Parents WE have a flyaway:) Yes.....and Back Walkover Beam is closer than ever.....

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Tonight's Practice was awesome.... Emily started on Bars tonight and was doing flyaway drills on the pit bar and then Emily did a flyaway into the pit landing on a mat instead of the blue pit foam. First time, I didn't think she would let go but she did just a bit late so she landed touching her hands... A few flyaways later she was letting go earlier and over rotating a bit and then finally she lands one and sticks it... It looked awesome.. Then the coach has her go over to the bars and spots her and she is letting go way to early so after three of them... He has her go back to the pit bar to do them again so she is watching her toes and letting go a bit later. By this time... Some of the other girls who are working flyaways have moved the mats out of the pit so they were landing them in the pit now again instead of on a mat. She does a few more and lets go a bit later and they looked good. Two flyaways later, bars is over....Then the best thing happened later...
Emily got the chance to go back to bars after vault with another teammate to try her flyaway by herself on the real unevens and she did it 3 times which she had to do to pAss the skill test;) OH and wait there is more....
We had a break through!!!!!!
Progress on beam too!!!!
First time on high beam, she did her back walkover with a small stack of Mats for the fear factor but she went for them and managed to stick 3 of them
Got a big hand of applause from all her teammates;);)
I so proud of you Emily!!!!!!!!!! This has been the best practice you have had on a long long time!!!!
Yay Emily!!!! Isn't it lovely that she is pulling herself through the fear. That flyaway is a huge skill for most girls, she msut be so proud, tell her she rocks!!!
Congratulations Emily!!! I replied on you FB, but this deserves a mention here too!

Conquering a fear is HUGE!! It really shows her mental toughness, and bodes well for her future in gymnastics! She must be so pumped!!!
WAY TO GO EMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As a mom to a gymmie that is struggling with getting that darn BWO to the high beam, I know what you have been feeling. Here's hoping Emily has a great level 6 season.

Woohoo!! Congratulations to Emily! That is awesome news. It is so great when they have a good gym day and get those skills.

Congrats Emily! That flyaway is such a big skill to get. Way to go on such an awesome practice!
What an awesome practice she had! WTG Emily!

Olivia is at the same point. She has her fly-away but has been struggling with that dreaded back walk-over. She's been getting so upset because she's one of the last ones to get it. Well, Wednesday night at practice she did one on the high beam with no spot, no mats! :) Of course, this is after doing about 25 of them on lower beams (progressively getting higher) until finally getting to the high beam. Some tears were shed but it's all in the name of progress. I just hope it continues, without the tears!
Woooohooo Emily!!! You go girl. We know you are going to do great at L6 this year. Keep it up! :D
WOW! Great job! That Level 6 meet will be a piece of cake for her!

Isn't it great when they have breakthroughs! It makes the bad days so worth while.
Thank you everyone:) Emily is very proud and hopefully now we can just get all the connections and nail down that back walkover. She is going to a level 6 floor clinic tomorrow morning with her coach. Time to work out the fine tuning of the routine:) Our first meet is 3 week ends away... yikes... way soon....
Congrats to Emily on the flyaway! Here's hoping everything else will fall into place.

Our 1st meet is in 2 weeks and Little Monkey is still working through her squat on woes - for Level 6 they HAVE to move the bars out so that she can do the proper tap swings and she's been stressing over that. She had a private today and of course she CAN do it, but with coach standing under her and the big fat mat under the bar! Once he pulls the mat away, she flips out! UGH!!!
Go Little Monkey... You can do it... I know you can.
Both our girls have the fear monster in them and I know they will both overcome it.
excellent news. These are very difficult skills. Emily must be so excited and proud of herself. She will be ready to rock in a few weeks for her first meet.
Tell her good luck from us.

GREAT progress! I was thinking of your DD today. At our meet in our session there were level 5's and 6's. So funny I am used to huge L4 sessions and now the sessions are shared with L6's, but anyway my husband was asking about the bars routine for L5 (because he hasn't seen one yet) and I pointed over to bars for him to watch. Well it was the L6 bars and he saw the flyaway and I thought he was going to pass out right in his chair! I had to tell him sorry, wrong level, his DD's routine was much easier, LOL! Watching the 6's though, yikes, just a lot of new skills to get thru. Many had problems on the beam with that BWO. Oh, and parents are a lot noisier at the L 5/6 meets too. I am used to the quietness of L4. There was lots of shouting by parents, teamates, ect...guess they get used to that too, huh?

Your DD will be fine, she seems like she is really getting thru these last couple things quickly now. Practice makes perfect and good practices are real confidence boosters! WTG Emily!
Yes Blackie... Competition starts to become a lot fiercer in level 5 and 6. Parents really get into it.
Level 6 bars is a big jump from 5 even and beam... well it isn't just the back walkover that causes havoc.. the full turn and the dismount just became easy falls for any gymnast. You can watch elite gymnasts flip all over the beam without a single wobble and then fall on something like a full turn.
I am so glad your dd had a great meet and Thank you for thinking about Emily:)
Yes Blackie... Competition starts to become a lot fiercer in level 5 and 6. Parents really get into it.
Level 6 bars is a big jump from 5 even and beam... well it isn't just the back walkover that causes havoc.. the full turn and the dismount just became easy falls for any gymnast. You can watch elite gymnasts flip all over the beam without a single wobble and then fall on something like a full turn.
I am so glad your dd had a great meet and Thank you for thinking about Emily:)

Ditto this! Not only is it a big jump in bar skills (my oldest had trouble with the clear hip which LM seems to fly over), the cast has to be higher, the swings have to be higher, and the flyaway of course. The thing that got LM is that they open up the bars even wider now because of the full swings, that's what freaked her out. She was thinking that b/c she was practicing wit the L7's that was why the bars were open so far, but it wasn't, it's because SHE needs them that way!!!

I have not seen LM on beam in a while but she says she has nailed the BWO & full turn = we shall see! Big DD has fallen more than once doing a FT!

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