UGH!!! this is long a huge VENT and my DD is upset

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I think you're doing a great job of keeping everything in perspective and just taking it one gym at a time for tryouts. I agree with others that once you and dd have narrowed down the choices it would be good for her to spend a few practices in the potential gyms to really solidify your decision. If she misses practice at the soon to be old gym, so what. Its clear from what they've said they didn't want her there anyway. I certainly would pull her for sure if they start being nasty or make comments about her leaving.

GL and keep us updated!
Cher -

I am a big one for fate and things just meant to be. I also believe big in first impressions. I think your experience at the first try-out hits both of those. As I said in my first response to you, sometimes things are just meant to happen for a reason. When something just clicks, you know it; that what sounds like happened here. The rest of the try-outs could also be as rewarding. Best of luck to your dd; she needs to know that her abilities have been validated and the old gym had another agenda and she didn't fit into it. She didn't do anything wrong; they wronged her and it is proven by this first try-out.

Good Luck.
WOW!!! Awesome news on the 1st gym try-out!! I am so happy that you found a great fit right away. Now at least you know that you have a great choice no matter how the other gym tryouts go. I am so glad you got out of the old gym--they were stifling her as a gymnast and a person. Keep us updated on the other try-outs!!
I can't believe the old gym is still mssing with us!! After they uninvited DD off the team. I sent a request to get the Assessment fees (used to pay for coaches fee for meets and meets) and to get the registration fee I just paid at the end of May back.

They were more than happy to send the assessment fee but NO to the registration fee. I told them again we were told she would be a L7 that was the only reason we paid the fee and they threw back at me that the annual registaration fee is non refundable. I just sent back a note that in a nice way says we would have paid if the coaches had been honest with us Heck it was only 10 days later that they dumped her they knew when they took our money they werent keeping her and I felt tricked into paying the "non refundable" fee. Its not like its only $40 we pay $235 to register for the next season. UGH!!!!! I'm so done with this gym and I guess the friendship I though was there with th owners. It's so hard we've know them over 14 years we lived in the same neighborhood and have been to their house for many events, parties etc. I can't believe where we are at this point.

DD is there tonight but not the rest of the week. She is supposed to be there MWF next week but I think I'm only going to let her go on F since the team girls I know are planning a little something to say goodbye on Friday.

It is just so hurtful at this point. I can't believe they would keep that money after it was their decision to get rid of us. and then spew policy at me as to why they should keep it. If my son wasn't working there I would be heading to small claims court on this.
They are not doing themselves any favours with their bad business prcatices. It is hard for people to say good things about them when they do this type of thing!
Cher -

At this point I would either threaten or actually file a small claims court suit for services not rendered. You paid money for services that will not be delivered and now you want your money back. Sounds simple to me. I would also point out to them that they are ruining thier reputation and that you are not obligated in any way to keep your mouth shut about the way that they have treated you. Bottom-line: if they want to play dirty, its time to throw some dirt back.

Good Luck.
I wish I could go to small claims but my son does work for him and I don't want this to affect his situation. I know at this point it could. I wish my son at this point would quit but he love being a coach and they have been nice to him. Our issues shouldn't be his but I'm not going to go after them either if its going to create friction for him.

At this point we are done with them it will be just one day more on the 25th because I know the team girls and parents are doing something special for my DD when she leaves and I think she needs to leave with that memory of her team mates caring about her rather than these fools who I could hit off the side of the head with a fry pan.
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What I'd suggest you do is tell everyone you know about the treatment you received at that gym.

I get how you don't want things to get bad for your son but like you said it wasn't 40$ it was 235$ for a season that they did not want your daughter in. I think your son would understand the situation. Maybe you should talk to him about it, if you haven't already.

Also, as you said you'd like it if your son would just quit that gym. Maybe if he knows the situation he would quit and could possibly get another job at another gym.
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What I'd suggest you do is tell everyone you know about the treatment you received at that gym.

I get how you don't want things to get bad for your son but like you said it wasn't 40$ it was 235$ for a season that they did not want your daughter in. I think your son would understand the situation. Maybe you should talk to him about it, if you haven't already.

Also, as you said you'd like it if your son would just quit that gym. Maybe if he knows the situation he would quit and could possibly get another job at another gym.

I am going to let the parents know about what is going on before we leave that's for sure. The couple that are really close to us already know what is going on and can't believe it. One of my friends is preparing for the samething to happen to her daughter before the summer is over. Her daughter had surgery in December and skillwise doesn't have 1/2 the skills my DD has and she too is taking extra time tring to get over fear issues. She only competed Vault this past season. She couldn't do floor, beam or bars becasue she didn't know her skills for those. Even now her beam and bars are a mess so that is why I know the excuses they gave me on my DD was nothing but a load of Pooh.

