Parents Very first gym meet ever this weekend

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I also get really nervous on the first meet. After that not as much. Just try to have fun. Cheer for everyone and tell DD have FUN! And point out what she did great on.
Let us know how is goes.
The meet was really fun!! The girls were all so cute, and it was a huge group of them competing. DD actually placed first in the all-around for her age group! She was second on bars, and third on beam and floor. We were all beyond happy and surprised since we have heard so much about DD needing better form. Maybe this will motivate her to work hard at practice. We couldn't have asked for better!
DD is excited and NOT nervous, but I am! Gah! It seems like a lot of pressure!! Any tips to talk ME down from this anxiety? Lol! DD is like, "I've got this."
The old level 4 was the most fun we had watching gymnastics. There wasn't a ton of pressure and the risk of injury was minimal. Fast forward now to Optionals with some serious release moves on bars and holding my breath watching beam I find it hard to watch some times. Enjoy it!!! You'll blink and next thing your DD will be an optional gymnastic with ice packs wrapped in her knees and tape on the ankles.
The old level 4 was the most fun we had watching gymnastics. There wasn't a ton of pressure and the risk of injury was minimal. Fast forward now to Optionals with some serious release moves on bars and holding my breath watching beam I find it hard to watch some times. Enjoy it!!! You'll blink and next thing your DD will be an optional gymnastic with ice packs wrapped in her knees and tape on the ankles.

She might make it! I don't know if I will though! Lol!
You will make it. We had a thread a while ago about boiling the frog. It happens so gradually that suddenly she is practicing 20 plus hours a week and flipping all over the place. The thread is a good read if you have time.
Enjoy your first meet!!!

You probably won't agree with this tip but I didn't/don't film or take pictures during DD's competition just so I can be in the moment.

Just think of it as a day for her to get used to all the busyness, craziness, noise of a meet (and you too!).

Have fun :)

I try to take pictures during warmups and then watch during the actual competition. I don't want to miss it!
I was too nervous to take any pictures after warm-up! DH filmed her routines though. Whoever gave the advice about not keeping track of everyone's scores, thanks! I didn't, and it was all the more exciting when we found out where she had placed during awards. There were parents all around us with the programs writing down all of the scores. That would have stressed me out more! I have a whole month to wait before stressing out over the second meet. Can't wait! :)

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