WAG USAG Level 8 Bars requirement questions

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Tyler Smith

Jun 4, 2017
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Hello Everyone

I am coaching all of the upper levels at my gym this year. I had a question about the USAG level 8 bars routine (and requirements). I understand all of the requirements, but:

1) The routine requires 4 'A' and 4 'B' skills. Can we replace an 'A' skill with a 'B' skill? (so have 5 B skills and 4 A skills)

2) Is an in bar skill required? Such as a toe on-toe off, free hip to HS?

Moved to WAG. It would work in coaches forum too but many of our parents are knowledgeable about requirements.
For 2. Yes. A circling Skill from (i think) group 3,6 or 7 is required. These are clear hips, toe-ons and stalders
If you have extra Bs in the routine they will cover your A requirements.
You need a circling skill which could be a clear hip, stalder, or toe shoot (or a variation of any of these).
If you have extra Bs in the routine they will cover your A requirements.
You need a circling skill which could be a clear hip, stalder, or toe shoot (or a variation of any of these).

So, if I had my gymnast do a sole circle to a stand, then jump to the big bar, would that count as a variation?
For 2. Yes. A circling Skill from (i think) group 3,6 or 7 is required. These are clear hips, toe-ons and stalders
Yes! So my gymnast has a back giant, blind, front giant, pirouette. These cover the circling skills and 1/2 turn in the routine. Does she still need a sole circle to a stand or anything on the low bar?
Yes! So my gymnast has a back giant, blind, front giant, pirouette. These cover the circling skills and 1/2 turn in the routine. Does she still need a sole circle to a stand or anything on the low bar?

The only circling elements I've seen (and I'm no expert, by far) is free hip to handstand, toe on to handstand or stalder to handstand. Not sure if others are an option or not.

This was my daughter's routine as an 8...

Sole circle to stand won't cover the group 3/6/7 circling requirement, the skill needs to finish in handstand or clear support. It can be done on either low or high bar.
Yes! So my gymnast has a back giant, blind, front giant, pirouette. These cover the circling skills and 1/2 turn in the routine. Does she still need a sole circle to a stand or anything on the low bar?
Sorry just read this part. Having a level 8 do a blind and a front giant will incur a difficulty restriction deduction of 0.5. Level 8's can only do one C skill(other than clear hip/stalder/toe-on to handstand or pirouette from cast handstand, which are specifically allowed).
The only circling elements I've seen (and I'm no expert, by far) is free hip to handstand, toe on to handstand or stalder to handstand. Not sure if others are an option or not.

This was my daughter's routine as an 8...

Perfect, the videos were great examples.
My gymnast has a beautiful blind and pirouette, so I didn't know if we could use that in the routine at all (since a giant is a circling skill, and they need a 1/2 turn). We may need to save it for another year
Sorry just read this part. Having a level 8 do a blind and a front giant will incur a difficulty restriction deduction of 0.5. Level 8's can only do one C skill(other than clear hip/stalder/toe-on to handstand or pirouette from cast handstand, which are specifically allowed).

Ah! Thank you! This is the tid-bit I was looking for!

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