My son does know what is going on (not every detail as I don't think He should be brough into this foolishness) but he has to decid for himself what he is going to do or not do. He loves his boys team and the kids on his rec classes that he coaches he too has been with the gym since he was 5yo (he is now 18yo as of the end of May) So its going to be very hard for him too to leave that gym. He actually could go to aonther gym not too much further down the road. They are looking to start a boy team and expand their boys program. We know a coach there and she has suggested to the owners that My son would be a good choice. We told him he should look at it at least but he said he told our current gym already he would be back for the next year and would feel bad for going back on his word. I really don't want this issue to be a stress item for him to deal with and it really shouldn't be. Maybe when he heads off to college this fall he will have a bit too much work and give notice. We will have to wait and see on that one.
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I am going to let the parents know about what is going on before we leave that's for sure. The couple that are really close to us already know what is going on and can't believe it. One of my friends is preparing for the samething to happen to her daughter before the summer is over. Her daughter had surgery in December and skillwise doesn't have 1/2 the skills my DD has and she too is taking extra time tring to get over fear issues. She only competed Vault this past season. She couldn't do floor, beam or bars becasue she didn't know her skills for those. Even now her beam and bars are a mess so that is why I know the excuses they gave me on my DD was nothing but a load of Pooh.

My son does know what is going on (not every detail as I don't think He should be brough into this foolishness) but he has to decid for himself what he is going to do or not do. He loves his boys team and the kids on his rec classes that he coaches he too has been with the gym since he was 5yo (he is now 18yo as of the end of May) So its going to be very hard for him too to leave that gym. He actually could go to aonther gym not too much further down the road. They are looking to start a boy team and expand their boys program. We know a coach there and she has suggested to the owners that My son would be a good choice. We told him he should look at it at least but he said he told our current gym already he would be back for the next year and would feel bad for going back on his word. I really don't want this issue to be a stress item for him to deal with and it really shouldn't be. Maybe when he heads off to college this fall he will have a bit too much work and give notice. We will have to wait and see on that one.

He seems like a very honest man. I totally agree that this shouldn't stress him out. I just meant that if he knew the situation he would probably understand if you do decide to take it to small claims court and it's nice to know that there are other gyms that would take him if he decides to quit that gym. Hopefully he won't have problems though.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do about the money.
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My suggestion would be to take the high road with this gym. Even though they have shown reprehensible behavior, anything you say, especially to parents who are continuing to keep their kids there, will only be viewed as sour grapes. Your dd will undoubtedly see these coaches/teammates at future events and it will be better in the long run to leave the impression (with those not close to you) that she is going to a program that will challenge and work with her strengths. The other parents do not need to know all the ugliness... it is better if they find those details out from someone other than you....;). Good Luck!!!!!

The couple of families that are close will know what is going on as they are close friends but if I am asked questions by any of the other parents regarding my leaving I won't lie about it either or try to make it a pretty picture for those fools.
I can't believe the old gym is still mssing with us!! After they uninvited DD off the team. I sent a request to get the Assessment fees (used to pay for coaches fee for meets and meets) and to get the registration fee I just paid at the end of May back.

They were more than happy to send the assessment fee but NO to the registration fee. I told them again we were told she would be a L7 that was the only reason we paid the fee and they threw back at me that the annual registaration fee is non refundable. I just sent back a note that in a nice way says we would have paid if the coaches had been honest with us Heck it was only 10 days later that they dumped her they knew when they took our money they werent keeping her and I felt tricked into paying the "non refundable" fee. Its not like its only $40 we pay $235 to register for the next season. UGH!!!!! I'm so done with this gym and I guess the friendship I though was there with th owners. It's so hard we've know them over 14 years we lived in the same neighborhood and have been to their house for many events, parties etc. I can't believe where we are at this point.

DD is there tonight but not the rest of the week. She is supposed to be there MWF next week but I think I'm only going to let her go on F since the team girls I know are planning a little something to say goodbye on Friday.

It is just so hurtful at this point. I can't believe they would keep that money after it was their decision to get rid of us. and then spew policy at me as to why they should keep it. If my son wasn't working there I would be heading to small claims court on this.

If you paid with credit card, you can get a refund through the credit card company. I did that when the gym went out of business and we had just paid tuition. It's called "denial of service". And you don't have to mess with the gym at all. (Good reason to use credit cards as much as possible.) If you used a check you can always stop payment.

