WAG Update on Canada situation

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Jul 19, 2012
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Some of you might remember that about 8ish months ago I posted a thred about a possible move to Canada and how gymnastics would differ.

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My husband was given a year to consider and accept the job since the boss realized a move to a different country is not so easy. And after lots of thought and how well things are going with dds at gym, especially dd1's new coach, it made it even harder. So my husband has decided to take another job that is a 45 min drive from home instead. It's still a great job and we are doing great with the decision.

Hey at-least there will be no confusion with the levels there! I can barely keep JO straight and that's only levels 1-10! Can you imagine how I would do!? I don't understand how you guys keep it so straight! lol

Anyway, just an update I guess...

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