gym after moving and I think my Front Squat was around 245-255 lbs. So roughly less than 10%/month.

I lost about 30lbs on my Clean and Jerk in all that time, roughly less than 20% in 3 months from doing the lifts in early May till early August. Pretty congruent with the loss in leg strength. I actually asked a lot of coaches about how much strength I probably lost and how much time it would take to get back.

Note, that I was still pretty active from May to mid July spotting our girls in the gym and doing some bodyweight work around the gym or at home and some jogging. Maybe 65lb DB squats at home or doing single leg squats, tumbling and broad jumps. From mid July to August I did CrossFit starting my Olympic Lifting in early August.

Before I left Sac in April, I got back to Front Squatting 300 ( had a quad injury in September besides getting sick in winter a bit ). So while that was 6 months, I was told it would be about 3-4 before I got back to my strength levels that I lost. It might have been two if I hadn't have sprained my wrists and got the quad tear.
20 hours a week for new level 3? No wonder she has some higher skills. She needs a break. That is a huge amount of hours for the skills in level 3 IMHO. Enjoy the holiday.

Ditto what Jenny said. That's a crazy number of hours at that level. Let her take a break!!

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