:ditto: me too! I tell my dd the only score she should worry about is her own, it's the only one she has any control over and after she competes it's all in the judges hands. All the parents here cheer for the others, even girls on other teams.
Interesting story here. Our gym put on our first meet and a team came (we'll call it team S) Some of our parents who were at the session noticed that team S's HC chewed out his girls after a rotation which really upset them and team S's gymnasts, he was so out of line it even ticked off our meet director who contemplated showing the HC the door. He didnt but the our parents went out of their way to cheer on team S's girls and tell them they did a great job. One of the parents smiled so big when she heard our parents cheering on her dd who just gotten a verbal backlash from their HC. Its not even like the girl had done bad either. There are great parents out there too you just have to watch and see them. :hug:
How upsetting! I also cheer for other girls with the mean parents. There are so many in our gym. This one girl fell off beam at a level 5 meet, and her mom was sitting there just glaring at her daughter. The daughter caught her glare and started crying. They asked her what is wrong and she lied and said "I fell off the beam." What was really making her cry was her mom. That really ticked me off. And on every other event, me and the nicer moms cheered for that girl as we would cheer for our own daughters. Every time we did, the mom would shift around or glare at us back.
Ugh, some moms just don't get it