Parents Weekend Meet Report

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We are back from an exciting weekend - DD2 competed on Saturday at 8am and DD1 at 5pm on Sunday so we stayed in town the whole weekend and spent time hanging out with friends.

DD2 kept us guessing the whole week whether she was going to be able to compete bars or not - her first meet she had to scratch because of fear/skill issues. Warm-up went ok, she made one giant out of 5 attempts and then got up there and just did it!~!:) She was so excited and managed to score a 9.3!! A huge relief for everyone concerned!

Next up was beam, she did a good routine and then fell on her full turn, 8.85 - 7th place, Floor went very well 9.625 - 1st place and Vault 9.1 - 3rd place - All Around 36.875 - 2nd place.

DD1 had a good meet too, Vault - 9.175 - 1st place, Bars 8.9 - 2nd place, Beam 8.95 1st place - Floor 8.425 - All Around 35.45 - 2nd place:):)

We got to meet up with a Chalk Bucket parent !! We met "dadingym" aka Jen and her cute little baby, it was good to put a face to a name.

I have got two worn out girls on my hands today, those 5pm on a Sunday sessions are not for the faint hearted!:cool: Will post videos later today!
Congratulations on two great AA scores. Good for DD 2 for nailing thoise bars when she needed to, great score.

Hope you recover form your meet weekend. It would be lovely to only compete at 1pm on a Saturday.
WOW - Great job dd's 1&2:D! I bet those Sunday pm meets are tought to recoup from! We haven't had any of those (ok by me:rolleyes:). That is awesome to have both dd's have a great meet at the same time! Then you don't have to worry about one being on cloud nine and the other down in the dumps. You can celebrate with both of them:)!
Glad to hear dd's had such great meets! They must be thrilled! I wish I could say the same! :(

Our gym hosted a meet this weekend. With this comes a major time commitment from all the families. So everyone was tired by Sunday afternoon. On top of that, dd's team missed out on 2 full practices. They competed yesterday evening, too, at 5:00.

DD started out on bars. Scored an 8.4, up from a 7.825 at the last meet so she was thrilled.

On to beam, her favorite event which she took 1st place on at the last meet. Well, I could tell she was a bit nervous and tentative, especially when she realized that one of our gym's coaches was judging it!! :eek: She had a beautiful routine except for her handstand wasn't completely vertical and she fell on her cartwheel ~ scored an 8.45.

Floor ~ 8.15. Didn't really see any major problems other than her 2 BHS's weren't exactly very pretty. The floor judge just was just not giving out any decent scores. I think 1st place was only a 9.3.

Vault ~ 7.65. Ugh is all I have to say. I think our whole team has caught some kind of fear bug of the vault table. Our best vaulter only scored an 8.7.

Anyway, wasn't her best meet, 21st out of 34 girls. The age range was 6-8 so that's a tough group to begin with. She shed a few tears at not getting a medal but I told her that there were about 20 other girls feeling about as badly as she did. On to the next meet!
Wow! Congratulations to both girls! Those are fantastic scores:)

I have to admit, I'm always jealous when I hear about the chalk bucket *meet-ups*, being in Ontario seems to impede my progress. I'm glad you had a good weekend!

Canadian gym mom
Glad to hear dd's had such great meets! They must be thrilled! I wish I could say the same! :(

Our gym hosted a meet this weekend. With this comes a major time commitment from all the families. So everyone was tired by Sunday afternoon. On top of that, dd's team missed out on 2 full practices. They competed yesterday evening, too, at 5:00.

DD started out on bars. Scored an 8.4, up from a 7.825 at the last meet so she was thrilled.

On to beam, her favorite event which she took 1st place on at the last meet. Well, I could tell she was a bit nervous and tentative, especially when she realized that one of our gym's coaches was judging it!! :eek: She had a beautiful routine except for her handstand wasn't completely vertical and she fell on her cartwheel ~ scored an 8.45.

Floor ~ 8.15. Didn't really see any major problems other than her 2 BHS's weren't exactly very pretty. The floor judge just was just not giving out any decent scores. I think 1st place was only a 9.3.

Vault ~ 7.65. Ugh is all I have to say. I think our whole team has caught some kind of fear bug of the vault table. Our best vaulter only scored an 8.7.

Anyway, wasn't her best meet, 21st out of 34 girls. The age range was 6-8 so that's a tough group to begin with. She shed a few tears at not getting a medal but I told her that there were about 20 other girls feeling about as badly as she did. On to the next meet!

Those late sessions on a Sunday are tough, great improvement on bars and the rest will come!:D
It was so nice to meet you! Your daughter did just AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for how she rocked those bars.
Can't wait to see the videos! Pixie and I love watching them all!!
Have your gymmies recouped, yet? lol! Bless their hearts!
Great job!!!!!! Congrats on the giants!!! Awesome score!!! She is doing great!!! Can't wait to see the video!!!
YAHOO for both girls! What a great report for both of them, both got 2nd AA - that is fantastic....

That floor score for dd2 and her bars are SO good!

Isn't fun to meet fellow chalkbucketer's.... :p

Can't wait for vids...
Wow! They rocked!! And wow on that keeping you on pins and needles all week with bars and then pulling out a 9.3!

Glad they had such awesome meets! :)
It was so nice to meet you! Your daughter did just AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for how she rocked those bars.

It was great to meet you too! What can I say about your girl, she just rocked the meet! I am sure we will see you again sometime!!;)

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