Sorry the gym was so rotten to you. We have been through something similar at our old gym and it is no fun. And it is best to take the high road.
I know the gym owners well, and I cant believe they are acting this way. They strike me as very honest people. I say you contact him directly and he should refund your $ if yfoou paid it for future training/meets that you wont be there for .
I know the gym owners well, and I cant believe they are acting this way. They strike me as very honest people. I say you contact him directly and he should refund your $ if yfoou paid it for future training/meets that you wont be there for .

I've known them for years too and I can't believe it's happening either. If you told me 2 months ago I would be in this situation I would have said you are crazy but here we are. I was told sorry we have a no refund policy no exceptions. I have aske them to please reconsider with out any response at this time. I'm hoping they change their minds.

As I have said before the owners have always been very nice to us and have been a BIG part of our children's lives. We have always considered them friends but I guess when it comes to business there are no exception to any rule regardless of how it came about.
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Cher -

At this point I would either threaten or actually file a small claims court suit for services not rendered. You paid money for services that will not be delivered and now you want your money back. Sounds simple to me. I would also point out to them that they are ruining thier reputation and that you are not obligated in any way to keep your mouth shut about the way that they have treated you. Bottom-line: if they want to play dirty, its time to throw some dirt back.

Good Luck.

whoa...slow down folks. time is money. mental health is money. gas in the tank is money. trips to court cost money. not worth it.

and if it is published that these fees are not refundable you lose.

bad business practices and what you might say about those to just 3 people will come back around and bite them in the %^&.

take a deep breath, smile, and move on.:)
I agree. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and let karma do its thing. Karma always wins out in the end.
Every policy a company puts out there doesn't mean it is enforcable by law. Every situation could void that policy and this one does as I paid for a program and now am being denied access to the program I paid for. No service/goods = you can't keep the money for that good or service. It is a breach in the agreed contract. They said for this money we would get this specific service (and yes they do specify the level and program on the registration form that the fee pays for)they didn't deliver that program and in fact aren't allowing us to even access it.

I called the bank yesterday to see if we could get a revesal of payment. they took my story down and said if we registered for a specific program and now the gym isn't allowing us to participate in the program then the company is requried to give us a refund regardless of the no-refund policy. I was told that a no refund policy would only apply if they said we could do the program we registered for and we chose to leave the program. Where they basicly are refusing to allow us to participate in the program we registered for they can't keep registration money for that program. Offering a different program doesn't apply because it is a different program and not what we registered for.

So the payment is in bank mediation at this time. Now they will send a form to the gym to fill out to give their story and why they think they can keep the money and the bank will decide what will happen from here, but I have been told that if they don't give the program we registered for they can't say non-refundable. It will take about 3 - 4 weeks to complete the process and I will get a letter in the mail letting me know the outcome.

I've been unemployeed for over a year now and hubby had a 30K pay cut last year so that money really is a big chunk of income we really could use. I will take the time to do what I need to get that refund. I spoke with my son too to let him know that if the gym goes after him in any way with this I want to know.
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Every policy a company puts out there doesn't mean it is enforcable by law. Every situation could void that policy and this one does as I paid for a program and now am being denied access to the program I paid for. No service/goods = you can't keep the money for that good or service. It is a breach in the agreed contract. They said for this money we would get this specific service (and yes they do specify the level and program on the registration form that the fee pays for)they didn't deliver that program and in fact aren't allowing us to even access it.

I called the bank yesterday to see if we could get a revesal of payment. they took my story down and said if we registered for a specific program and now the gym isn't allowing us to participate in the program then the company is requried to give us a refund regardless of the no-refund policy. I was told that a no refund policy would only apply if they said we could do the program we registered for and we chose to leave the program. Where they basicly are refusing to allow us to participate in the program we registered for they can't keep registration money for that program. Offering a different program doesn't apply because it is a different program and not what we registered for.

So the payment is in bank mediation at this time. Now they will send a form to the gym to fill out to give their story and why they think they can keep the money and the bank will decide what will happen from here, but I have been told that if they don't give the program we registered for they can't say non-refundable. It will take about 3 - 4 weeks to complete the process and I will get a letter in the mail letting me know the outcome.

I've been unemployeed for over a year now and hubby had a 30K pay cut last year so that money really is a big chunk of income we really could use. I will take the time to do what I need to get that refund. I spoke with my son too to let him know that if the gym goes after him in any way with this I want to know.

Good for you!! I hope it turns out well.

If your daughter goes to the gym until the 25th does that count as giving part of the service and then you leaving? You might want to look out for that. The fee that you paid is for when?
Cher -

Good for you for fighting this.

Too many times we let bad business practices go unpunished; this is a case where that business owner needs to be held accountable. We are not talking about pocket change here; this is a significant sum. If we all just let these kind of people walk all over us and just "move on" these practices will become common place.

Hang in there as things will get better.

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